Commit 9c71f62e authored by Fabrizio Tappero's avatar Fabrizio Tappero Committed by jean-pierre charras

Commit patch about cvpcb, pcbnew and layout editor menu items, with 3 menu...

Commit patch about  cvpcb, pcbnew and layout editor menu items, with 3 menu labels modified in Eeschema.
parent 4a461cd0
#define LOAD_FILE_HELP _( "Open a net list file" )
#define SAVE_HLP_MSG _( "Save the component/footprint link file (.cmp file)" )
#define SAVE_AS_HLP_MSG _( "Save the component/footprint link file (.cmp file) with a new name" )
#define LOAD_FILE_HELP _( "Open netlist file" )
#define SAVE_HLP_MSG _( "Save component/footprint link file (.cmp file)" )
#define SAVE_AS_HLP_MSG _( "Save component/footprint link file (.cmp file) with new name" )
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ void CVPCB_MAINFRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
// Open
AddMenuItem( filesMenu,
_( "&Open" ), LOAD_FILE_HELP, KiBitmap( open_document_xpm ) );
_( "&Open Netlist" ), LOAD_FILE_HELP, KiBitmap( open_document_xpm ) );
// Open Recent submenu
static wxMenu* openRecentMenu;
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ void CVPCB_MAINFRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
AddMenuItem( filesMenu, openRecentMenu, -1,
_( "Open &Recent" ),
_( "Open a recent opened netlist document" ),
_( "Open recent netlist" ),
KiBitmap( open_project_xpm ) );
// Separator
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void CVPCB_MAINFRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
wxMenu* preferencesMenu = new wxMenu;
AddMenuItem( preferencesMenu, ID_CVPCB_LIB_TABLE_EDIT,
_( "Li&brary Tables" ), _( "Setup footprint libraries" ),
_( "Edit Li&brary Table" ), _( "Setup footprint libraries" ),
KiBitmap( library_table_xpm ) );
// Language submenu
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ void CVPCB_MAINFRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
AddMenuItem( preferencesMenu, ID_SAVE_PROJECT_AS,
_( "&Save Project File As" ),
_( "Save changes to the project configuration to a new file" ),
_( "Save changes to a new project configuration file" ),
KiBitmap( save_setup_xpm ) );
// Menu Help:
......@@ -143,12 +143,12 @@ void CVPCB_MAINFRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
// Version info
AddHelpVersionInfoMenuEntry( helpMenu );
// Contents
AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_HELP, _( "&Contents" ),
_( "Open the CvPcb handbook" ),
// Manual Contents
AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_HELP, _( "&CvPcb Manual" ),
_( "Open CvPcb manual" ),
KiBitmap( online_help_xpm ) );
// About
// About CvPcb
AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_ABOUT,
_( "&About CvPcb" ),
_( "About CvPcb footprint selector" ),
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ void CVPCB_MAINFRAME::ReCreateHToolbar()
m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_CVPCB_CREATE_CONFIGWINDOW, wxEmptyString,
KiBitmap( config_xpm ),
_( "Configuration" ) );
_( "Set CvPcb config (paths and equ files)" ) );
m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_CVPCB_CREATE_SCREENCMP, wxEmptyString,
......@@ -72,21 +72,21 @@ void CVPCB_MAINFRAME::ReCreateHToolbar()
m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_CVPCB_GOTO_PREVIOUSNA, wxEmptyString,
KiBitmap( left_xpm ),
_( "Select previous free component" ) );
_( "Select previous unlinked component" ) );
m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_CVPCB_GOTO_FIRSTNA, wxEmptyString,
KiBitmap( right_xpm ),
_( "Select next free component" ) );
_( "Select next unlinked component" ) );
m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_CVPCB_DEL_ASSOCIATIONS, wxEmptyString,
KiBitmap( delete_association_xpm ),
_( "Delete all associations" ) );
_( "Delete all associations (links)" ) );
m_mainToolBar->AddTool( ID_PCB_DISPLAY_FOOTPRINT_DOC, wxEmptyString,
KiBitmap( datasheet_xpm ),
_( "Display footprints list documentation" ) );
_( "Display footprint documentation" ) );
......@@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ void CVPCB_MAINFRAME::ReCreateHToolbar()
KiBitmap( module_filtered_list_xpm ),
true, NULL,
_( "Filter the footprint list for the current component key words" ),
_( "Filter footprint list by keywords" ),
wxEmptyString );
KiBitmap( module_pin_filtered_list_xpm ),
true, NULL,
_( "Filter the footprint list by pin count for the current component" ),
_( "Filter footprint list by pin count" ),
wxEmptyString );
KiBitmap( module_library_list_xpm ),
wxNullBitmap, true, NULL,
_( "Filter the footprint list by the selected library" ),
_( "Filter footprint list by library" ),
wxEmptyString );
if( config )
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"Place hierarchical pin imported from the corresponding hierarchical label" )
