null,//double [][] interParameterDerivatives, //partial derivative matrix from subcamera-camera-goniometer to single camera (12x21) if null - just values, no derivatives
null,//double [][] interParameterDerivatives, //partial derivative matrix from subcamera-camera-goniometer to single camera (12x21) if null - just values, no derivatives
null,//boolean [] mask, // calculate only selected derivatives (all parVect values are still
if(debug_level>1)System.out.println("Initial Heading and Elevation are set to heading="+IJ.d2s(-initialHeadEl[0],2)+", elvation="+IJ.d2s(-initialHeadEl[1],2));
lensDistortions.copySensorConstants(eyesisCameraParameters);// copy from the first channel
// lensDistortions.fittingStrategy will be defined later, no need to