Commit c46680e7 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Added parameters, JPEG textures

parent 5ae26946
......@@ -2715,6 +2715,7 @@ public class EyesisCorrections {
int jpegQuality,// <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG
int debugLevel){
if (path!=null) {
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo();
boolean hasAlphaHighByte = false;
if ((imp.getStackSize()==1) && (imp.getFileInfo().fileType== FileInfo.RGB)) {
......@@ -2735,7 +2736,8 @@ public class EyesisCorrections {
path +".png",
fi.url = path+".png";
fi.fileName = imp.getTitle()+".png";
} else {
if (debugLevel > 0) System.out.println("Saving RGBA result to "+path+".tiff");
try {
......@@ -2753,6 +2755,8 @@ public class EyesisCorrections {
} catch (DependencyException e) {
fi.url = path+".tiff";
fi.fileName = imp.getTitle()+".tiff";
} else if (((imp.getStackSize()==1)) && (jpegQuality!=0) && ((imp.getFileInfo().fileType== FileInfo.RGB) || (jpegQuality>0))) {
......@@ -2760,6 +2764,8 @@ public class EyesisCorrections {
FileSaver fs=new FileSaver(imp);
if (jpegQuality>0) FileSaver.setJpegQuality(jpegQuality);
fi.url = path+".jpeg";
fi.fileName = imp.getTitle()+".jpeg";
} else {
if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Saving result to "+path+".tiff");
FileSaver fs=new FileSaver(imp);
......@@ -2789,7 +2795,10 @@ public class EyesisCorrections {
} else if (imp.getStackSize()>1) fs.saveAsTiffStack(path+".tiff");
else fs.saveAsTiff(path+".tiff");
fi.url = path+".tiff";
fi.fileName = imp.getTitle()+".tiff";
imp.setFileInfo(fi); // only url
if (show) {
imp.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax(); // probably not needed
......@@ -1843,15 +1843,39 @@ public class TexturedModel {
final boolean updateStatus,
final int debugLevel)
final boolean batch_mode = clt_parameters.batch_run;
final boolean gltf_emissive = clt_parameters.gltf_emissive;
final boolean use_alpha_blend = false;
final boolean batch_mode = clt_parameters.batch_run;
final boolean gltf_emissive = clt_parameters.gltf_emissive;
final boolean use_alpha_blend = clt_parameters.gltf_alpha_blend;
final double tex_disp_adiffo = clt_parameters.tex_disp_adiffo; // 0.35; // 0.3; disparity absolute tolerance to connect in ortho directions
final double tex_disp_rdiffo = clt_parameters.tex_disp_rdiffo; // 0.12; // 0.1; disparity relative tolerance to connect in ortho directions
final double tex_disp_adiffd = clt_parameters.tex_disp_adiffd; // 0.6; // 0.4; disparity absolute tolerance to connect in diagonal directions
final double tex_disp_rdiffd = clt_parameters.tex_disp_rdiffd; // 0.18; // 0.12; disparity relative tolerance to connect in diagonal directions
final double tex_disp_fof = clt_parameters.tex_disp_fof; // 1.5; // Increase tolerance for friend of a friend
final int jump_r = clt_parameters.tex_jump_tiles; // 2;
final double disp_adiffj = clt_parameters.tex_disp_adiffj;
final double disp_rdiffj = clt_parameters.tex_disp_rdiffj;
final double tex_fg_bg = clt_parameters.tex_fg_bg; // 0.1; // Minimal FG/BG disparity difference (NaN bg if difference from FG < this)
final double max_disparity_lim = clt_parameters.tex_max_disparity_lim; // 100.0; // do not allow stray disparities above this
final double min_trim_disparity =clt_parameters.tex_min_trim_disparity;// 2.0; // do not try to trim texture outlines with lower disparities
final int max_neib_lev = clt_parameters.tex_max_neib_lev; // 2; // 1 - single tiles layer around, 2 - two layers
final boolean split_textures = clt_parameters.tex_split_textures; // (debugLevel > 1000); // false;
final int subdiv_tiles = clt_parameters.tex_subdiv_tiles; // 4; // subdivide tiles to smaller triangles
final int sky_below = clt_parameters.tex_sky_below; // 10; // extend sky these tile rows below lowest
final boolean debug_disp_tri = clt_parameters.tex_debug_disp_tri; // !batch_mode && (debugLevel > 0); // TODO: use clt_parameters
// If there is gap between clusters, add extra row of background tiles
int add_bg_tiles = clt_parameters.tex_add_bg_tiles; // 0; // 1;
final boolean save_full_textures=clt_parameters.tex_save_full_textures || !clt_parameters.tex_split_textures; //true; // false; // true;
final double alpha_threshold = clt_parameters.tex_alpha_threshold; // 0.5;
final boolean renormalize = clt_parameters.tex_renormalize; // true; // false - use normalizations from previous scenes to keep consistent colors
final boolean no_alpha = !clt_parameters.tex_alpha; // true; // also - use jpeg?
