1. Edit the ```pom.xml``` file. Every entry should be pretty self-explanatory. In particular, change
1. Edit the ```pom.xml``` file. Every entry should be pretty self-explanatory.
In particular, change
1. the *artifactId* (and optionally also *groupId*)
2. the *version* (note that you typically want to use a version number ending in *-SNAPSHOT* to mark it as a work in progress rather than a final version)
3. the *dependencies* (read how to specify the correct *groupId/artifactId/version* triplet [here](http://fiji.sc/Maven#How_to_find_a_dependency.27s_groupId.2FartifactId.2Fversion_.28GAV.29.3F))
2. the *version* (note that you typically want to use a version number
ending in *-SNAPSHOT* to mark it as a work in progress rather than a
final version)
3. the *dependencies* (read how to specify the correct