Commit 060dc308 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

ported camsync393.v from camsync.v that sends/receives timestamp over the sync cable

parent 01fb6fa4
* Module: camsync393
* Date:2015-07-03
* Author: andrey
* Description: Synchronization between cameras using GPIO lines:
* - triggering from selected line(s) with filter;
* - programmable delay to actual trigger (in pixel clock periods)
* - Generating trigger output to selected GPIO line (and polarity)
* or directly to the input delay generator (see bove)
* - single/repetitive output with specified period in pixel clocks
* Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Elphel, Inc
* jp_channel.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* jp_channel.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
// TODO: make a separate clock for transmission (program counters too?) and/or for the period timer?
// TODO: change timestamp to serial message
// TODO: see what depends on pclk and if can be made independent of the sensor clock.
module camsync393 #(
parameter CAMSYNC_ADDR = 'h160, //TODO: assign valid adderss
parameter CAMSYNC_MASK = 'h3f8,
parameter CAMSYNC_MODE = 'h0,
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIG_SRC = 'h4, // setup trigger source
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIG_DELAY = 'h5, // setup input trigger delay
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIG_DST = 'h6, // setup trigger destination line(s)
parameter CAMSYNC_TRIG_PERIOD = 'h7, // setup output trigger period
parameter CAMSYNC_SNDEN_BIT = 'h1, // enable writing ts_snd_en
parameter CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT = 'h3, // enable writing ts_external
parameter CAMSYNC_PRE_MAGIC = 6'b110100,
parameter CAMSYNC_POST_MAGIC = 6'b001101
input rst, // global reset
input mclk, // @posedge (was negedge) AF2015: check external inversion - make it @posedge mclk
input [7:0] cmd_ad, // byte-serial command address/data (up to 6 bytes: AL-AH-D0-D1-D2-D3
input cmd_stb, // strobe (with first byte) for the command a/d
// 0 - mode: [1:0] +2 - reset ts_snd_en, +3 - set ts_snd_en - enable sending timestamp over sync line
// [3:2] +8 - reset ts_external, +'hc - set ts_external:
// 1 - use external timestamp, if available. 0 - always use local ts
// 4 - source of trigger (10 bit pairs, LSB - level to trigger, MSB - use this bit). All 0 - internal trigger
// in internal mode output has variable delay from the internal trigger (relative to sensor trigger)
// 5 - input trigger delay (pixel clocks) (NOTE: 0 - trigger disabled - WRONG)
// 6 - 10 bit pairs: MSB - enable selected line, LSB - level to send when trigger active
// bit 25==1 some of the bits use test mode signals:
// 7 - output trigger period (duration constant of 256 pixel clocks).
// d==0 - disable (stop periodic mode)
// d==1 - single trigger
// d==2..255 - set output pulse / input-output serial bit duration (no start generated)
// 256>=d - repetitive trigger
input pclk, // pixel clock (global)
input triggered_mode, // use triggered mode (0 - sensor is free-running)
input trigrst, // single-clock start of frame input (resets trigger output) posedge
input [9:0] gpio_in, // 12-bit input from GPIO pins -> 10 bit
output [9:0] gpio_out,// 12-bit output to GPIO pins
output reg [9:0] gpio_out_en,// 12-bit output enable to GPIO pins
output trigger1, // 1 cycle-long trigger output
output trigger, // active high trigger to the sensor (reset by vacts)
output reg overdue, // prevents lock-up when no vact was detected during one period and trigger was toggled
// TODO: change to control bit fields
// input ts_snd_en, // enable sending timestamp over sync line
// input ts_external, // 1 - use external timestamp, if available. 0 - always use local ts
// getting timestamp from rtc module, all @posedge mclk (from timestmp_snapshot)
// this timestmp is used either to send local timestamp for synchronization, or
// to acquire local timestamp of sync pulse for logging
output ts_snap_mclk, // make a timestamp pulse single @(posedge pclk)
// timestamp should be valid in <16 pclk cycles
