Commit fb87526f authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

cleaning up, converted indices->avalable_pairs for equalization, not yet

parent 6efffa79
......@@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ public class OrthoEqualizeLMA {
oel.prepareLMA (
clt_parameters, // CLTParameters clt_parameters,
maps_collection, // OrthoMapsCollection maps_collection,
indices, // int [] indices,
indices, // int [] indices,
ignore_equalize, // boolean ignore_equalization, // ignore previous equalization
// scale_weights applies both to pairs mismatch and per-scene values difference from neutral {1.0, 0.0}
// scale_weights applies both to pairs mismatch and per-scene values difference from neutral {1.0, 0.0}
scale_weight, // double scale_weight, // relative weight of scale differences compared to offset differences
pull_weight, // double pull_weight, // relative weight of offsets and scales differences from 1.0 to pairs mismatch
half_weight_sec, // double half_weight_sec, // 300 - time difference to reduce weight twice
......@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ public class OrthoEqualizeLMA {
null, // final double [][] jt, // should be null or initialized with [vector.length][]
0); // final int debug_level)
public int prepareLMA (
CLTParameters clt_parameters,
OrthoMapsCollection maps_collection,
......@@ -296,6 +296,129 @@ public class OrthoEqualizeLMA {
last_jt = new double [parameters_vector.length][];
return weights.length;
* Converting to use available_pairs[][] instead of indices[] - not yet used
* @param clt_parameters
* @param maps_collection
* @param available_pairs
* @param ignore_equalization
* @param scale_weight
* @param pull_weight
* @param half_weight_sec
* @param min_weight_sec
* @param use_inv
* @param overlap_pow
* @param debugLevel
* @return
public int prepareLMA (
CLTParameters clt_parameters,
OrthoMapsCollection maps_collection,
int [][] available_pairs,
// scale_weights applies both to pairs mismatch and per-scene values difference from neutral {1.0, 0.0}
boolean ignore_equalization, // ignore previous equalization
double scale_weight, // relative weight of scale differences compared to offset differences
double pull_weight, // relative weight of offsets and scales differences from 1.0 to pairs mismatch
double half_weight_sec, // 300 - time difference to reduce weight twice
double min_weight_sec, // 0.01 weight of pairs at very different time
boolean use_inv, // use inverse pairs
double overlap_pow, // match weight as overlap fraction to this power
int debugLevel) {
int [] indices = maps_collection.getScenesFromPairs( // may be shorter, each element - absolute scene number used in pairs
available_pairs, // pairs_defined_abs,// int [][] pairs,
null); // int [] indices_in) // preselected indices or null
int [][] defined_pairs = maps_collection.condensePairs (available_pairs, indices); // pairs_defined_abs,indices);
this.indices = indices;
num_scenes = indices.length;
matches = new PairwiseOrthoMatch[indices.length][indices.length];
ArrayList<Point> pairs_list = new ArrayList<Point>();
for (int i = 0; i < num_scenes-1; i++) {
int scene0 = indices[i];
for (int j = i+1; j < num_scenes; j++){
int scene1 = indices[j];
PairwiseOrthoMatch match = maps_collection.ortho_maps[scene0].getMatch(maps_collection.ortho_maps[scene1].getName());
PairwiseOrthoMatch inv_match = use_inv?
if ((match != null) || (inv_match != null)){
if (match == null) {
double [] enuOffset = maps_collection.ortho_maps[scene0].enuOffsetTo(maps_collection.ortho_maps[scene1]);
double [] rd = {enuOffset[0], -enuOffset[1]}; // {right,down} of the image
match = inv_match.getInverse(rd);
if (inv_match == null) {
double [] enuOffset = maps_collection.ortho_maps[scene1].enuOffsetTo(maps_collection.ortho_maps[scene0]);
double [] rd = {enuOffset[0], -enuOffset[1]}; // {right,down} of the image
inv_match = match.getInverse(rd);
if ((match != null) && match.isSetEqualize2to1()) {
matches[i][j] = match;
matches[j][i] = inv_match;
pairs_list.add(new Point(i,j)); // only once?
