Commit e868199f authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

More improvements/bug fixes to egomotion calculation

parent 2f7a08d9
......@@ -2728,15 +2728,16 @@ public class ImageDtt extends ImageDttCPU {
double [] mv = new double[3];
if (mv_pd != null) {
mv = mv_pd;
mv[2] *= pd_weight;
// mv[2] *= pd_weight;
if ((mv_td != null) && !td_nopd_only) { // mix
mv[0] = (mv[0] * pd_weight + mv_td[0] * td_weight)/ (pd_weight + td_weight);
mv[1] = (mv[1] * pd_weight + mv_td[1] * td_weight)/ (pd_weight + td_weight);
mv[2] += mv_td[2] * td_weight;
//mv[2] += mv_td[2] * td_weight;
mv[2] = (mv[2] * pd_weight + mv_td[2] * td_weight)/ (pd_weight + td_weight);
} // mix
} else { // (mv_pd == null) && (mv_td != null) below
mv = mv_td;
mv[2] *= td_weight;
//mv[2] *= td_weight;
if (mv != null) {
if (pXpYD == null) {
......@@ -5807,6 +5807,7 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
double [][] pose = new double [2][3];
double angle_per_step = reference_QuadClt.getGeometryCorrection().getCorrVector().getTiltAzPerPixel() * pix_step;
double [][] atrs = new double [(2*search_rad+1)*(2*search_rad+1)][];
boolean [] good_offset = new boolean [atrs.length];
double [] confidences_sum = new double [atrs.length];
double [] confidences_avg = new double [atrs.length];
double [] confidences_fom = new double [atrs.length];
......@@ -5874,6 +5875,7 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
confidences_avg[ntry] = avg_strength;
confidences_fom[ntry] = fom;
boolean good = (num_defined > min_defined) && (rms < max_search_rms) && (fom > maybe_fom) && (sum_strength > maybe_sum) && (avg_strength > maybe_avg);
good_offset[ntry] = good;
if (debugLevel > -2) {
System.out.println ((good?"* ":" ")+"ntry = "+ntry+", num_defined = "+num_defined+" ("+min_defined+")"+
", FOM="+fom+
......@@ -5890,6 +5892,9 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
// if (ntry == 105) {
// System.out.println("spiralSearchATR(): ntry="+ntry);
// }
......@@ -5900,10 +5905,9 @@ public class OpticalFlow {
return null;
if (use_atr == null) {
int best_ntry = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < atrs.length; i++) {
// if (confidences_sum[i] > confidences_sum[best_ntry]) {
if (confidences_fom[i] > confidences_fom[best_ntry]) {
int best_ntry = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < atrs.length; i++) if (good_offset[i]){
if ((best_ntry < 0) || (confidences_fom[i] > confidences_fom[best_ntry])) {
best_ntry = i;
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