#define HELP_PLACE_SHEETPIN _( "Place hierarchical pin in sheet" )
#define HELP_PLACE_GRAPHICLINES _( "Place graphic lines or polygons" )
#define HELP_PLACE_GRAPHICTEXTS _( "Place graphic text/comment" )
#define HELP_PLACE_GRAPHICTEXTS _( "Place text" )
#define HELP_ANNOTATE _( "Annotate schematic components" )
#define HELP_RUN_LIB_EDITOR _( "Library Editor - Create/edit components" )
......@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
KiBitmap( new_xpm ) );
// Open
text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Open Schematic Sheet" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_LOAD_SCH );
text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Open Schematic Project" ), s_Schematic_Hokeys_Descr, HK_LOAD_SCH );
AddMenuItem( fileMenu,
_( "Open an existing schematic sheet" ),
_( "Open an existing schematic hierarchy" ),
KiBitmap( open_document_xpm ) );
// Open Recent submenu
......@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
//Run CvPcb
AddMenuItem( toolsMenu,
_( "A&ssign Component Footprints" ),
_( "A&ssign Component Footprint" ),
_( "Run CvPcb" ),
KiBitmap( cvpcb_xpm ) );
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateVToolbar()
m_drawToolBar->AddTool( ID_HIERARCHY_PUSH_POP_BUTT, wxEmptyString,
KiBitmap( hierarchy_cursor_xpm ),
_( "Ascend or descend hierarchy" ), wxITEM_CHECK );
_( "Ascend/descend hierarchy" ), wxITEM_CHECK );
m_drawToolBar->AddTool( ID_SCH_PLACE_COMPONENT, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( add_component_xpm ),
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateVToolbar()
m_drawToolBar->AddTool( ID_ADD_IMAGE_BUTT, wxEmptyString, KiBitmap( image_xpm ),
_("Add a bitmap image"), wxITEM_CHECK );
_("Add bitmap image"), wxITEM_CHECK );
m_drawToolBar->AddTool( ID_SCHEMATIC_DELETE_ITEM_BUTT, wxEmptyString,
KiBitmap( delete_xpm ),
......@@ -282,11 +282,11 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateOptToolbar()
m_optionsToolBar->AddTool( ID_TB_OPTIONS_SELECT_UNIT_INCH, wxEmptyString,
KiBitmap( unit_inch_xpm ),
_( "Units in inches" ), wxITEM_CHECK );
_( "Set unit to inch" ), wxITEM_CHECK );
m_optionsToolBar->AddTool( ID_TB_OPTIONS_SELECT_UNIT_MM, wxEmptyString,
KiBitmap( unit_mm_xpm ),
_( "Units in millimeters" ), wxITEM_CHECK );
_( "Set unit to mm" ), wxITEM_CHECK );
m_optionsToolBar->AddTool( ID_TB_OPTIONS_SELECT_CURSOR, wxEmptyString,
KiBitmap( cursor_shape_xpm ),
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ void LAUNCHER_PANEL::CreateCommandToolbar( void )
btn = AddBitmapButton( ID_TO_BITMAP_CONVERTER, KiBitmap( icon_bitmap2component_xpm ) );
btn->SetToolTip( _(
"Bitmap2Component - Convert bitmap images to Eeschema\n"
"or Pcbnew elements." ) );
"or Pcbnew elements" ) );
btn = AddBitmapButton( ID_TO_PCB_CALCULATOR, KiBitmap( icon_pcbcalculator_xpm ) );
btn->SetToolTip( _( "Pcb calculator - Calculator for components, track width, etc." ) );
......@@ -193,14 +193,14 @@ void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
// Text editor
AddMenuItem( browseMenu,
_( "Launch Text E&ditor" ),
_( "Open Text E&ditor" ),
_( "Launch preferred text editor" ),
KiBitmap( editor_xpm ) );
// View file
AddMenuItem( browseMenu,
_( "&Edit Local File" ),
_( "&Open Local File" ),
_( "Edit local file" ),
KiBitmap( browse_files_xpm ) );
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
wxMenu* fileMenu = new wxMenu;
// Active library selection
AddMenuItem( fileMenu, ID_MODEDIT_SELECT_CURRENT_LIB, _("Current Library"),
AddMenuItem( fileMenu, ID_MODEDIT_SELECT_CURRENT_LIB, _("Set Active Library"),
_( "Select active library" ),
KiBitmap( open_library_xpm ) );
......@@ -77,32 +77,32 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
// from File
AddMenuItem( openSubmenu, ID_MODEDIT_IMPORT_PART,
_( "&Import Module from File" ),
_( "Import a footprint from an existing file" ),
_( "&Import Module From File" ),
_( "Import footprint from an existing file" ),
KiBitmap( import_module_xpm ) );
// from Library
AddMenuItem( openSubmenu, ID_MODEDIT_LOAD_MODULE,
_( "Load Module from Current Li&brary" ),
_( "Open a footprint module from a Library" ),
_( "Load Module From Current Li&brary" ),
_( "Open a footprint module from library" ),
KiBitmap( module_xpm ) );
// from current Board
_( "Load Module from &Current Board" ),
_( "Load a footprint module from the current loaded board" ),
_( "Load Module From &Current Board" ),
_( "Load a footprint module from the current board" ),
KiBitmap( load_module_board_xpm ) );
/* Append openSubmenu to fileMenu */
AddMenuItem( fileMenu, openSubmenu, -1,
_( "&Load Module" ),
_( "Load a footprint module" ),
_( "Load footprint module" ),
KiBitmap( open_document_xpm ) );
// Save the currently loaded legacy library as an s-expression library.
