Commit b47dba20 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

tested new extrinsic adjustment including ERS rotation

parent cb607a02
......@@ -177,10 +177,14 @@ public class CLTParameters {
public boolean ly_inf_en = true; // Simultaneously correct disparity at infinity (both poly and extrinsic)
public boolean ly_aztilt_en = true; // Adjust azimuths and tilts
public boolean ly_diff_roll_en = true; // Adjust differential rolls (3 of 4 angles)
public boolean ly_focalLength= true; // Correct scales (focal length temperature? variations)
public boolean ly_focalLength= true; // Correct scales (focal length temperature? variations)
public boolean ly_com_roll= false; // Enable common roll (valid for high disparity range only)
public boolean ly_ers_rot= true; // Enable ERS correction of the camera rotation
public boolean ly_ers_lin= false; // Enable ERS correction of the camera linear movement
public int ly_par_sel = 0; // Manually select the parameter mask bit 0 - sym0, bit1 - sym1, ... (0 - use checkbox selections above)
public int ly_debug_level = 0; // LY debug level
public boolean ly_right_left= false; // equalize weights of right/left FoV (use with horizon in both halves and gross infinity correction)
public int ly_per_quad = 10; // minimal tiles per quadrant (not counting the worst) tp proceed
......@@ -966,8 +970,12 @@ public class CLTParameters {
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ly_diff_roll_en", this.ly_diff_roll_en+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ly_focalLength", this.ly_focalLength+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ly_com_roll", this.ly_com_roll+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ly_ers_rot", this.ly_ers_rot+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ly_ers_lin", this.ly_ers_lin+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ly_par_sel", this.ly_par_sel+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ly_debug_level", this.ly_debug_level+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ly_right_left", this.ly_right_left+"");
properties.setProperty(prefix+"ly_per_quad", this.ly_per_quad +"");
......@@ -1683,8 +1691,11 @@ public class CLTParameters {
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_diff_roll_en")!=null) this.ly_diff_roll_en=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_diff_roll_en"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_focalLength")!=null) this.ly_focalLength=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_focalLength"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_com_roll")!=null) this.ly_com_roll=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_com_roll"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_ers_rot")!=null) this.ly_ers_rot=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_ers_rot"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_ers_lin")!=null) this.ly_ers_lin=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_ers_lin"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_par_sel")!=null) this.ly_par_sel=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_par_sel"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_debug_level")!=null) this.ly_debug_level=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_debug_level"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_right_left")!=null) this.ly_right_left=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_right_left"));
if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_per_quad")!=null) this.ly_per_quad=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ly_per_quad"));
......@@ -2436,7 +2447,7 @@ public class CLTParameters {
gd.addTab ("Lazy eye", "Lazy eye parameters");
gd.addMessage ("--- main-to-aux depth map parameters ---");
gd.addNumericField("Minimal reference (main) channel orrelation strength", this.ly_gt_strength, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Minimal reference (main) channel correlation strength", this.ly_gt_strength, 3);
gd.addCheckbox ("Use window for AUX tiles to reduce weight of the hi-res tiles near low-res tile boundaries", this.ly_gt_use_wnd);
gd.addNumericField("Aux disparity thershold to split FG and BG (and disable AUX tile for adjustment)", this.ly_gt_rms, 3);
gd.addMessage ("--- others ---");
......@@ -2446,9 +2457,15 @@ public class CLTParameters {
gd.addCheckbox ("Adjust differential rolls", this.ly_diff_roll_en,"Adjust differential rolls (3 of 4 rolls, keeping average roll)");
gd.addCheckbox ("Correct scales (focal length temperature? variations)", this.ly_focalLength);
gd.addCheckbox ("Enable common roll adjustment (valid for high disparity range scans only)", this.ly_com_roll);
gd.addCheckbox ("Enable ERS correction of the camera rotation", this.ly_ers_rot);
