• Dick Hollenbeck's avatar
    ++richio: · 0ff5faaf
    Dick Hollenbeck authored
      * Deleted kicad_exceptions, because it required the big #include <wx/wx.h> and
        that was slowing down compiling.  Moved that stuff back into richio.h where
        it came from.
      * Enhanced IO_ERROR to format an errorText.
      * Added THROW_IO_ERROR() and THROW_PARSE_ERROR() macros to capture the
        the call site of the thrower.  If you have problems compiling, it is probably
        due to the definition of __LOC__ in richio.h.  Some compilers may not support
        __func__ in C++ yet.  Find a macro that identifies your compiler, and we can
        work out something in the #define of __LOC__.
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