Commit a744e6be authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Added debug output for LPF filter to compare with GPU

parent ddc33b02
No related merge requests found
......@@ -4216,7 +4216,20 @@ public class ImageDtt {
final double [] dbg_filter= dtt.dttt_ii(filter);
for (int i=0; i < filter.length;i++) filter[i] *= 2*dct_size;
if (globalDebugLevel > 1) {
if (globalDebugLevel > 2) {
System.out.print("__constant__ float lpf_data[64]={");
for (int i=0; i<filter.length;i++){
System.out.print(String.format("%5.8ff", filter[i]));
if (i == 63) {
} else {
System.out.print(", ");
if ((i % 8) == 7) {
System.out.print("\n ");
} else if (globalDebugLevel > 1) {
for (int i=0; i<filter.length;i++){
System.out.println("dct_lpf_psf() "+i+": "+filter[i]);
......@@ -254,7 +254,36 @@ __constant__ float idct_signs[4][4][4] ={
{ 1, 1, 1,-1},
{-1,-1,-1, 1}
// LPF for sigma 0.9 each color (modify through cudaMemcpyToSymbol() or similar in Driver API
__constant__ float lpf_data[3][64]={
1.00000000f, 0.87041007f, 0.65943687f, 0.43487258f, 0.24970076f, 0.12518080f, 0.05616371f, 0.02728573f,
0.87041007f, 0.75761368f, 0.57398049f, 0.37851747f, 0.21734206f, 0.10895863f, 0.04888546f, 0.02374977f,
0.65943687f, 0.57398049f, 0.43485698f, 0.28677101f, 0.16466189f, 0.08254883f, 0.03703642f, 0.01799322f,
0.43487258f, 0.37851747f, 0.28677101f, 0.18911416f, 0.10858801f, 0.05443770f, 0.02442406f, 0.01186582f,
0.24970076f, 0.21734206f, 0.16466189f, 0.10858801f, 0.06235047f, 0.03125774f, 0.01402412f, 0.00681327f,
0.12518080f, 0.10895863f, 0.08254883f, 0.05443770f, 0.03125774f, 0.01567023f, 0.00703062f, 0.00341565f,
0.05616371f, 0.04888546f, 0.03703642f, 0.02442406f, 0.01402412f, 0.00703062f, 0.00315436f, 0.00153247f,
0.02728573f, 0.02374977f, 0.01799322f, 0.01186582f, 0.00681327f, 0.00341565f, 0.00153247f, 0.00074451f
1.00000000f, 0.87041007f, 0.65943687f, 0.43487258f, 0.24970076f, 0.12518080f, 0.05616371f, 0.02728573f,
0.87041007f, 0.75761368f, 0.57398049f, 0.37851747f, 0.21734206f, 0.10895863f, 0.04888546f, 0.02374977f,
0.65943687f, 0.57398049f, 0.43485698f, 0.28677101f, 0.16466189f, 0.08254883f, 0.03703642f, 0.01799322f,
0.43487258f, 0.37851747f, 0.28677101f, 0.18911416f, 0.10858801f, 0.05443770f, 0.02442406f, 0.01186582f,
0.24970076f, 0.21734206f, 0.16466189f, 0.10858801f, 0.06235047f, 0.03125774f, 0.01402412f, 0.00681327f,
0.12518080f, 0.10895863f, 0.08254883f, 0.05443770f, 0.03125774f, 0.01567023f, 0.00703062f, 0.00341565f,
0.05616371f, 0.04888546f, 0.03703642f, 0.02442406f, 0.01402412f, 0.00703062f, 0.00315436f, 0.00153247f,
0.02728573f, 0.02374977f, 0.01799322f, 0.01186582f, 0.00681327f, 0.00341565f, 0.00153247f, 0.00074451f
1.00000000f, 0.87041007f, 0.65943687f, 0.43487258f, 0.24970076f, 0.12518080f, 0.05616371f, 0.02728573f,
0.87041007f, 0.75761368f, 0.57398049f, 0.37851747f, 0.21734206f, 0.10895863f, 0.04888546f, 0.02374977f,
0.65943687f, 0.57398049f, 0.43485698f, 0.28677101f, 0.16466189f, 0.08254883f, 0.03703642f, 0.01799322f,
0.43487258f, 0.37851747f, 0.28677101f, 0.18911416f, 0.10858801f, 0.05443770f, 0.02442406f, 0.01186582f,
