Commit 3dba8dd6 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Split installation parameters, added copying primitives library to local

project directory
No related merge requests found
......@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@
<menu name="Vivado"
label="Vivado Tools"
<menuitem name="CopyUnisims"
label="Copy Xilinx primitives library to the local project"
<menuitem name="Vivado Server"
label="Run remote Vivado session"
......@@ -29,9 +29,34 @@
<parameter id="SSHSwitches" label="Other ssh switches"
type="String" format="CopyValue" default="" readonly="false" visible="true" />
<parameter id="VivadoRelease" label="Vivado release number (part of the path)"
type="String" format="CopyValue" default="2013.4" readonly="false"
visible="true" />
<parameter id="VivadoInstallationRoot" label="Vivado Installation Root"
type="String" format="CopyValue" default="/opt/Xilinx/Vivado" readonly="false"
visible="true" />
<parameter id="VivadoRelativeExeOptions" label="Vivado relative executable path and options"
type="String" format="CopyValue" default="bin/vivado -mode tcl" readonly="false"
visible="true" />
<parameter id="VivadoUnisimsPath" label="Relative location of Xilinx unisims library"
type="String" format="CopyValue" default="data/verilog/src" readonly="false"
visible="true" />
<!-- /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2013.4/bin/vivado -mode tcl -->
<parameter id="RemoteCommand" label="Remote ssh command"
type="String" format="CopyValue" default="/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2013.4/bin/vivado -mode tcl" readonly="false"
type="String" format="CopyValue"
visible="true" />
<parameter id="VivadoUnisimsAbsolutePath" label="Full path of Xilinx unisims primitives library"
type="String" format="CopyValue"
visible="true" />
<parameter id="SSHExtra" label="ssh extra parameters" type="String"
format="CopyValue" default="" readonly="false" visible="true" />
......@@ -51,9 +76,14 @@
......@@ -65,14 +95,17 @@
<!-- Simulation parameters -->
<parameter id="SimulationTopFile" label="Project top simulation file"
type="Filename" default="default_top (testing)" format="CopyValue"
type="Filename" default="" format="CopyValue"
readonly="false" />
<parameter id="SimulationTopModule" label="Project top simulation module"
type="String" default="" format="CopyValue" readonly="false" />
<parameter id="ImplementationTopFile" label="Project file with top implementation module"
type="Filename" default="" format="CopyValue" readonly="false" />
<parameter id="SimulDir" label="project simulation directory"
type="Pathname" default="simulation" format="CopyValue" readonly="false" />
<!-- Vivado parameters -->
<parameter id="part" label= "Xilinx device to use"
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="String" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="VivadoProjectRoot" label="Relative (to user home directory) path of the workspace on Vivado server"
type="String" default="vdt" format="RemoteRootSyntax" readonly="false" />
......@@ -102,9 +135,11 @@
<group name="Simulation" label="Simulation properties">
<group name="Vivado" label="Vivado general properties">
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<line name="vivado_launch"
<line name="Vivado"
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