Commit 30efdbd3 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev


parent 4f790793
......@@ -193,13 +193,13 @@ kernel_do_compile_prepend() {
if [ ! -f ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${INITRAMFS_IMAGE_NAME}.cpio.gz ] ; then
echo "${INITRAMFS_IMAGE}-${MACHINE}.cpio is not found"
bbplain "${GREEN}ELPHEL NOTE: Missing initramfs from a previous build. Will have to run the second kernel compilation pass.${NC}"
bbplain "${GREEN}ELPHEL NOTE: Missing initramfs from the previous build. Will have to run the second kernel compilation pass.${NC}"
echo "Unfortunately we will have to rebuild it and bundle in the do_bundle_initramfs task"
echo "This will take a ton of time... :("
echo "There's the old ${INITRAMFS_IMAGE}-${MACHINE}.cpio from a previous build"
echo "Let's happily bundle it and save a lot of time."
bbplain "${GREEN}ELPHEL NOTE: Using initramfs from a previous build - this saves time by not running the second kernel compilation pass.${NC}"
bbplain "${GREEN}ELPHEL NOTE: Using initramfs from the previous build - this saves time by not running the second kernel compilation pass.${NC}"
# indicate to do_bundle_initramfs() task that initramfs was bundled
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