Commit f72f2a9c authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Fixed interscene correlation bug

parent 13b9ba89
......@@ -1303,30 +1303,31 @@ extern "C" __global__ void correlate2D_inter( // only results in TD
gpu_corr_indices, // int * gpu_corr_indices, // array of correlation tasks
pnum_corr_tiles); // int * pnum_corr_tiles); // pointer to the length of correlation tasks array
int num_corr_tiles = (*pnum_corr_tiles) * num_sel_sensors/ (num_sel_sensors + 1); // remove sum from count
int num_corr_tiles_with_sum = (*pnum_corr_tiles);
int num_corr_tiles_wo_sum = num_corr_tiles_with_sum * num_sel_sensors/ (num_sel_sensors + 1); // remove sum from count
dim3 grid_corr((num_corr_tiles + CORR_TILES_PER_BLOCK-1) / CORR_TILES_PER_BLOCK,1,1);
dim3 grid_corr((num_corr_tiles_wo_sum + CORR_TILES_PER_BLOCK-1) / CORR_TILES_PER_BLOCK,1,1);
correlate2D_inter_inner<<<grid_corr,threads_corr>>>( // will only process to TD, no normalisations and back conversion
num_cams, // int num_cams,
num_sel_sensors, // int num_sel_sensors, // number of sensors to correlate (not counting sum of all)
gpu_clt, // float ** gpu_clt, // [num_cams] ->[TILES-Y][TILES-X][colors][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE]
gpu_clt_ref, // float ** gpu_clt_ref, // [num_cams] ->[TILES-Y][TILES-X][colors][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE]
colors, // int colors, // number of colors (3/1)
scale0, // float scale0, // scale for R
scale1, // float scale1, // scale for B
scale2, // float scale2, // scale for G
num_corr_tiles, // int num_corr_tiles, // number of correlation tiles to process (here it includes sum for compatibility with intra format)
gpu_corr_indices, // int * gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile + sensor (0xff - sum)
corr_stride, // size_t corr_stride, // in floats
gpu_corrs); // float * gpu_corrs) // correlation output data (either pixel domain or transform domain
num_cams, // int num_cams,
num_sel_sensors, // int num_sel_sensors, // number of sensors to correlate (not counting sum of all)
gpu_clt, // float ** gpu_clt, // [num_cams] ->[TILES-Y][TILES-X][colors][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE]
gpu_clt_ref, // float ** gpu_clt_ref, // [num_cams] ->[TILES-Y][TILES-X][colors][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE]
colors, // int colors, // number of colors (3/1)
scale0, // float scale0, // scale for R
scale1, // float scale1, // scale for B
scale2, // float scale2, // scale for G
num_corr_tiles_with_sum, // int num_corr_tiles, // number of correlation tiles to process (here it includes sum for compatibility with intra format)
gpu_corr_indices, // int * gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile + sensor (0xff - sum)
corr_stride, // size_t corr_stride, // in floats
gpu_corrs); // float * gpu_corrs) // correlation output data (either pixel domain or transform domain
dim3 grid_combine((num_tiles + CORR_TILES_PER_BLOCK-1) / CORR_TILES_PER_BLOCK,1,1);
combine_inter<<<grid_combine,threads_corr>>>( // combine per-senor interscene correlations
num_sel_sensors, // int num_sel_sensors, // number of sensors to correlate (not counting sum of all)
num_corr_tiles, // int num_corr_tiles, // number of correlation tiles to process (here it includes sum)
gpu_corr_indices, // int * gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile+pair
corr_stride, // size_t corr_stride, // in floats
gpu_corrs); // float * gpu_corrs); // correlation output data (either pixel domain or transform domain
num_sel_sensors, // int num_sel_sensors, // number of sensors to correlate (not counting sum of all)
num_corr_tiles_with_sum, // int num_corr_tiles, // number of correlation tiles to process (here it includes sum)
gpu_corr_indices, // int * gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile+pair NOT USED
corr_stride, // size_t corr_stride, // in floats
gpu_corrs); // float * gpu_corrs); // correlation output data (either pixel domain or transform domain
......@@ -1519,6 +1520,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void correlate2D_inter_inner( // will only process to TD,
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
} // if (color == 1){ // LPF only after B (nothing in mono)
} // for (int color = 0; color < colors; color++){
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
float *mem_corr = gpu_corrs + corr_stride * corr_offset + threadIdx.x;
float *clt = clt_corr + threadIdx.x;
#pragma unroll
......@@ -2901,11 +2903,11 @@ __global__ void index_correlate(
__global__ void index_inter_correlate(
int num_cams,
int sel_sensors,
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
int width, // number of tiles in a row
int * gpu_corr_indices, // array of correlation tasks
