Commit e0cc40c3 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

extracting background

parent 695f5cda
......@@ -190,7 +190,9 @@ private Panel panel1,panel2,panel3,panel4,panel5,panel5a, panel6;
0.075, // b_min;
1.0, // r_max;
1.0, // g_max;
1.0 // b_max;
1.0, // b_max;
0.0, // alpha_min;
1.0 // alpha_max;
public static FilesParameters FILE_PARAMETERS= new FilesParameters (
......@@ -802,7 +804,8 @@ if (PROCESS_PARAMETERS.saveSettings) saveProperties(FILE_PARAMETERS.resultsDirec
0, 65536, // r range 0->0, 65536->256
0, 65536, // g range
0, 65536);// b range
0, 65536, // b range
0, 65536);// alpha range
......@@ -1177,26 +1180,30 @@ if (PROCESS_PARAMETERS.saveSettings) saveProperties(FILE_PARAMETERS.resultsDirec
int g_min,
int g_max,
int b_min,
int b_max){
int [] mins= {r_min,g_min,b_min};
int [] maxs= {r_max,g_max,b_max};
int b_max,
int alpha_min,
int alpha_max){
int [] mins= {r_min,g_min,b_min,alpha_min};
int [] maxs= {r_max,g_max,b_max,alpha_max};
int i;
int length=stack16.getWidth()*stack16.getHeight();
short [][] spixels=new short[3][];
int numSlices = stack16.getSize();
if (numSlices > 4) numSlices = 4;
short [][] spixels=new short[numSlices][];
int [] pixels=new int[length];
int c,d;
double [] scale=new double[3];
for (c=0;c<3;c++) {
double [] scale=new double[numSlices];
for (c = 0; c < numSlices; c++) {
for (i=0;i<3;i++) spixels[i]= (short[])stack16.getPixels(i+1);
for (i=0;i<length;i++) {
for (i = 0; i < numSlices; i++) spixels[i]= (short[])stack16.getPixels(i+1);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (c=0;c<3;c++) {
for (c=0;c < numSlices;c++) {
d=(int)(((spixels[c][i]& 0xffff)-mins[c])*scale[c]);
if (d>255) d=255;
else if (d<0) d=0;
pixels[i]= d | (pixels[i]<<8);
if (d > 255) d=255;
else if (d < 0) d=0;
pixels[i]= d | (pixels[i] << 8);
ColorProcessor cp=new ColorProcessor(stack16.getWidth(),stack16.getHeight());
......@@ -1976,7 +1983,8 @@ if (PROCESS_PARAMETERS.saveSettings) saveProperties(FILE_PARAMETERS.resultsDirec
0, 65536, // r range 0->0, 65536->256
0, 65536, // g range
0, 65536);// b range
0, 65536, // b range
0, 65536);// alpha range
if (processParameters.JPEG_scale!=1.0){
ImageProcessor ip=imp_RGB24.getProcessor();
......@@ -3504,6 +3512,9 @@ G= Y +Pr*(- 2*Kr*(1-Kr))/Kg + Pb*(-2*Kb*(1-Kb))/Kg
gd.addNumericField("Red color white level", rgbParameters.r_max, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Green color white level", rgbParameters.g_max, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Blue color white level", rgbParameters.b_max, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Alpha channel min", rgbParameters.alpha_min, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Alpha channel max", rgbParameters.alpha_max, 3);
if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false;
rgbParameters.r_min= gd.getNextNumber();
......@@ -3512,6 +3523,8 @@ G= Y +Pr*(- 2*Kr*(1-Kr))/Kg + Pb*(-2*Kb*(1-Kb))/Kg
rgbParameters.r_max= gd.getNextNumber();
rgbParameters.g_max= gd.getNextNumber();
rgbParameters.b_max= gd.getNextNumber();
rgbParameters.alpha_min= gd.getNextNumber();
rgbParameters.alpha_max= gd.getNextNumber();
return true;
......@@ -4233,13 +4246,15 @@ G= Y +Pr*(- 2*Kr*(1-Kr))/Kg + Pb*(-2*Kb*(1-Kb))/Kg
/* ======================================================================== */
public static class RGBParameters {
public double r_min;
public double g_min;
public double b_min;
public double r_max;
public double g_max;
public double b_max;
public double r_min = 0.075;
public double g_min = 0.075;
public double b_min = 0.075;
public double r_max = 1.0;
public double g_max = 1.0;
public double b_max = 1.0;
public double alpha_min = 0.0;
public double alpha_max = 1.0;
public RGBParameters(double r_min, double g_min, double b_min, double r_max, double g_max, double b_max) {
this.r_min = r_min;
this.g_min = g_min;
......@@ -4248,6 +4263,18 @@ G= Y +Pr*(- 2*Kr*(1-Kr))/Kg + Pb*(-2*Kb*(1-Kb))/Kg
this.g_max = g_max;
this.b_max = b_max;
public RGBParameters(double r_min, double g_min, double b_min, double r_max, double g_max, double b_max, double alpha_min, double alpha_max) {
this.r_min = r_min;
this.g_min = g_min;
this.b_min = b_min;
this.r_max = r_max;
this.g_max = g_max;
this.b_max = b_max;
this.alpha_min = alpha_min;
this.alpha_max = alpha_max;
public void setProperties(String prefix,Properties properties){
......@@ -4255,6 +4282,9 @@ G= Y +Pr*(- 2*Kr*(1-Kr))/Kg + Pb*(-2*Kb*(1-Kb))/Kg
public void getProperties(String prefix,Properties properties){
......@@ -4263,6 +4293,8 @@ G= Y +Pr*(- 2*Kr*(1-Kr))/Kg + Pb*(-2*Kb*(1-Kb))/Kg
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"alpha_min")!=null) this.alpha_min=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"alpha_min"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"alpha_max")!=null) this.alpha_max=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"alpha_max"));
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