Commit 3dba8dd6 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Split installation parameters, added copying primitives library to local

project directory
parent 52ced914
......@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@
<menu name="Vivado"
label="Vivado Tools"
<menuitem name="CopyUnisims"
label="Copy Xilinx primitives library to the local project"
<menuitem name="Vivado Server"
label="Run remote Vivado session"
......@@ -29,9 +29,34 @@
<parameter id="SSHSwitches" label="Other ssh switches"
type="String" format="CopyValue" default="" readonly="false" visible="true" />
<parameter id="VivadoRelease" label="Vivado release number (part of the path)"
type="String" format="CopyValue" default="2013.4" readonly="false"
visible="true" />
<parameter id="VivadoInstallationRoot" label="Vivado Installation Root"
type="String" format="CopyValue" default="/opt/Xilinx/Vivado" readonly="false"
visible="true" />
<parameter id="VivadoRelativeExeOptions" label="Vivado relative executable path and options"
type="String" format="CopyValue" default="bin/vivado -mode tcl" readonly="false"
visible="true" />
<parameter id="VivadoUnisimsPath" label="Relative location of Xilinx unisims library"
type="String" format="CopyValue" default="data/verilog/src" readonly="false"
visible="true" />
<!-- /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2013.4/bin/vivado -mode tcl -->
<parameter id="RemoteCommand" label="Remote ssh command"
type="String" format="CopyValue" default="/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2013.4/bin/vivado -mode tcl" readonly="false"
type="String" format="CopyValue"
visible="true" />
<parameter id="VivadoUnisimsAbsolutePath" label="Full path of Xilinx unisims primitives library"
type="String" format="CopyValue"
visible="true" />
<parameter id="SSHExtra" label="ssh extra parameters" type="String"
format="CopyValue" default="" readonly="false" visible="true" />
......@@ -51,9 +76,14 @@
......@@ -65,14 +95,17 @@
<!-- Simulation parameters -->
<parameter id="SimulationTopFile" label="Project top simulation file"
type="Filename" default="default_top (testing)" format="CopyValue"
type="Filename" default="" format="CopyValue"
readonly="false" />
<parameter id="SimulationTopModule" label="Project top simulation module"
type="String" default="" format="CopyValue" readonly="false" />
<parameter id="ImplementationTopFile" label="Project file with top implementation module"
type="Filename" default="" format="CopyValue" readonly="false" />
<parameter id="SimulDir" label="project simulation directory"
type="Pathname" default="simulation" format="CopyValue" readonly="false" />
<!-- Vivado parameters -->
<parameter id="part" label= "Xilinx device to use"
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="String" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="VivadoProjectRoot" label="Relative (to user home directory) path of the workspace on Vivado server"
type="String" default="vdt" format="RemoteRootSyntax" readonly="false" />
......@@ -102,9 +135,11 @@
<group name="Simulation" label="Simulation properties">
<group name="Vivado" label="Vivado general properties">
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<line name="vivado_launch"
<line name="Vivado"
......@@ -5,46 +5,46 @@
<syntax name="read_xdc_syntax" format="%(read_xdc %%ParamValue%|\n%)" />
<typedef name="FlattenHierarchyType">
<paramtype kind= "enum" base="String">
<item value="rebuilt" label="rebuilt: Attempt to rebuild hierarchy after synthesis is completed"/>
<item value="full" label="full: Flatten hierarchy of the design"/>
<item value="none" label="none: Preserve hierarchy (prevents optimization)"/>
<item value="rebuilt" label="Attempt to rebuild hierarchy after synthesis is completed"/>
<item value="full" label="Flatten hierarchy of the design"/>
<item value="none" label="Preserve hierarchy (prevents optimization)"/>
<typedef name="GatedClockConversionType">
<paramtype kind= "enum" base="String">