final int jpeg_quality = clt_parameters.tex_jpeg_quality; //95; // JPEG quality for textures
final int sky_layer = 0; // source disparity layer that contains "blue sky"
final int ref_index = scenes.length - 1;
final QuadCLT ref_scene = scenes[ref_index];
final TileProcessor tp = ref_scene.getTileProcessor();
final boolean split_textures = (debugLevel > 1000); // false;
final int subdiv_tiles = 4; // subdivide tiles to smaller triangles
final boolean debug_disp_tri = !batch_mode && (debugLevel > 0); // TODO: use clt_parameters
if (ref_scene.image_data == null){
return false; // not used in lwir
......@@ -1863,23 +1887,7 @@ public class TexturedModel {
long startStepTime=System.nanoTime();
final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX();
final int transform_size = tp.getTileSize();
final double tex_disp_adiffo = clt_parameters.tex_disp_adiffo; // 0.35; // 0.3; disparity absolute tolerance to connect in ortho directions
final double tex_disp_rdiffo = clt_parameters.tex_disp_rdiffo; // 0.12; // 0.1; disparity relative tolerance to connect in ortho directions
final double tex_disp_adiffd = clt_parameters.tex_disp_adiffd; // 0.6; // 0.4; disparity absolute tolerance to connect in diagonal directions
final double tex_disp_rdiffd = clt_parameters.tex_disp_rdiffd; // 0.18; // 0.12; disparity relative tolerance to connect in diagonal directions
final double tex_disp_fof = clt_parameters.tex_disp_fof; // 1.5; // Increase tolerance for friend of a friend
final int jump_r = 2; // FIXME
final double disp_adiffj = clt_parameters.tex_disp_adiffo; // FIXME
final double disp_rdiffj = clt_parameters.tex_disp_rdiffo; // FIXME
final double tex_fg_bg = clt_parameters.tex_fg_bg; // 0.1; // Minimal FG/BG disparity difference (NaN bg if difference from FG < this)
final int max_neib_lev = 2; // 1 - single tiles layer around, 2 - two layers
final int tex_cluster_gap= 2; // gap between clusters Make clt_parameters
final double max_disparity_lim = 100.0; // do not allow stray disparities above this
final double min_trim_disparity = 2.0; // do not try to trim texture outlines with lower disparities
final int width = tilesX * transform_size;
final int height = tp.getTilesY() * transform_size;
// get multi-scene disparity map for FG and BG and filter it
......@@ -1931,8 +1939,6 @@ public class TexturedModel {
ds_fg_bg[1][i] = Double.NaN;
int sky_layer = 0;
int sky_below = 10; // extend sky these tile rows below lowest
// Create data for consolidated textures (multiple texture segments combined in same "passes"
TileCluster [] tileClusters = clusterizeFgBg( // wrong result type, not decided
tilesX, // final int tilesX,
......@@ -1967,7 +1973,6 @@ public class TexturedModel {
scenes_sel[i] = true;
// If there is gap between clusters, add extra row of background tiles
int add_bg_tiles = 0; // 1;
while ((add_bg_tiles--) > 0) {
tileClusters, // final TileCluster[] tileClusters,
......@@ -1977,8 +1982,6 @@ public class TexturedModel {
tilesX); // final int tilesX)
boolean renormalize = true;// false - use normalizations from previous scenes to keep consistent colors
final boolean no_alpha = true;
double[][][] faded_textures = getInterCombinedTextures( // return ImagePlus[] matching tileClusters[], with alpha
clt_parameters, // final CLTParameters clt_parameters,
......@@ -2004,22 +2007,21 @@ public class TexturedModel {
transform_size, // int transform_size,
debugLevel); // final int debug_level)
boolean save_full_textures = true; // false; // true;
EyesisCorrectionParameters.CorrectionParameters correctionsParameters = ref_scene.correctionsParameters;
String x3d_dir = ref_scene.getX3dDirectory();
if (save_full_textures || !split_textures) {
boolean use_png = (jpeg_quality <= 0) || !no_alpha;
if (save_full_textures) { // || !split_textures) {
for (int nslice = 0; nslice < combined_textures.length; nslice++) {
combined_textures[nslice], // imp_texture_cluster,
false, // (nslice < 4), // clt_parameters.show_textures,
-1, // jpegQuality){// <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG
1); //
use_png, // correctionsParameters.png,
false, // (nslice < 4), // clt_parameters.show_textures,
jpeg_quality, // -1, // jpegQuality){// <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG
1); //
double alpha_threshold = 0.5;
boolean [][] combined_alphas = null;
if (subdiv_tiles > 0) { // Use subdiv_tiles==1 to keep alpha
combined_alphas = new boolean [faded_textures.length][faded_textures[0][0].length];
......@@ -2040,9 +2042,9 @@ public class TexturedModel {
imp_textures[i], // imp_texture_cluster,
use_png, // correctionsParameters.png,
false, // (nslice < 4), // clt_parameters.show_textures,
-1, // jpegQuality){// <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG
jpeg_quality, // -1, // jpegQuality){// <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG
1); //
......@@ -2159,7 +2161,9 @@ public class TexturedModel {
String texturePath = imp_texture_cluster.getTitle()+".png";
// String texturePath = imp_texture_cluster.getTitle()+".png";
String texturePath = imp_texture_cluster.getOriginalFileInfo().fileName;
double [] scan_disparity = tileClusters[nslice].getSubDisparity(sub_i); // limited to cluster bounds
boolean [] scan_selected = tileClusters[nslice].getSubSelected(sub_i); // limited to cluster bounds
int [] scan_border_int = tileClusters[nslice].getSubBorderInt(sub_i); // limited to cluster bounds
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