Commit 83645fab authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

minor edits

parent ed9bf3ca
# Description
Generate RGB-D format image pairs from *.obj models with textures using Blender.
Batch generate RGB-D format image pairs from *.obj models with textures using Blender.
# Quickstart
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Generate RGB-D format image pairs from *.obj models with textures using Blender.
# Requirements
* Blender 2.80 (need to test 2.82 - didn't work for some models)
* Python3: **numpy, matplotlib, Pillow, open3d, OpenEXR**
* Python3: **numpy, matplotlib, Pillow, OpenEXR, open3d (optional)**
* Tested in Kubuntu 16.04
# Setup
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export PATH="/home/$USER/Downloads/blender-2.80-linux-glibc217-x86_64:$PATH"
pip install openexr
If it fails this [link]( helped.
When it failed to install this [link]( helped.
# Details
......@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ Example:
What is does:
1. Opens RGB-D pair using Open3D python library. First it displays side-to-side, upon closing the first plot - it display a 3D view. 3D view is BW, didn't check if it can do in color.
2. Hardcoded parameters inside the script: w=2592, h=1902, fx=fy=2045, cx=1296, cy=951
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