input ts_snd_stb, // 1 clk before ts_snd_data is valid
input [7:0] ts_snd_data, // byte-wide serialized timestamp message
// TODO: remove next 2
// input [31:0] ts_snd_sec, // [31:0] timestamp seconds to be sent over the sync line
// input [19:0] ts_snd_usec, // [19:0] timestamp microseconds to be sent over the sync line
//ts_rcv_*sec (@mclk) goes to the following receivers:
//ts_sync_*sec (synchronized to sensor clock) -> timestamp353
//ts_sync_*sec (synchronized to sensor clock) -> compressor
//ts_sync_*sec (synchronized to sensor clock) -> imu_logger
output ts_rcv_stb, // 1 clock before ts_rcv_data is valid
output [7:0] ts_rcv_data // byte-wide serialized timestamp message received or local
// TODO: remove next 3
// output reg [31:0] ts_rcv_sec, // [31:0] timestamp seconds received over the sync line
// output reg [19:0] ts_rcv_usec,// [19:0] timestamp microseconds received over the sync line
// output ts_stb); // strobe when received timestamp is valid
// TODO: change to control bit fields
reg ts_snd_en; // enable sending timestamp over sync line
reg ts_external; // 1 - use external timestamp, if available. 0 - always use local ts
// TODO: remove next 2
wire [31:0] ts_snd_sec; // [31:0] timestamp seconds to be sent over the sync line
wire [19:0] ts_snd_usec; // [19:0] timestamp microseconds to be sent over the sync line
reg [31:0] ts_rcv_sec; // [31:0] timestamp seconds received over the sync line
reg [19:0] ts_rcv_usec;// [19:0] timestamp microseconds received over the sync line
wire ts_stb; // strobe when received timestamp is valid
wire [2:0] cmd_a; // command address
wire [31:0] cmd_data; // command data TODO: trim
wire cmd_we; // command write enable
wire set_mode_reg_w;
wire set_trig_src_w;
wire set_trig_delay_w;
wire set_trig_dst_w;
wire set_trig_period_w;
wire [9:0] pre_input_use;
wire [9:0] pre_input_pattern;
// delaying everything by 1 clock to reduce data fan in
reg high_zero; // 24 MSBs are zero
reg [9:0] input_use; // 1 - use this bit
reg [9:0] input_pattern; // data to be compared for trigger event to take place
reg pre_input_use_intern;// @(posedge mclk) Use internal trigger generator, 0 - use external trigger (also switches delay from input to output)
reg input_use_intern;// @(posedge clk)
reg [31:0] input_dly; // delay value for the trigger
reg [9:0] gpio_active; // output levels on the selected GPIO lines during output pulse (will be negated when inactive)
reg testmode; // drive some internal signals to GPIO bits
reg outsync; // during output active
reg out_data; // output data (modulated with timestamp if enabled)
reg [31:0] repeat_period; // restart period in repetitive mode
reg start,start_d; // start single/repetitive output pulse(s)
reg rep_en; // enable repetitive mode
reg start_en;
wire start_to_pclk;
reg [2:0] start_pclk; // start and restart
reg [31:0] restart_cntr; // restart period counter
reg [1:0] restart_cntr_run; // restart counter running
wire restart; // restart out sync
reg trigger_condition; // GPIO input trigger condition met
reg trigger_condition_d; // GPIO input trigger condition met, delayed (for edge detection)
reg trigger_condition_filtered; // trigger condition filtered
reg [6:0] trigger_filter_cntr;
reg trigger1_r;
// wire trigger1_dly16; // trigger1 delayed by 16 clk cycles to get local timestamp
reg trigger_r=0; // for happy simulator
reg start_dly; // start delay (external input filtered or from internal single/rep)
reg [31:0] dly_cntr; // trigger delay counter
reg dly_cntr_run=0; // trigger delay counter running (to use FD for simulation)
reg dly_cntr_run_d=0; // trigger delay counter running - delayed by 1
wire pre_start_out_pulse;
reg start_out_pulse; /// start generation of output pulse. In internal trigger mode uses delay counter, in external - no delay
reg [31:0] pre_period;
reg [ 7:0] bit_length='hff; /// Output pulse duration or bit duration in timestamp mode
/// input will be filtered with (bit_length>>2) duration
wire [ 7:0] bit_length_plus1; // bit_length+1
reg [ 7:0] bit_length_short; /// 3/4 bit duration, delay for input strobe from the leading edge.