_( "Save Current Library as ..." ),
_( "Save Current Library As..." ),
_( "Save entire current library under a new name." ),
wxNullBitmap );
......@@ -116,21 +116,21 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
// Save module in new lib
_( "S&ave Module into a New Library" ),
_( "S&ave Module in New Library" ),
_( "Create a new library and save current module into it" ),
KiBitmap( new_library_xpm ) );
// Export module
AddMenuItem( fileMenu, ID_MODEDIT_EXPORT_PART,
_( "&Export Module" ),
_( "Save the current loaded module to a file" ),
_( "Save current loaded module into file" ),
KiBitmap( export_module_xpm ) );
// Print
AddMenuItem( fileMenu, wxID_PRINT,
_( "&Print" ),
_( "Print the current module" ),
_( "Print current module" ),
KiBitmap( plot_xpm ) );
// Separator
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
// Close editor
AddMenuItem( fileMenu, wxID_EXIT,
_( "Cl&ose" ),
_( "Close the footprint editor" ),
_( "Close footprint editor" ),
KiBitmap( exit_xpm ) );
// Menu Edit:
......@@ -148,18 +148,18 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
// Undo
text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Undo" ), g_Module_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_UNDO );
AddMenuItem( editMenu, wxID_UNDO,
text, _( "Undo last edit" ),
text, _( "Undo last action" ),
KiBitmap( undo_xpm ) );
// Redo
text = AddHotkeyName( _( "&Redo" ), g_Module_Editor_Hokeys_Descr, HK_REDO );
AddMenuItem( editMenu, wxID_REDO,
text, _( "Redo the last undo action" ),
text, _( "Redo last action" ),
KiBitmap( redo_xpm ) );
// Delete items
AddMenuItem( editMenu, ID_MODEDIT_DELETE_TOOL,
_( "&Delete" ), _( "Delete objects with the eraser" ),
_( "&Delete" ), _( "Delete objects with eraser" ),
KiBitmap( delete_xpm ) );
// Separator
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
// Properties
_( "&Properties" ),
_( "Edit &Properties" ),
_( "Edit module properties" ),
KiBitmap( module_options_xpm ) );
......@@ -176,13 +176,13 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
// Sizes and Widths
AddMenuItem( dimensions_Submenu, ID_PCB_DRAWINGS_WIDTHS_SETUP,
_( "&Sizes and Widths" ),
_( "&Size and Width" ),
_( "Adjust width for texts and drawings" ),
KiBitmap( options_text_xpm ) );
// Pad settings
AddMenuItem( dimensions_Submenu, ID_MODEDIT_PAD_SETTINGS,
_( "&Pad Settings" ), _( "Edit the settings for new pads" ),
_( "&Pad Setting" ), _( "Edit settings for new pads" ),
KiBitmap( pad_dimensions_xpm ) );
// User grid size
......@@ -195,25 +195,25 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
// Zoom In
AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_IN,
_( "Zoom &In" ), _( "Zoom in on the module" ),
_( "Zoom &In" ), _( "Zoom in" ),
KiBitmap( zoom_in_xpm ) );
// Zoom Out
AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_OUT,
_( "Zoom &Out" ), _( "Zoom out on the module" ),
_( "Zoom &Out" ), _( "Zoom out" ),
KiBitmap( zoom_out_xpm ) );
// Fit on Screen
AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_PAGE,
_( "&Fit on Screen" ),
_( "Zoom and fit the module in the window" ),
_( "Zoom to fit the module in the window" ),
KiBitmap( zoom_fit_in_page_xpm ) );
// Redraw
AddMenuItem( viewMenu, ID_ZOOM_REDRAW,
_( "&Redraw" ), _( "Redraw the window's viewport" ),
_( "&Redraw" ), _( "Redraw window's viewport" ),
KiBitmap( zoom_redraw_xpm ) );
// 3D view
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
// Anchor
AddMenuItem( placeMenu, ID_MODEDIT_ANCHOR_TOOL,
_( "A&nchor" ),
_( "Place the footprint module reference anchor" ),
_( "Place footprint module reference anchor" ),
KiBitmap( anchor_xpm ) );
// Menu Help:
......@@ -269,8 +269,8 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::ReCreateMenuBar()
// Contents
AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_HELP,
_( "&Contents" ),
_( "Open the Pcbnew handbook" ),
_( "P&cbnew Manual" ),
_( "Open the Pcbnew manual" ),
KiBitmap( online_help_xpm ) );
AddMenuItem( helpMenu, wxID_INDEX,
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