Commit d1f2a16c authored by faa's avatar faa

update Russian GUI

parent e875e075
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......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::RecreateBOMFileFromBoard( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
msg << _("Id") << wxT("\";\"");
msg << _("Designator") << wxT("\";\"");
msg << _("Package") << wxT("\";\"");
msg << _("Number") << wxT("\";\"");
msg << _("Quantity") << wxT("\";\"");
msg << _("Designation") << wxT("\";\"");
msg << _("Supplier and ref") << wxT("\";\n" );
fprintf( FichBom, "%s", CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ) );
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