1. 03 May, 2015 2 commits
    • jp charras's avatar
      Fix issues in auto-save files: · 722435f3
      jp charras authored
      * auto-save was broken for all sub sheets with are in a sub-directory of the project directory. (reason wxFileName::Normalize(), used to create the absolute path  has issues with filenames starting by '$', perhaps due to env var which also start by $). the auto-save prefix is modified ( now AUTOSAVE_PREFIX_FILENAME which defines "_save_"  ) and defined only once.
      * auto-save files from sub-sheets were not found due to the fact the path was not set (fixed by Blair Bonnet's patch)
    • jean-pierre charras's avatar
  2. 01 May, 2015 2 commits
    • jean-pierre charras's avatar
      Minor fixes (Bug #1414328 and Bug #1440312). Remove translatable attribute in a debug message. · 2047d873
      jean-pierre charras authored
      tools/edit_tool.cpp: remove limitation (GAL mode) to delete the last pad in a footprint (a footprint can have 0 pad, for instance a logo)
    • jean-pierre charras's avatar
      Fix some issues created by rev 5632: · 5a02b91e
      jean-pierre charras authored
      *  Use only double to store zoom levels in class BASE_SCREEN (int type is not working for eeschema or page layout editor) (this fix Bug #1450551, Assertion failed on wxRound() when zooming)
      *  Fix crash in all apps but Pcbnew when a grid or a zoom was selected from the popup menu.
      *  Modify default hotkeys for Next Grid and Previous Grid: the initial key was a dead key, not suitable as hotkey. the 'N' and Shift N keys are used instead (with a change for unfill zone hotkey)
      *  Modify code in EDA_DRAW_FRAME::SetNextGrid() and EDA_DRAW_FRAME::SetPreviousGrid() to make them compatible with other editors than the board editor.
  3. 30 Apr, 2015 28 commits
  4. 29 Apr, 2015 2 commits
  5. 28 Apr, 2015 1 commit
  6. 27 Apr, 2015 4 commits
  7. 26 Apr, 2015 1 commit
    • jean-pierre charras's avatar
      Eeschema: add missing rotate and mirror sheet in sheet context menu (these... · 3084c0aa
      jean-pierre charras authored
      Eeschema: add missing rotate and mirror sheet in sheet context menu (these transforms were possible in block commands, but  not from the sheet menu).
      Fix a i18n issue in field names when loading a component, if the language was changed during a session, and kicad not restarted (see Bug #1448654).
      However changing the language needs restarting kicad, in order to have all messages or menus translated.