wire pre_start0;
reg start0;
wire pre_set_bit;
reg set_bit;
wire pre_set_period;
reg set_period;
wire start_late ;// delayed start to wait for time stamp to be available
reg [31:0] sr_snd_first;
reg [31:0] sr_snd_second;
reg [31:0] sr_rcv_first;
reg [31:0] sr_rcv_second;
reg [ 7:0] bit_snd_duration;
reg [ 5:0] bit_snd_counter;
reg [ 7:0] bit_rcv_duration;
reg bit_rcv_duration_zero; // to make it faster, duration always >=2
reg [ 6:0] bit_rcv_counter; // includes "deaf" period ater receving
reg bit_snd_duration_zero; //
reg ts_snd_en_pclk;
reg rcv_run_or_deaf; // counters active
wire rcv_run; // receive in progress, will always last for 64 bit_length+1 intervals before ready for the new input pulse
reg rcv_run_d;
reg rcv_done_rq; // request to copy time stamp (if it is not ready yet)
reg rcv_done_rq_d;
reg rcv_done; // rcv_run ended, copy timestamp if requested
wire rcv_done_mclk; // rcv_done re-clocked @mclk
wire pre_rcv_error; // pre/post magic does not match, set ts to all ff-s
reg rcv_error;
reg ts_external_pclk; // 1 - use external timestamp (combines ts_external and input_use_intern)
reg triggered_mode_pclk;
// reg ts_stb_r; // strobe when received timestamp is valid (single mclk cycle)
// reg ts_stb_pclk;
// reg [2:0] ts_pre_stb;
wire local_got; // received local timestamp (@ posedge mclk)
wire local_got_pclk; // local_got reclocked @pclk
reg ts_snap; // make a timestamp pulse single @(posedge pclk)
//! in testmode GPIO[9] and GPIO[8] use internal signals instead of the outsync:
//! bit 11 - same as TRIGGER output to the sensor (signal to the sensor may be disabled externally)
//! then that bit will be still from internall trigger to frame valid
//! bit 10 - dly_cntr_run (delay counter run) - active during trigger delay
assign rcv_run=rcv_run_or_deaf && bit_rcv_counter[6];
assign bit_length_plus1 [ 7:0] =bit_length[7:0]+1;
assign pre_start_out_pulse=input_use_intern?(dly_cntr_run_d && !dly_cntr_run):start_late;
assign gpio_out[7: 0] = out_data? gpio_active[7: 0]: ~gpio_active[7: 0];
assign gpio_out[8] = (testmode? dly_cntr_run: out_data)? gpio_active[8]: ~gpio_active[8];
assign gpio_out[9] = (testmode? trigger_r: out_data)? gpio_active[9]: ~gpio_active[9];
assign restart= restart_cntr_run[1] && !restart_cntr_run[0];
assign pre_set_bit= (|cmd_data[31:8]==0) && |cmd_data[7:1]; // 2..255
assign pre_start0= |cmd_data[31:0] && !pre_set_bit;
assign pre_set_period = !pre_set_bit;
assign trigger = trigger_r;
assign trigger1 = trigger1_r;
// assign ts_stb = ts_stb_r;
assign set_mode_reg_w = cmd_we && (cmd_a == CAMSYNC_MODE);
assign set_trig_src_w = cmd_we && (cmd_a == CAMSYNC_TRIG_SRC);
assign set_trig_delay_w = cmd_we && (cmd_a == CAMSYNC_TRIG_DELAY);
assign set_trig_dst_w = cmd_we && (cmd_a == CAMSYNC_TRIG_DST);
assign set_trig_period_w = cmd_we && (cmd_a == CAMSYNC_TRIG_PERIOD);
assign pre_input_use = {cmd_data[19],cmd_data[17],cmd_data[15],cmd_data[13],cmd_data[11],cmd_data[9],cmd_data[7],cmd_data[5],cmd_data[3],cmd_data[1]};
assign pre_input_pattern = {cmd_data[18],cmd_data[16],cmd_data[14],cmd_data[12],cmd_data[10],cmd_data[8],cmd_data[6],cmd_data[4],cmd_data[2],cmd_data[0]};
always @(posedge mclk) begin
if (set_mode_reg_w) begin
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_SNDEN_BIT]) ts_snd_en <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_SNDEN_BIT - 1];
if (cmd_data[CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT]) ts_external <= cmd_data[CAMSYNC_EXTERNAL_BIT - 1];
if (set_trig_src_w) begin
input_use <= pre_input_use;
input_pattern <= pre_input_pattern;