int * pnum_corr_tiles) // pointer to the length of correlation tasks array
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
int width, // number of tiles in a row
int * gpu_corr_indices, // array of correlation tasks
int * pnum_corr_tiles) // pointer to the length of correlation tasks array
int num_tile = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if (num_tile >= num_tiles){
......@@ -1116,6 +1116,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
float * corr_img; // = (float *)malloc(corr_img_size * sizeof(float));
float * cpu_corr; // = (float *)malloc(rslt_corr_size * sizeof(float));
float * cpu_corr_td;
int * cpu_corr_indices; // = (int *) malloc(num_corr_indices * sizeof(int));
......@@ -1799,8 +1800,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
int sel_sensors = 0xffff; // 0x7fff; // 0xffff;
int num_sel_senosrs = 16; // 15; // 16;
num_pairs = num_sel_senosrs+1;
int num_sel_sensors = 16; // 15; // 16;
num_pairs = num_sel_sensors+1;
num_corr_indices = num_pairs * num_tiles;
StopWatchInterface *timerINTERSELF = 0;
......@@ -1838,7 +1839,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
num_corrs, //tp_task_size, // int num_corr_tiles, // number of correlation tiles to process
dstride_corr_td/sizeof(float), // const size_t corr_stride_td, // in floats
......@@ -1884,7 +1884,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
// int num_pairs = 120;
// int sel_sensors = 0xffff;
// int num_sel_senosrs = 16;
// int num_sel_sensors = 16;
// int corr_size = 2 * CORR_OUT_RAD + 1; // 15
// int num_tiles = tp_task_size; // TILESX * TILESYA; //Was this on 01/22/2022
// int num_corr_indices = num_pairs * num_tiles;
......@@ -1893,7 +1893,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
int ctt = ( cpu_corr_indices[ict] >> CORR_NTILE_SHIFT);
int cpair = cpu_corr_indices[ict] & ((1 << CORR_NTILE_SHIFT) - 1);
if (cpair == 0xff){
cpair = num_sel_senosrs;
cpair = num_sel_sensors;
int ty = ctt / TILESX;
int tx = ctt % TILESX;
......@@ -1907,7 +1907,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifndef NSAVE_CORR
printf("Writing interscene phase correlation data to %s, width = %d, height=%d, slices=%d, length=%ld bytes\n",
result_inter_td_norm_file, (TILESX*16),(TILESYA*16), num_pairs, (corr_img_size * sizeof(float)) ) ;
......@@ -1916,6 +1915,77 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
corr_img_size, // int size, // length in elements
result_inter_td_norm_file); // const char * path) // file path
#if 1
int rslt_corr_size_td = num_corrs * DTT_SIZE2*DTT_SIZE2;
cpu_corr_td = (float *)malloc(rslt_corr_size_td * sizeof(float));
(DTT_SIZE2*DTT_SIZE2) * sizeof(float),
(DTT_SIZE2*DTT_SIZE2) * sizeof(float),
// Reuse the same corr_img for TD images - each tile is still 16x16 (corr was 15x15 and gap)
for (int ict = 0; ict < num_corr_indices; ict++){
int ctt = ( cpu_corr_indices[ict] >> CORR_NTILE_SHIFT);
int cpair = cpu_corr_indices[ict] & ((1 << CORR_NTILE_SHIFT) - 1);
if (cpair == 0xff){
cpair = num_sel_sensors;
int ty = ctt / TILESX;
int tx = ctt % TILESX;
int src_offs0 = ict * DTT_SIZE2*DTT_SIZE2;
int dst_offs0 = cpair * (num_tiles * 16 * 16) + (ty * 16 * TILESX * 16) + (tx * 16);
for (int iquad = 0; iquad < 4; iquad ++) {
int iqy = (iquad >> 1) & 1;
int iqx = (iquad >> 0) & 1;
for (int iy = 0; iy < DTT_SIZE; iy++){
int src_offs = src_offs0 + iy * DTT_SIZE + iquad * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE;
int dst_offs = dst_offs0 + (iy + DTT_SIZE * iqy)* (TILESX * 16) + iqx * DTT_SIZE;
for (int ix = 0; ix < DTT_SIZE; ix++){
corr_img[dst_offs++] = cpu_corr_td[src_offs++];
#ifndef NSAVE_CORR
printf("Writing interscene phase correlation TD data");
corr_img, // float * data, // allocated array
corr_img_size, // int size, // length in elements
"clt/aux_interscene-TD.raw"); // const char * path) // file path
int corr_index_img_length = TILESX*TILESY*(num_sel_sensors+1) ;
float *corr_index_img = (float *)malloc(corr_index_img_length * sizeof(float));
for (int i = 0; i < corr_index_img_length; i++){
corr_index_img[i] = NAN;
for (int ict = 0; ict < num_corr_indices; ict++){
int ctt = ( cpu_corr_indices[ict] >> CORR_NTILE_SHIFT);
int cpair = cpu_corr_indices[ict] & ((1 << CORR_NTILE_SHIFT) - 1);
if (cpair == 0xff){
cpair = num_sel_sensors;
int ty = ctt / TILESX;
int tx = ctt % TILESX;
corr_index_img[cpair*TILESX*TILESY + TILESX*ty + tx] = ict; // cpu_corr_indices[ict];
printf("Writing interscene indices\n");
corr_index_img, // float * data, // allocated array
corr_index_img_length, // int size, // length in elements
"clt/aux_inter-indices.raw"); // const char * path) // file path
free (corr_index_img);
free (cpu_corr_td);
free (cpu_corr);
free (cpu_corr_indices);
free (corr_img);
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