gestfich.h 4.42 KB
Newer Older
 * This file is part of the common library
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
 * TODO brief description
 * @file  gestfich.h
 * @see   common.h

#define __INCLUDE__GESTFICH_H__ 1

12 13
#include <wx/filename.h>


/* Forward class declarations. */
17 18

19 20
 * Function OpenPDF
21 22 23 24
 * run the PDF viewer and display a PDF file
 * @param file = PDF file to open
 * @return true is success, false if no PDF viewer found
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
bool OpenPDF( const wxString& file );

void OpenFile( const wxString& file );

bool EDA_DirectorySelector( const wxString& Title,
                            wxString&       Path,
                            int             flag,       /* reserve */
                            wxWindow*       Frame,
                            const wxPoint&  Pos );

/* Selection file dialog box:
 * Dialog title
 * Default path
 * default filename
 * default filename extension
 * filter for filename list
 * parent frame
 * wxFD_SAVE, wxFD_OPEN ..
 * true = keep the current path
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
wxString EDA_FileSelector( const wxString& Title,
                           const wxString& Path,
                           const wxString& FileName,
                           const wxString& Ext,
                           const wxString& Mask,
                           wxWindow*       Frame,
                           int             flag,
                           const bool      keep_working_directory,
                           const wxPoint&  Pos = wxPoint( -1, -1 ) );

56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
 * Function MakeReducedFileName
 * calculate the "reduced" filename from \a fullfilename.
 * @param fullfilename = full filename
 * @param default_path = default path
 * @param default_ext = default extension
 * @return  the "reduced" filename, i.e.:
 *  without path if it is default_path
 *  with ./ if the path is the current path
 *  without extension if extension is default_ext
 *  the new filename is in unix like notation ('/' as path separator)
70 71 72
wxString MakeReducedFileName( const wxString& fullfilename,
                              const wxString& default_path,
                              const wxString& default_ext );

EDA_LIST_DIALOG* GetFileNames( char* Directory, char* Mask );
75 76

77 78 79 80 81 82
 * Function ExecuteFile
 * calls the executable file \a ExecFile with the command line parameters \a param.
int ExecuteFile( wxWindow* frame, const wxString& ExecFile,
                 const wxString& param = wxEmptyString );

84 85 86 87 88 89
 * Function AddDelimiterString
 * Add un " to the start and the end of string (if not already done).
 * @param string = string to modify
void AddDelimiterString( wxString& string );

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
 * Function FindKicadHelpPath
 * finds the absolute path for KiCad "help" (or "help/&ltlanguage&gt")
 *  Find path kicad/doc/help/xx/ or kicad/doc/help/:
 *  from BinDir
 *  else from environment variable KICAD
 *  else from one of s_HelpPathList
 *  typically c:/kicad/doc/help or /usr/share/kicad/help
 *            or /usr/local/share/kicad/help
 *  (must have kicad in path name)
 *  xx = iso639-1 language id (2 letters (generic) or 4 letters):
 *  fr = french (or fr_FR)
 *  en = English (or en_GB or en_US ...)
 *  de = deutch
 *  es = spanish
 *  pt = portuguese (or pt_BR ...)
 *  default = en (if not found = fr)
wxString FindKicadHelpPath();

113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124
 * Function ReturnKicadDatasPath
 * returns the data path common to KiCad.
 * If environment variable KICAD is defined (KICAD = path to kicad)
 * Returns \<KICAD\> /;
 * Otherwise returns \<path of binaries\> / (if "kicad" is in the path name)
 * Otherwise returns /usr /share/kicad/
 * Note:
 * The \\ are replaced by / (a la Unix)
wxString ReturnKicadDatasPath();

126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137
 * Function FindKicadFile
 * searches the executable file shortname in KiCad binary path  and return full file
 * name if found or shortname if the kicad binary path is kicad/bin.
 *  kicad binary path is found from:
 *  BinDir
 *  or environment variable KICAD
 *  or (default) c:\\kicad or /usr/local/kicad
 *  or default binary path
wxString FindKicadFile( const wxString& shortname );

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 * Quote return value of wxFileName::GetFullPath().
 * This allows file name paths with spaces to be used as parameters to
143 144 145 146
 * ProcessExecute function calls.
 * @param fn is the filename to wrap
 * @param format if provided, can be used to transform the nature of the
 *    wrapped filename to another platform.
extern wxString QuoteFullPath( wxFileName& fn, wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE );

#endif /* __INCLUDE__GESTFICH_H__ */