Commit 823623ac authored by Maciej Suminski's avatar Maciej Suminski

selection_tool: Renamed deselect* to unselect* for naming consistency.

parent 62e2537e
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ int POINT_EDITOR::OnSelectionChange( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
if( !m_editPoints ||
evt->Matches( m_selectionTool->ClearedEvent ) ||
evt->Matches( m_selectionTool->DeselectedEvent ) ||
evt->Matches( m_selectionTool->UnselectedEvent ) ||
evt->Matches( m_selectionTool->SelectedEvent ) )
......@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ void POINT_EDITOR::breakOutline( const VECTOR2I& aBreakPoint )
void POINT_EDITOR::setTransitions()
Go( &POINT_EDITOR::OnSelectionChange, m_selectionTool->SelectedEvent );
Go( &POINT_EDITOR::OnSelectionChange, m_selectionTool->DeselectedEvent );
Go( &POINT_EDITOR::OnSelectionChange, m_selectionTool->UnselectedEvent );
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
TOOL_INTERACTIVE( "pcbnew.InteractiveSelection" ),
SelectedEvent( TC_MESSAGE, TA_ACTION, "pcbnew.InteractiveSelection.selected" ),
DeselectedEvent( TC_MESSAGE, TA_ACTION, "pcbnew.InteractiveSelection.deselected" ),
UnselectedEvent( TC_MESSAGE, TA_ACTION, "pcbnew.InteractiveSelection.unselected" ),
ClearedEvent( TC_MESSAGE, TA_ACTION, "pcbnew.InteractiveSelection.cleared" ),
m_frame( NULL ), m_additive( false ), m_multiple( false ),
m_editModules( false ), m_locked( true )
......@@ -221,11 +221,11 @@ void SELECTION_TOOL::toggleSelection( BOARD_ITEM* aItem )
if( aItem->IsSelected() )
deselect( aItem );
unselect( aItem );
// Inform other potentially interested tools
TOOL_EVENT deselectEvent( DeselectedEvent );
m_toolMgr->ProcessEvent( deselectEvent );
TOOL_EVENT unselectEvent( UnselectedEvent );
m_toolMgr->ProcessEvent( unselectEvent );
......@@ -734,17 +734,17 @@ void SELECTION_TOOL::select( BOARD_ITEM* aItem )
void SELECTION_TOOL::deselect( BOARD_ITEM* aItem )
void SELECTION_TOOL::unselect( BOARD_ITEM* aItem )
// Modules are treated in a special way - when they are selected, we have to
// deselect all the parts that make the module, not the module itself
// unselect all the parts that make the module, not the module itself
if( aItem->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T )
MODULE* module = static_cast<MODULE*>( aItem );
module->RunOnChildren( boost::bind( &SELECTION_TOOL::deselectVisually, this, _1 ) );
module->RunOnChildren( boost::bind( &SELECTION_TOOL::unselectVisually, this, _1 ) );
deselectVisually( aItem );
unselectVisually( aItem );
int itemIdx = m_selection.items.FindItem( aItem );
if( itemIdx >= 0 )
......@@ -757,8 +757,8 @@ void SELECTION_TOOL::deselect( BOARD_ITEM* aItem )
// Inform other potentially interested tools
TOOL_EVENT deselected( DeselectedEvent );
m_toolMgr->ProcessEvent( deselected );
TOOL_EVENT unselected( UnselectedEvent );
m_toolMgr->ProcessEvent( unselected );
......@@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ void SELECTION_TOOL::selectVisually( BOARD_ITEM* aItem ) const
void SELECTION_TOOL::deselectVisually( BOARD_ITEM* aItem ) const
void SELECTION_TOOL::unselectVisually( BOARD_ITEM* aItem ) const
{>Remove( aItem );
......@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ public:
///> Event sent after an item is selected.
const TOOL_EVENT SelectedEvent;
///> Event sent after an item is deselected.
const TOOL_EVENT DeselectedEvent;
///> Event sent after an item is unselected.
const TOOL_EVENT UnselectedEvent;
///> Event sent after selection is cleared.
const TOOL_EVENT ClearedEvent;
......@@ -247,26 +247,26 @@ private:
void select( BOARD_ITEM* aItem );
* Function deselectItem()
* Takes necessary action mark an item as deselected.
* Function unselectItem()
* Takes necessary action mark an item as unselected.
* @param aItem is an item to be deselected.
* @param aItem is an item to be unselected.
void deselect( BOARD_ITEM* aItem );
void unselect( BOARD_ITEM* aItem );
* Function deselectVisually()
* Function unselectVisually()
* Marks item as selected, but does not add it to the ITEMS_PICKED_LIST.
* @param aItem is an item to be be marked.
void selectVisually( BOARD_ITEM* aItem ) const;
* Function deselectVisually()
* Function unselectVisually()
* Marks item as selected, but does not add it to the ITEMS_PICKED_LIST.
* @param aItem is an item to be be marked.
void deselectVisually( BOARD_ITEM* aItem ) const;
void unselectVisually( BOARD_ITEM* aItem ) const;
* Function containsSelected()
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