#define P_AUTOEXP_S_PERCENT 83 ///< unsigned long s_percent;(controlling that % of pixels that should have value greater than S_INDEX - below)
#define P_AUTOEXP_S_INDEX 84 ///< unsigned long s_index; Specified number of pixels (S_PERCENT) should have value above S_INDEX
#define P_AUTOEXP_EXP 85 ///< unsigned long exp; Current exposure time
#define P_AUTOEXP_SKIP_PMIN 86 ///< unsigned long skip_pmin; /* percent of delta for skip changes: 1% == 100 */ - no exposure corrections if the desired change is less than that
#define P_AUTOEXP_SKIP_PMAX 87 ///< unsigned long skip_pmax; /* percent of changes for wait one frame before apply changes: 1% == 100 */ - do not apply chnanges if they are to big - wait for the next frame
#define P_AUTOEXP_SKIP_T 88 //v unsigned long skip_t; /* time for skip changes: 100 usec == 1 */ Not quite sure what it is
#define P_AUTOEXP_S_PERCENT 83 ///< unsigned long s_percent;(controlling that % of pixels that should have value greater than S_INDEX - below)
#define P_AUTOEXP_S_INDEX 84 ///< unsigned long s_index; Specified number of pixels (S_PERCENT) should have value above S_INDEX
#define P_AUTOEXP_EXP 85 ///< unsigned long exp; Current exposure time
#define P_AUTOEXP_SKIP_PMIN 86 ///< unsigned long skip_pmin; /* percent of delta for skip changes: 1% == 100 */ - no exposure corrections if the desired change is less than that
#define P_AUTOEXP_SKIP_PMAX 87 ///< unsigned long skip_pmax; /* percent of changes for wait one frame before apply changes: 1% == 100 */ - do not apply chnanges if they are to big - wait for the next frame
#define P_AUTOEXP_SKIP_T 88 ///< unsigned long skip_t; /* time for skip changes: 100 usec == 1 */ Not quite sure what it is
// same as written to the FPGA for the histogram window // 393: Need to split to sub-channels (hist and focus parameters)
#define P_HISTWND_WIDTH 89 ///< autoexposure window width (pixels) - same as written to FPGA
@@ -418,7 +418,9 @@
#define P_FOCUS_TOTWIDTH 100 ///< (readonly) - total width of the image frame in pixels
#define P_FOCUS_FILTER 101 ///< select 8x8 filter used for the focus calculation (same order as quantization coefficients), 0..14
//!timing generator/trigger delay/external trigger control
//timing generator/trigger delay/external trigger control
//In NC393 P_TRIG_DELAY and P_XMIT_TIMESTAMP are per-channel, other parameters are common (Last modified takes control).
// Master channel is set to the current channels when any of the common parameters is set
#define P_TRIG_CONDITION 102 ///< trigger condition, 0 - internal, else dibits ((use<<1) | level) for each GPIO[11:0] pin
#define P_TRIG_OUT 104 ///< trigger output to GPIO, dibits ((use << 1) | level_when_active). Bit 24 - test mode, when GPIO[11:10] are controlled by other internal signals
@@ -445,10 +447,16 @@
#define P_RFOCUS_HEIGHT 118 ///< relative (0x10000 - 1.0)focus WOI height (3 LSB will be zeroed as it should be multiple of 8x8 block height)
// Obsolete in x393, may need something different
#ifdef NC353
#define P_SDRAM_CHN20 125 ///< data to be written to the SDRAM CH2 REG 0 (last moment) TODO: Obsolete in x393, may need something different
#define P_SDRAM_CHN21 126 ///< data to be written to the SDRAM CH2 REG 1 TODO: Obsolete in x393, may need something different
#define P_SDRAM_CHN22 127 ///< data to be written to the SDRAM CH2 REG 2 TODO: Obsolete in x393, may need something different
#define P_SENSOR_IFACE_TIM0 124 ///< Sensor interface timing/configuration word 0 (different meaning for different interfaces)
#define P_SENSOR_IFACE_TIM1 125///< Sensor interface timing/configuration word 1 (different meaning for different interfaces)
#define P_SENSOR_IFACE_TIM2 126 ///< Sensor interface timing/configuration word 2 (different meaning for different interfaces)
#define P_SENSOR_IFACE_TIM3 127 ///< Sensor interface timing/configuration word 3 (different meaning for different interfaces)
// The following 4 parameters should have consecutive indexes
// see FRAMEPAIR_MASK_BYTES to modify just part of the word (i.e. scale, not hash16