num_pairs = pairs_list.size();
pairs = new int[num_pairs][2];
for (int np = 0; np < num_pairs; np++) {
Point pair = pairs_list.get(np);
pairs[np] = new int[] {pair.x, pair.y};
pairs_ni = OrthoMultiLMA.createNonIntersectingPairs(pairs);
y_vector = new double [2*num_pairs + 2*num_scenes];
weights = new double [2*num_pairs + 2*num_scenes];
parameters_vector = new double [2*num_scenes];
int sec_24hrs = 60*60*24;
double sw = 0;
// pairwise matches
for (int npair = 0; npair < num_pairs; npair++) {
Point p = pairs_list.get(npair);
PairwiseOrthoMatch match = matches[p.x][p.y];
y_vector[2*npair + 0] = match.equalize1to0[0];
y_vector[2*npair + 1] = match.equalize1to0[1];
double diff_seconds = Math.abs((int) ChronoUnit.SECONDS.between(
)) % sec_24hrs;
if (diff_seconds > (sec_24hrs/2)) {
diff_seconds = sec_24hrs-diff_seconds;
// weight reduction because of different capture time
double weight_dt = Math.max(Math.pow(0.5, diff_seconds/half_weight_sec),min_weight_sec);
// weight reduction because of partial overlap
double weight_overlap = Math.pow(match.getOverlap(), overlap_pow);
// scale_weight
double w = weight_dt * weight_overlap;
weights[2*npair + 0] = w * scale_weight;
weights[2*npair + 1] = w;
sw += w *(1 + scale_weight);
double swp = sw;
// individual scene pulls to {1.0,0} for regularization
for (int nscene = 0; nscene < num_scenes; nscene++) {
double [] equalize = ignore_equalization?
(new double[] {1.0,0.0}):
int np = 2 * nscene;
int indx = 2 * num_pairs + np;
parameters_vector[np + 0] = equalize[0];
parameters_vector[np + 1] = equalize[1];
y_vector[indx + 0] = 1.0;
y_vector[indx + 1] = 0.0;
weights [indx + 0] = scale_weight * pull_weight;
weights [indx + 1] = pull_weight;
sw+= pull_weight * (1 + scale_weight);
pure_weight = swp/sw;
double s = 1.0/sw;
for (int i = 0; i <weights.length;i++) {
weights[i] *=s;
last_jt = new double [parameters_vector.length][];
return weights.length;
public int runLma( // <0 - failed, >=0 iteration number (1 - immediately)
......@@ -423,9 +423,6 @@ public class OrthoMultiLMA {
CLTParameters clt_parameters,
OrthoMapsCollection maps_collection,
String orthoMapsCollection_path,
/// boolean all_pairs,
/// double min_overlap_frac,
/// double max_rms,
int [][] available_pairs,
boolean move_only,
boolean ignore_affines,
......@@ -441,27 +438,9 @@ public class OrthoMultiLMA {
int debugLevel) {
double [] val_coord = null; // 1 - valid, 0 - invalid, minimize coordinates errors
boolean corr_avg= (skew_pull > 0) || (tilt_pull > 0) || (scale_pull > 0);
int [] indices = null;
if (all_pairs) {
} else {
indices = maps_collection.getScenesSelection(
null, // boolean select_all,
" to build a map with LMA from pair-wise matches"); // String purpose)
int [][] pairs_defined_abs = maps_collection.filterPairs( // absolute indices
indices, // int [] indices_in,
min_overlap_frac, // double min_overlap_frac,
max_rms, // double max_rmse,
true, // boolean max_resolution,
null); // int [][] remove_pairs
indices= maps_collection.getScenesFromPairs( // may be shorter, each element - absolute scene number used in pairs
int [] indices = maps_collection.getScenesFromPairs( // may be shorter, each element - absolute scene number used in pairs
available_pairs, // pairs_defined_abs,// int [][] pairs,
null); // int [] indices_in) // preselected indices or null
int [][] defined_pairs = maps_collection.condensePairs (available_pairs, indices); // pairs_defined_abs,indices);
OrthoMultiLMA oml = new OrthoMultiLMA(
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