Commit 47e5026c authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

3D viewer: fix mirroring issue for texts in flipped footprints.

parent 9c71f62e
......@@ -187,9 +187,13 @@ void MODULE::TransformGraphicShapesWithClearanceToPolygonSet(
TEXTE_MODULE *textmod = texts[ii];
s_textWidth = textmod->GetThickness() + ( 2 * aInflateValue );
wxSize size = textmod->GetSize();
if( textmod->IsMirrored() )
NEGATE( size.x );
DrawGraphicText( NULL, NULL, textmod->GetTextPosition(), BLACK,
textmod->GetText(), textmod->GetDrawRotation(),
textmod->GetText(), textmod->GetDrawRotation(), size,
textmod->GetHorizJustify(), textmod->GetVertJustify(),
textmod->GetThickness(), textmod->IsItalic(),
true, addTextSegmToPoly );
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