pre_input_use_intern <= (pre_input_use == 0); // use internal source for triggering
if (set_trig_delay_w) begin
input_dly[31:0] <= cmd_data[31:0];
if (set_trig_dst_w) begin
gpio_out_en[9:0] <= {cmd_data[19],cmd_data[17],cmd_data[15],cmd_data[13],cmd_data[11],cmd_data[9],cmd_data[7],cmd_data[5],cmd_data[3],cmd_data[1]};
gpio_active[9:0] <= {cmd_data[18],cmd_data[16],cmd_data[14],cmd_data[12],cmd_data[10],cmd_data[8],cmd_data[6],cmd_data[4],cmd_data[2],cmd_data[0]};
testmode <= cmd_data[24];
if (set_trig_period_w) begin
pre_period[31:0] <= cmd_data[31:0];
high_zero <= cmd_data[31:8]==24'b0;
start0 <= set_trig_period_w && pre_start0;
set_bit <= set_trig_period_w && pre_set_bit;
set_period <= set_trig_period_w && pre_set_period;
if (set_period) repeat_period[31:0] <= pre_period[31:0];
if (set_bit) bit_length[7:0] <= pre_period[ 7:0];
start <= start0;
start_d <= start;
start_en <= (repeat_period[31:0]!=0);
if (set_period) rep_en <= !high_zero;
always @ (posedge pclk) begin
ts_snap <= (start_pclk[2] && ts_snd_en_pclk) || //strobe by internal generator if output timestamp is enabled
(trigger1_r && !ts_external_pclk); // get local timestamp of trigger1_r if it is used
input_use_intern <= pre_input_use_intern;
ts_external_pclk<= ts_external && !input_use_intern;
start_pclk[2:0] <= {(restart && rep_en) || (start_pclk[1] && !restart_cntr_run[1] && !restart_cntr_run[0] && !start_pclk[2]),
start_to_pclk && !start_pclk[0]};
restart_cntr_run[1:0] <= {restart_cntr_run[0],start_en && (start_pclk[2] || (restart_cntr_run[0] && (restart_cntr[31:2] !=0)))};
if (restart_cntr_run[0]) restart_cntr[31:0] <= restart_cntr[31:0] - 1;
else restart_cntr[31:0] <= repeat_period[31:0];
start_out_pulse <= pre_start_out_pulse;
/// Generating output pulse - 64* bit_length if timestamp is disabled or
/// 64 bits with encoded timestamp, including pre/post magic for error detectrion
outsync <= start_en && (start_out_pulse || (outsync && !((bit_snd_duration[7:0]==0) &&(bit_snd_counter[5:0]==0))));
if (!outsync || (bit_snd_duration[7:0]==0)) bit_snd_duration[7:0] <= bit_length[7:0];
else bit_snd_duration[7:0] <= bit_snd_duration[7:0] - 1;
bit_snd_duration_zero <= bit_snd_duration[7:0]==8'h1;
if (!outsync) bit_snd_counter[5:0] <=ts_snd_en_pclk?63:3; /// when no ts serial, send pulse 4 periods long (max 1024 pclk)
/// Same bit length (1/4) is used in input filter/de-glitcher
else if (bit_snd_duration[7:0]==0) bit_snd_counter[5:0] <= bit_snd_counter[5:0] -1;
if (!outsync) sr_snd_first[31:0] <= {CAMSYNC_PRE_MAGIC,ts_snd_sec[31:6]};
else if (bit_snd_duration_zero) sr_snd_first[31:0] <={sr_snd_first[30:0],sr_snd_second[31]};
if (!outsync) sr_snd_second[31:0] <= {ts_snd_sec[5:0], ts_snd_usec[19:0],CAMSYNC_POST_MAGIC};
else if (bit_snd_duration_zero) sr_snd_second[31:0] <={sr_snd_second[30:0],1'b0};
out_data <=outsync && (ts_snd_en_pclk?sr_snd_first[31]:1'b1);
always @ (posedge rst or posedge pclk) begin
if (rst) dly_cntr_run <= 0;
else dly_cntr_run <= triggered_mode && (start_dly || (dly_cntr_run && (dly_cntr[31:0]!=0)));
if (rst) trigger_r <= 0;
else trigger_r <= trigrst?1'b0:(trigger1_r ^ trigger_r);
// Detecting input sync pulse (filter - 64 pclk, pulse is 256 pclk)
// even more for simulator
// FD i_dly_cntr_run (.C(pclk),.D(triggered_mode && (start_dly || (dly_cntr_run && (dly_cntr[31:0]!=0)))),.Q(dly_cntr_run)); // for simulator to be happy
/// Now trigger1_r toggles trigger output to prevent lock-up if no vacts
/// Lock-up could take place if:
/// 1 - Sensoris in snapshot mode
/// 2 - trigger was applied before end of previous frame.