gd.addCheckbox ("Enable ERS correction of the camera linear movement", this.ly_ers_lin);
gd.addNumericField("Manual parameter mask selection (0 use checkboxes above)", this.ly_par_sel, 0, 5,"",
"bit 0 - sym0, bit1 - sym1, ...");
gd.addNumericField("Debug level for lazy eye/ers processing", this.ly_debug_level, 0, 5,"",
"Active when global debug level > -1");
gd.addCheckbox ("Equalize weights of right/left FoV", this.ly_right_left,
"Use this mode use with horizon visible in both FoV halves when gross infinity correction is needed");
......@@ -3273,7 +3290,10 @@ public class CLTParameters {
this.ly_diff_roll_en= gd.getNextBoolean();
this.ly_focalLength= gd.getNextBoolean();
this.ly_com_roll= gd.getNextBoolean();
this.ly_ers_rot= gd.getNextBoolean();
this.ly_ers_lin= gd.getNextBoolean();
this.ly_par_sel= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
this.ly_debug_level= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
this.ly_right_left= gd.getNextBoolean();
......@@ -709,7 +709,9 @@ private Panel panel1,
addButton("LWIR_TEST", panelClt_GPU, color_conf_process);
addButton("LWIR_ACQUIRE", panelClt_GPU, color_conf_process);
addButton("IMU main", panelClt_GPU, color_conf_process);
addButton("ERS main", panelClt_GPU, color_process);
addButton("IMU aux", panelClt_GPU, color_conf_process_aux);
addButton("ERS aux", panelClt_GPU, color_process_aux);
......@@ -4318,7 +4320,8 @@ private Panel panel1,
} else if (label.equals("CLT 4 images") ||
label.equals("CLT apply fine corr") ||
label.equals("CLT infinity corr") ||
label.equals("CORR TEST" )) {
label.equals("CORR TEST" ) ||
label.equals("ERS main")) {
boolean apply_corr = label.equals("CLT apply fine corr");
boolean infinity_corr = label.equals("CLT infinity corr");
......@@ -4377,7 +4380,19 @@ private Panel panel1,
int num_infinity_corr = infinity_corr? CLT_PARAMETERS.inf_repeat : 1;
if ( num_infinity_corr < 1) num_infinity_corr = 1;
for (int i_infinity_corr = 0; i_infinity_corr < num_infinity_corr; i_infinity_corr++) {
if (label.equals("CORR TEST")) {
if (label.equals("ERS main")) {
CLT_PARAMETERS, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.DCTParameters dct_parameters,
DEBAYER_PARAMETERS, //EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters,
COLOR_PROC_PARAMETERS, //EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters,
CHANNEL_GAINS_PARAMETERS, //CorrectionColorProc.ColorGainsParameters channelGainParameters,
RGB_PARAMETERS, //EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters,
infinity_corr, // calculate and apply geometry correction at infinity
THREADS_MAX, //final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch
UPDATE_STATUS, //final boolean updateStatus,
DEBUG_LEVEL); //final int debugLevel);
} else if (label.equals("CORR TEST")) {
CLT_PARAMETERS, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.DCTParameters dct_parameters,
DEBAYER_PARAMETERS, //EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters,
......@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ public class Corr2dLMA {
private double [] weights; // normalized so sum is 1.0 for all - samples and extra regularization terms
private double pure_weight; // weight of samples only
private double [] values;
// next values are only updated after success
private double [] last_rms = null; // {rms, rms_pure}, matching this.vector
private double [] good_or_bad_rms = null; // just for diagnostics, to read last (failed) rms
......@@ -763,7 +764,7 @@ public class Corr2dLMA {
return dbg_img;
private double [] getFxJt( // USED in lwir
private double [] getFxJt(
double [] vector,
double [][] jt) { // should be either [vector.length][samples.size()] or null - then only fx is calculated
if (this.gaussian_mode) return getFxJt_gaussian(vector, jt);
......@@ -1318,7 +1319,7 @@ public class Corr2dLMA {
private boolean debugJt( // not used in lwir
private boolean debugJt(
double delta,
double [] vector) {
int num_points = this.values.length;
......@@ -1653,7 +1654,7 @@ public class Corr2dLMA {
return wjtymfx;
public boolean runLma( // USED in lwir
public boolean runLma(
double lambda, // 0.1
double lambda_scale_good,// 0.5
double lambda_scale_bad, // 8.0
......@@ -1713,7 +1714,7 @@ public class Corr2dLMA {
// returns {success, done}
public boolean [] lmaStep( // USED in lwir
public boolean [] lmaStep(
double lambda,
double rms_diff,
int debug_level) {
......@@ -1821,5 +1822,4 @@ public class Corr2dLMA {
return rslt;
......@@ -1808,6 +1808,8 @@ public class ImageDtt {
double [] strength = new double [clustSize];
// double [] disparity = new double [clustSize];
double [][] disp_str = new double [clustSize][];
double [][] dY_dD = new double [clustSize][quad];
double [][] pxpy = new double [clustSize][2];
