Commit ea8f9c61 authored by Vladimir Ur's avatar Vladimir Ur

Small Update for physical length lib. - wxPoint supported

parent 35ec6ff5
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <math.h>
#include <wx/gdicmn.h>
/*! I'm a physical length */
......@@ -388,7 +389,7 @@ public:
* A point ( or vector ) given x and y multiplies of some unit.
* A point ( or vector ) given x and y multiplies of specified unit.
* Given just for a convenience, you can use ( x*unit, y*unit ) instead.
* @param x coordinate factor
* @param y coordinate factor
......@@ -398,6 +399,24 @@ public:
* A point ( or vector ) given wxPoint and unit
* @param x wxPoint
* @param unit the unit
LENGTH_XY( wxPoint x, const LENGTH unit ) : m_X( unit * x.x ), m_Y( unit * x.y )
* A point ( or vector ) given wxRealPoint and unit
* @param x wxRealPoint
* @param unit the unit
LENGTH_XY( wxRealPoint x, const LENGTH unit ) : m_X( unit * x.x ), m_Y( unit * x.y )
* x coordinate
* @return x coordinate
......@@ -612,6 +631,26 @@ public:
return *this;
* Outputs wxPoint in specified scale.
* @param y scale
* @return wxPoint
const wxPoint toWxPoint ( LENGTH y ) const
return wxPoint( m_X.idiv( y ), m_Y.idiv( y ) );
* Outputs wxRealPoint in specified scale.
* @param y scale
* @return wxPoint
const wxRealPoint toWxRealPoint ( LENGTH y ) const
return wxRealPoint( m_X / y, m_Y / y );
* Rotates vector 90 degrees ( X axis towards Y )
* @return rotated
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