/// With implemented toggling 1 extra pulse can be missed (2 with the original missed one), but the system will not lock-up
/// if the trigger pulses continue to come.
assign pre_rcv_error= (sr_rcv_first[31:26]!=CAMSYNC_PRE_MAGIC) || (sr_rcv_second[5:0]!=CAMSYNC_POST_MAGIC);
// FD i_trigger (.C(pclk),.D(trigrst?1'b0:(trigger1_r ^ trigger)), .Q(trigger)); // for simulator to be happy
always @ (posedge pclk) begin
if (trigrst) overdue <= 1'b0;
else if (trigger1_r) overdue <= trigger;
triggered_mode_pclk<= triggered_mode;
bit_length_short[7:0] <= bit_length[7:0]-bit_length_plus1[7:2]-1; // 3/4 of the duration
trigger_condition <= (((gpio_in[9:0] ^ input_pattern[9:0]) & input_use[9:0]) == 10'b0);
trigger_condition_d <= trigger_condition;
if (!triggered_mode || (trigger_condition !=trigger_condition_d)) trigger_filter_cntr <= {1'b0,bit_length[7:2]};
else if (!trigger_filter_cntr[6]) trigger_filter_cntr<=trigger_filter_cntr-1;
if (input_use_intern) trigger_condition_filtered <= 1'b0;
else if (trigger_filter_cntr[6]) trigger_condition_filtered <= trigger_condition_d;
rcv_run_or_deaf <= start_en && (trigger_condition_filtered ||
(rcv_run_or_deaf && !(bit_rcv_duration_zero && (bit_rcv_counter[6:0]==0))));
rcv_run_d <= rcv_run;
start_dly <= input_use_intern ? (start_late && start_en) : (rcv_run && !rcv_run_d);
// simulation problems w/o "start_en &&" ?
dly_cntr_run_d <= dly_cntr_run;
if (dly_cntr_run) dly_cntr[31:0] <= dly_cntr[31:0] -1;
else dly_cntr[31:0] <= input_dly[31:0];
trigger1_r <= input_use_intern ? (start_late && start_en):(dly_cntr_run_d && !dly_cntr_run);/// bypass delay to trigger1_r in internal trigger mode
/// 64-bit serial receiver (52 bit payload, 6 pre magic and 6 bits post magic for error checking
if (!rcv_run_or_deaf) bit_rcv_duration[7:0] <= bit_length_short[7:0]; // 3/4 bit length-1
else if (bit_rcv_duration[7:0]==0) bit_rcv_duration[7:0] <= bit_length[7:0]; // bit length-1
else bit_rcv_duration[7:0] <= bit_rcv_duration[7:0]-1;
bit_rcv_duration_zero <= bit_rcv_duration[7:0]==8'h1;
if (!rcv_run_or_deaf) bit_rcv_counter[6:0] <= 127;
else if (bit_rcv_duration_zero) bit_rcv_counter[6:0] <= bit_rcv_counter[6:0] -1;
if (rcv_run && bit_rcv_duration_zero) begin
sr_rcv_first[31:0] <={sr_rcv_first[30:0],sr_rcv_second[31]};
sr_rcv_second[31:0] <={sr_rcv_second[30:0],trigger_condition_filtered};
rcv_done_rq <= start_en && ((ts_external_pclk && local_got_pclk) || (rcv_done_rq && rcv_run));
rcv_done_rq_d <= rcv_done_rq;
rcv_done <= rcv_done_rq_d && !rcv_done_rq;
rcv_error <= pre_rcv_error;
if (rcv_done) begin
ts_rcv_sec [31:0] <= {sr_rcv_first[25:0],sr_rcv_second[31:26]};
ts_rcv_usec [19:0] <= rcv_error?20'hfffff: sr_rcv_second[25:6];
end else if (!triggered_mode_pclk || (!ts_external_pclk && local_got_pclk )) begin
ts_rcv_sec [31:0] <= ts_snd_sec [31:0];
ts_rcv_usec [19:0] <= ts_snd_usec[19:0];
assign ts_stb = rcv_done_mclk || (local_got && (!ts_external || pre_input_use_intern));
// Making delayed start that waits for timestamp use timestamp_got, otherwize - nothing to wait
assign start_late = ts_snd_en_pclk?local_got_pclk : start_pclk[2];
cmd_deser #(
) cmd_deser_32bit_i (
.rst (rst), // input