<item value="off" label="off: No conversion of the gated FF clocks"/>
<item value="on" label="on: Convert gated clocks to use FF enables where possible"/>
<item value="auto" label="auto: Convert gated clocks to use FF enables where beneficial"/>
<item value="off" label="No conversion of the gated FF clocks"/>
<item value="on" label="Convert gated clocks to use FF enables where possible"/>
<item value="auto" label="Convert gated clocks to use FF enables where beneficial"/>
<typedef name="DirectiveType">
<paramtype kind= "enum" base="String">
<item value="default" label="default: Full optimization"/>
<item value="runtimeoptimized" label="runtimeoptimized: Some optimization skipped"/>
<item value="default" label="Full optimization"/>
<item value="runtimeoptimized" label="Some optimization skipped"/>
<typedef name="ModeType">
<paramtype kind= "enum" base="String">
<item value="default" label="default: Insert buffers around imaginary property modules"/>
<item value="out_of_context" label="out_of_context: Mark Imaginary Property as OOC, do not insert buffers"/>
<item value="default" label="Insert buffers around ImgP (imaginary property) modules"/>
<item value="out_of_context" label="Mark ImgP (imaginary property) as OOC, do not insert buffers"/>
<typedef name="FSMType">
<paramtype kind= "enum" base="String">
<item value="off" label="off: No FSM extraction"/>
<item value="one_hot" label="one_hot: Extract one-hot FSM"/>
<item value="sequntial" label="sequntial:Extract Sequential FSM"/>
<item value="johnson" label="johnson: Extract Johnson FSM"/>
<item value="gray" label="gray: Extract Gray FSM"/>
<item value="auto" label="auto: Automatically decide on the FSM type to extract"/>
<item value="off" label="No FSM extraction"/>
<item value="one_hot" label="Extract one-hot FSM"/>
<item value="sequntial" label="Extract Sequential FSM"/>
<item value="johnson" label="Extract Johnson FSM"/>
<item value="gray" label="Extract Gray FSM"/>
<item value="auto" label="Automatically decide on the FSM type to extract"/>
<typedef name="ResourceSharingType">
<paramtype kind= "enum" base="String">
<item value="off" label="off: No sharing of adders and such between different signals"/>
<item value="on" label="on: Enable sharing of adders and such between different signals"/>
<item value="auto" label="auto: Automaticxally enable sharing of adders and such between different signals where beneficial"/>
<item value="off" label="No sharing of adders and such between different signals"/>
<item value="on" label="Enable sharing of adders and such between different signals"/>
<item value="auto" label="Automatically enable sharing of adders and such between different signals where beneficial"/>
......@@ -62,11 +62,18 @@
<action label="Vivado Synthesis" resource="" icon="xilinx.png" />
<action label="Synthesise with Vivado:" resource="%ImplementationTopFile"
check-extension="false" check-existence="true" icon="xilinx.png" />
<action label="Check by Vivado Synthesis:" resource="%%SelectedFile"
check-extension="true" check-existence="true" icon="sample.gif" />
<parameter id="ConstraintsFiles" type="Filelist" format="ParamListSyntax"
default="" label="Select constraint files to load to Vivado" readonly="false"
visible="true" />
<parameter id="SkipSnapshotSynth" label="Do not create snapshot after synthesis"
type= "Boolean" format="None"/>
<parameter id="ResetProject" label="Reset project before loading source files"
type= "Boolean" format="None"/>
......@@ -91,17 +98,21 @@
<parameter id="name" label= "Design to open after synth"
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="String" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="part" label= "Xilinx device to use"
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="String" format="Dash"/>
<!-- part is defined in "FPGA_project" -->
<!-- <parameter id="part" label= "Xilinx device to use"
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="String" format="Dash"/> -->
