*input_folder* - folder with subfolders with *.obj files, default value - **input**
*depth_map_resolution* - units in the depth 16-bit *.png file, default value - **0.1**, which is 10cm allowing for **0-6553.5 m** range
What it does:
1. Makes a list of all *.obj models found in a given input folder's subfolders
2. Runs Blender feeding it with the *blender_generate_image_and_depth.py* and the list
3. Blender script saves results into **output/** (auto created). A single result is a rendered image of a model and the depth buffer saved into 32-bit float *.exr format
4. After Blender is done for all models *obj2rgbd.py* then generates 16-bit *.png depth images with a given resolution from *.exr files. Results are also in the **output/**
*path-to-image-file* - jpeg, defaults to **output/test_cube-image.jpeg**
*path-to-depth-file* - 16-bit png, defaults to **output/test_cube-depth-10cm.png**
What is does:
1. Opens RGB-D pair using Open3D python library. First it displays side-to-side, upon closing the first plot - it display a 3D view. 3D view is BW, didn't check if it can do in color.
* Model names need to be unique as the output files are dumped in a single **output/** folder
* *.obj filename must match with the name inside it. See example model in **input/**
* *obj2rgbd.py* running ```blender -b -P blender_generate_image_and_depth.py -- filelist``` - Blender runs *blender_generate_image_and_depth.py* using its bundled python (Python 3.7 in Blender 2.80). Could have a single script for everything but it's too much effort to install openexr to that bundled python.
# More models
Loading everything can takes some time. Once loaded there's a download button in the top-right menu.