.clk (mclk), // input
.ad (cmd_ad), // input[7:0]
.stb (cmd_stb), // input
.addr (cmd_a), // output[3:0]
.data (cmd_data), // output[31:0]
.we (cmd_we) // output
timestamp_to_parallel timestamp_to_parallel_i (
.clk (mclk), // input
.pre_stb (ts_snd_stb), // input
.tdata (ts_snd_data), // input[7:0]
.sec (ts_snd_sec), // output[31:0] reg
.usec (ts_snd_usec), // output[19:0] reg
.done (local_got) // output
timestamp_to_serial timestamp_to_serial_i (
.clk (mclk), // input
.stb (ts_stb), // input
.sec (ts_rcv_sec), // input[31:0]
.usec (ts_rcv_usec), // input[19:0]
.tdata (ts_rcv_data) // output[7:0] reg
assign ts_rcv_stb= ts_stb;
pulse_cross_clock i_start_to_pclk (.rst(1'b0), .src_clk(mclk), .dst_clk(pclk), .in_pulse(start_d && start_en), .out_pulse(start_to_pclk),.busy());
pulse_cross_clock i_ts_snap_mclk (.rst(1'b0), .src_clk(pclk), .dst_clk(mclk), .in_pulse(ts_snap), .out_pulse(ts_snap_mclk),.busy());
pulse_cross_clock i_rcv_done_mclk (.rst(1'b0), .src_clk(pclk), .dst_clk(mclk), .in_pulse(rcv_done), .out_pulse(rcv_done_mclk),.busy());
pulse_cross_clock i_local_got_pclk(.rst(1'b0), .src_clk(mclk), .dst_clk(pclk), .in_pulse(local_got), .out_pulse(local_got_pclk),.busy());
* Module: timestamp_snapshot
* Date:2015-07-03
* Author: andrey
* Description: Take timestamp snapshot and send the ts message over the 8-bit bus
* Copyright (c) 2015 <set up in Preferences-Verilog/VHDL Editor-Templates> .
* timestamp_snapshot.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* timestamp_snapshot.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module timestamp_snapshot(
input rst,
input tclk, // clock that drives time counters
input [31:0] sec, // @tclk: current time seconds
input [19:0] usec, // @tclk: current time microseconds
// snapshot destination clock domain
input sclk,
input snap,
output pre_stb, // one clock pulse before sending TS data
output reg [7:0] ts_data // timestamp data (s0,s1,s2,s3,u0,u1,u2,u3==0)
wire snap_tclk;
reg [51:0] sec_usec_snap;
wire pulse_busy;
reg pulse_busy_r;
reg [2:0] cntr;
reg snd;
assign pre_stb = !pulse_busy && pulse_busy_r;
always @ (posedge tclk) begin
if (snap_tclk) sec_usec_snap <= {usec,sec};
always @(posedge rst or posedge sclk) begin
pulse_busy_r <= pulse_busy;
if (rst) snd <= 0;
else if (!pulse_busy && pulse_busy_r) snd <= 1;
else if ((&cntr) || snap) snd <= 0;
if (!snd) cntr <= 0;
else cntr <= cntr + 1;
if (snd) case (cntr)
3'h0: ts_data <= sec_usec_snap[ 7: 0];
3'h1: ts_data <= sec_usec_snap[15: 8];
3'h2: ts_data <= sec_usec_snap[23:16];
3'h3: ts_data <= sec_usec_snap[31:24];
3'h4: ts_data <= sec_usec_snap[39:32];
3'h5: ts_data <= sec_usec_snap[47:40];
3'h6: ts_data <= {4'b0,sec_usec_snap[51:48]};
3'h7: ts_data <= 8'b0;
pulse_cross_clock #(
) snap_tclk_i (
.rst (rst), // input
.src_clk (sclk), // input
.dst_clk (tclk), // input
.in_pulse (snap), // input
.out_pulse (snap_tclk), // output
.busy (pulse_busy) // output
* Module: timestamp_to_parallel
* Date:2015-07-04
* Author: andrey
* Description: convert byte-parallel timestamp message to parallel sec, usec
* compatible to the x353 code (for NC353 camera)
* Copyright (c) 2015 <set up in Preferences-Verilog/VHDL Editor-Templates> .