boolean debugCluster = (clustX == debug_clustX) && (clustY == debug_clustY);
boolean debugCluster1 = (Math.abs(clustX - debug_clustX) < 10) && (Math.abs(clustY - debug_clustY) < 10);
......@@ -1947,6 +1949,8 @@ public class ImageDtt {
disparity_array[tileY][tileX] + disparity_corr);
pxpy[cTile][0] = centerX;
pxpy[cTile][1] = centerY;
if (((globalDebugLevel > 0) || debug_distort) || (debugTile && (globalDebugLevel > -2))) {
for (int i = 0; i < quad; i++) {
......@@ -2257,7 +2261,8 @@ public class ImageDtt {
double [][] extra_stats = lma2.getTileStats();
// final double [][] lazy_eye_data = new double [clustersY*clustersX][];
// calculate average disparity per cluster using a sum of the disparity_array and the result of the LMA
double sum_wd = 0, sum_w = 0;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster] = new double [ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_LENGTH];
double sum_w = 0;
for (int cTileY = 0; cTileY < tileStep; cTileY++) {
tileY = clustY * tileStep + cTileY ;
if (tileY < tilesY) {
......@@ -2267,9 +2272,15 @@ public class ImageDtt {
cTile = cTileY * tileStep + cTileX;
tIndex = tileY * tilesX + tileX;
if ((lma_ds[cTile] != null) && (lma_ds[cTile][1]> 0.0)) {
double d = lma_ds[cTile][0] + disparity_array[tileY][tileX] + disparity_corr;
double w = lma_ds[cTile][1];
sum_wd += w * d;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_DISP] += (lma_ds[cTile][0] + disparity_array[tileY][tileX] + disparity_corr) * w;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_TARGET] += (disparity_array[tileY][tileX] + disparity_corr) * w;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_DIFF] += lma_ds[cTile][0] * w;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_PX + 0] += pxpy[cTile][0] * w;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_PX + 1] += pxpy[cTile][1] * w;
for (int cam = 0; cam < quad; cam++) {
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_DYDDISP0 + cam] += disp_dist[cTile][cam][2] * w;
sum_w += w;
......@@ -2277,20 +2288,34 @@ public class ImageDtt {
if (sum_w > 0.0) {
lazy_eye_data[nCluster] = new double [2+ 2 * ddnd.length];
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][0] = sum_wd / sum_w;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][1] = stats[0];
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_STRENGTH] = stats[0];
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_DISP] /= sum_w;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_TARGET] /= sum_w;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_DIFF] /= sum_w;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_PX + 0] /= sum_w;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_PX + 1] /= sum_w;
for (int cam = 0; cam < quad; cam++) {
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_DYDDISP0 + cam] /= sum_w;
for (int cam = 0; cam < ddnd.length; cam++) {
if (ddnd[cam] != null) { //convert to x,y from dd/nd
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][2 * cam + 2] = ddnd[cam][0] * rXY[cam][0] - ddnd[cam][1] * rXY[cam][1];
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][2 * cam + 3] = ddnd[cam][0] * rXY[cam][1] + ddnd[cam][1] * rXY[cam][0];
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][2 * cam + ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_X0 + 0] = ddnd[cam][0] * rXY[cam][0] - ddnd[cam][1] * rXY[cam][1];
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][2 * cam + ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_X0 + 1] = ddnd[cam][0] * rXY[cam][1] + ddnd[cam][1] * rXY[cam][0];
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_DD0 + cam] = ddnd[cam][0];
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_ND0 + cam] = ddnd[cam][1];
} else {
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][2 * cam + 2] = Double.NaN;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][2 * cam + 3] = 0.0;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][2 * cam + ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_X0 + 0] = Double.NaN;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][2 * cam + ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_X0 + 1] = Double.NaN;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_DD0 + cam] = Double.NaN;
lazy_eye_data[nCluster][ExtrinsicAdjustment.INDX_ND0 + cam] = Double.NaN;
} else {
lazy_eye_data[nCluster] = null;
// just for debugging, can be removed
double [][] lma2_ds = lma2.lmaDisparityStrength(
imgdtt_params.lma_max_rel_rms, // maximal relative (to average max/min amplitude LMA RMS) // May be up to 0.3)
imgdtt_params.lma_min_strength, // minimal composite strength (sqrt(average amp squared over absolute RMS)
......@@ -2355,6 +2380,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
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