Commit 88f9f20e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

added configuration file

parent 70cb390d
motosat_ip= ""
modem_ip = ""
AZ_CPD = 12.74445
EL_CPD = 75.78567
SK_CPD = 8.34;
AZ_0 = 0.0; // degrees
EL_0 = 0.0; // degrees
SK_0 = 55.7554; // degrees
AZ_CMAX = 4790;
EL_CMAX = 10979;
SK_CMAX = 931;
MODEM_THRESHOLD = 17.0; // consider something if modem strength is above
OVERSHOOT = 2; // 1; // final steps absolute error
LATE_STOP_AZ = 30; // steps
;; Rescan azimuth after noticed a satellite during area scan
AZ_PLAY = 1.0; // Hysteresis caused by mechanical play (degrees)
AZ_RESCAN = 8; // (degrees) around expected center
AZ_RESCAN_STEP = 0.5; // (degrees)
EL_PLAY = 1.0; // Hysteresis caused by mechanical play (degrees)
EL_RESCAN = 8; // (degrees) around expected center
EL_RESCAN_STEP = 0.5; // (degrees)
AZ_2D_RANGE = 2.0; // degrees 2D peaking scan azimuth (full range)
EL_2D_RANGE = 3.0; // degrees 2D peaking scan alevation (full range)
AZ_2D_STEP = 0.25; // degrees
EL_2D_STEP = 0.4; // degrees
ADJUST_2D = 1; // 1 - adjust 2D, 0 - skip (only separate azimuth and elevation
USABLE_FRACT = 0.6; // use ony samples not less than this fraction of maximal
USABLE_POW = 1.0; // transform (maxstrengh - strengh) by applying pow - 1.2 ...1.3 may have marginal improvements
ARGMAX_OURSIDE = 0.2; // Allow argmax outside of the measured range by this fraction
ARGMAX_OURSIDE_2D = 0.0; // Allow argmax outside of the measured range by this fraction during 2D peaking
;; Modem never allows wrong satellite to have signal strength above 29, and tries to maintain 30 for the correct one when the signal falls below.
;; So these values can not be used for peaking(maybe only remove 30 if the signal is going down?)
;;HUGHES_BAD_STRENGTHS = array(29,30);
HUGHES_THRESHOLD = 30; // if less - wrong satellite
GUARD_AZIMUTH = 2.0; // (degrees) do not look for satellites closer than this to alerady found
GUARD_STEP = 1.0; // (degrees) If will peak on the same satellite, increase guard range on that side
AZ_TOL = 0.7; // (degrees) If satellites azimuths differ by less than this - they are the same
MAX_ARC_TILT = 0.2; // maximal local satellite arc tilt near a known satellite
SAT_AZ_STEP = 0.5; // (degrees) mark found satellites with this resolution
LOG_PATH = "/home/eyesis/git/motosat/attic/logs/test07.log";
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