<parameter id="constrset" label= "Constraints set to use"
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="String" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="top" label= "Top module of the design"
default="%%TopModule" visible="true" omit="" type="String" format="Dash"/>
<!-- <parameter id="top" label= "Top module of the design (you may set in in project properties)"
default="%ImplementationTopModule" visible="true" omit="" type="String" format="Dash"/> -->
<parameter id="include_dirs" label= "Include directories for Verilog `include"
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="Stringlist" format="DashList"/>
<parameter id="generic" label= "name=value list of VHDL generic entity or Verilog parameter"
<parameter id="generic" label= '"name=value" list of VHDL generic entity or Verilog parameter'
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="Stringlist" format="DashList"/>
<parameter id="verilog_define" label= "Verilog macro=text definitions"
<parameter id="verilog_define" label= 'Verilog "macro=text" definitions'
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="Stringlist" format="DashList"/>
<parameter id="flatten_hierarchy" label= "Flatten Hierarchy during LUT mapping"
default="rebuilt" visible="true" omit="rebuilt" type="FlattenHierarchyType" format="Dash"/>
......@@ -129,30 +140,37 @@
default="4" visible="true" omit="4" type="Cardinal_1" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="quiet" label= "Ignore errors, return TCL_OK in any case"
default="false" visible="true" omit="false" type="Boolean" format="DashName"/>
<parameter id="verbose" label= "Temporarily override mesage limits set with set_msg_config"
<parameter id="verbose" label= "Temporarily override message limits set with set_msg_config"
default="false" visible="true" omit="false" type="Boolean" format="DashName"/>
<!-- hidden (calculated) parameters -->
<parameter id="FilteredSourceList" type="Stringlist"
format="FilteredSourceListSyntax" default="" readonly="true" visible="false" />
<parameter id="read_xdc" type="Filelist" format="read_xdc_syntax" label="read_xdc"
default="%ConstraintsFiles" visible="true" readonly="false" />
<!-- Parameter read_xdc just copies parameter ConstraintsFiles, but they have different syntax (output representation) -->
<parameter id="read_xdc" type="Filelist" format="read_xdc_syntax" label="read_xdc"
default="%ConstraintsFiles" visible="false" />
<parameter id="top" label= "Top module of the design"
default="%%TopModule" visible="false" omit="" type="String" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="VivadoSynthActionIndex" default="%%ChosenActionIndex"
type="String" format="CopyValue" visible="false" />
<group name="General">
"SnapshotSynth" <!-- same as in project -->
<group name="Synthesis">
......@@ -186,7 +204,9 @@
"' ;"
"rsync -avrR -e ssh"
<if VivadoSynthActionIndex="0">
<!-- TODO: Make it OK to use just strings, not parameters in dest (for console names) -->
......@@ -203,46 +223,56 @@
"file mkdir $outputDir\n"
"read_verilog %FilteredSourceList\n"
<if ConstraintsFiles="">
"puts 'No constraints files specified, skipping read_xdc command'\n"
<if VivadoSynthActionIndex="0">
<if ConstraintsFiles="">
'puts "No constraints files specified, skipping read_xdc command"\n'
<if-not ConstraintsFiles="">
<if-not ConstraintsFiles="">
<if VivadoSynthActionIndex="0">
"write_checkpoint -force %SnapshotSynth\n"
<if-and SkipSnapshotSynth="false"
"write_checkpoint -force %SnapshotSynth\n"
"puts '@@FINISH@@'\n"
<!-- -top npmtest -part xc7k70tfbg484-2 -flatten rebuilt\n" -->
<line name="vivado_copy_after_synth">
"mkdir -p %VivadoLocalDir ;"
"rsync -avr -e ssh"
<if-and SkipSnapshotSynth="false"
<line name="vivado_copy_after_synth">
"mkdir -p %VivadoLocalDir ;"
"rsync -avr -e ssh"
<line name="parser_VivadoSynth"
errors=".*ERROR: (\[.*\].*)\[(.*):([0-9]+)\]"
warnings=".*WARNING: (\[.*\].*)\[(.*):([0-9]+)\]"
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