* timestamp_to_parallel.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* timestamp_to_parallel.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module timestamp_to_parallel(
input clk, // clock that drives time counters
input pre_stb, // just before receiving sequence of 7 bytes
input [7:0] tdata, // byte-parallel timestamp data
output reg [31:0] sec, // time seconds
output reg [19:0] usec, // time microseconds
output done // got serial timetamp message, output is valid (1-cycle pulse)
reg [6:0] seq;
assign done = seq[6];
always @ (posedge clk) begin
seq <= {seq[5:0],pre_stb};
if (seq[0]) sec[ 7: 0] <= tdata;
if (seq[1]) sec[15: 8] <= tdata;
if (seq[2]) sec[23:16] <= tdata;
if (seq[3]) sec[31:24] <= tdata;
if (seq[4]) usec[ 7: 0] <= tdata;
if (seq[5]) usec[15: 8] <= tdata;
if (seq[6]) usec[19:16] <= tdata[3:0];
* Module: timestamp_to_serial
* Date:2015-07-04
* Author: andrey
* Description: convert legacy parallel timestamp data to a byte-parallel message
* Copyright (c) 2015 <set up in Preferences-Verilog/VHDL Editor-Templates> .
* timestamp_to_serial.v is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* timestamp_to_serial.v is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <> .
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module timestamp_to_serial(
input clk, // clock that drives time counters
input stb, // serialize and send timestamp message
input [31:0] sec, // time seconds
input [19:0] usec, // time microseconds
output reg [7:0] tdata // byte-parallel timestamp data sent right after stb input
reg [2:0] cntr;
reg busy = 0;
wire [2:0] cntr_w;
assign cntr_w= stb? 3'b0 : cntr;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (stb) busy <= 1;
else if (&cntr_w[2:1]) busy <= 0;
if (stb) cntr <= 1;
else if (busy) cntr <= cntr + 1;
case (cntr_w)
3'h0:tdata <= sec[ 7: 0];
3'h1:tdata <= sec[15: 8];
3'h2:tdata <= sec[23:16];
3'h3:tdata <= sec[31:24];
3'h4:tdata <= usec[ 7: 0];
3'h5:tdata <= usec[15: 8];
3'h6:tdata <= {4'h0,usec[19:16]};
3'h7:tdata <= 8'h0;
...@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ module pulse_cross_clock#( ...@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ module pulse_cross_clock#(
if (rst) in_reg <= 0; if (rst) in_reg <= 0;
else in_reg <= in_pulse || (in_reg && !out_reg[EXTRA_DLY_SAFE]); else in_reg <= in_pulse || (in_reg && !out_reg[EXTRA_DLY_SAFE]);
if (rst) busy_r <= 0; if (rst) busy_r <= 0;
else busy_r <= in_pulse || in_reg || (busy_r && out_reg[EXTRA_DLY_SAFE]); else busy_r <= in_pulse || in_reg || (busy_r && (|out_reg[EXTRA_DLY_SAFE:0]));
end end
always @(posedge dst_clk or posedge rst) begin always @(posedge dst_clk or posedge rst) begin
if (rst) out_reg <= 0; if (rst) out_reg <= 0;
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