0.24970076f, 0.21734206f, 0.16466189f, 0.10858801f, 0.06235047f, 0.03125774f, 0.01402412f, 0.00681327f,
0.12518080f, 0.10895863f, 0.08254883f, 0.05443770f, 0.03125774f, 0.01567023f, 0.00703062f, 0.00341565f,
0.05616371f, 0.04888546f, 0.03703642f, 0.02442406f, 0.01402412f, 0.00703062f, 0.00315436f, 0.00153247f,
0.02728573f, 0.02374977f, 0.01799322f, 0.01186582f, 0.00681327f, 0.00341565f, 0.00153247f, 0.00074451f
__device__ void convertCorrectTile(
struct CltExtra * gpu_kernel_offsets, // [tileY][tileX][color]
......@@ -262,6 +291,7 @@ __device__ void convertCorrectTile(
float * gpu_images,
float * gpu_clt,
const int color,
const int lpf_mask,
const float centerX,
const float centerY,
const short tx,
......@@ -300,8 +330,9 @@ __global__ void tileProcessor(
float ** gpu_images, // [NUM_CAMS],
struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
size_t dstride, // // in floats (pixels)
int num_tiles) // number of tiles in task
size_t dstride, // in floats (pixels)
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
int lpf_mask) // apply lpf to colors : bit 0 - red, bit 1 - blue, bit2 - green
dim3 t = threadIdx;
......@@ -356,6 +387,7 @@ __global__ void tileProcessor(
gpu_images[ncam], // float * gpu_images,
gpu_clt[ncam], // float * gpu_clt,
color, // const int color,
lpf_mask, // const int lpf_mask,
tt[tile_in_block].xy[ncam][0], // const float centerX,
tt[tile_in_block].xy[ncam][1], // const float centerY,
tt[tile_in_block].tx, // const short tx,
......@@ -529,6 +561,7 @@ __device__ void convertCorrectTile(
float * gpu_images,
float * gpu_clt,
const int color,
const int lpf_mask,
const float centerX,
const float centerY,
const short tx,
......@@ -902,7 +935,7 @@ __device__ void convertCorrectTile(
#ifdef DBG_TILE
#ifdef DEBUG1
#ifdef DEBUG3
if ((threadIdx.x) == 0){
printf("\nDTT Tiles after vertical shift, color = %d\n",color);
debug_print_clt1(clt_tile, color, 0xf); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
......@@ -911,6 +944,33 @@ __device__ void convertCorrectTile(
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
// optionally apply LF
if ((lpf_mask >> color) & 1){
float * clt = clt_tile + threadIdx.x;
#pragma unroll
for (int q = 0; q < 4; q++) {
float *lpf = lpf_data[color] + threadIdx.x;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i <8; i++){
(*clt) *= (*lpf);
clt += DTT_SIZE1;
lpf += DTT_SIZE;
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
#ifdef DBG_TILE
#ifdef DEBUG3
if ((threadIdx.x) == 0){
printf("\nDTT Tiles after LPF, color = %d\n",color);
debug_print_clt1(clt_tile, color, 0xf); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
printf("\nDTT All done\n");
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
int offset_src = threadIdx.x;
......@@ -919,7 +979,7 @@ __device__ void convertCorrectTile(
float * clt_dst = gpu_clt + offset_dst; // ((ty * TILESX + tx)*NUM_COLORS + color)* ( 4 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1) + threadIdx.x; // gpu_kernels + kernel_full_index* (DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE * 4);
#ifdef DBG_TILE
#ifdef DEBUG1
#ifdef DEBUG3
if ((threadIdx.x) == 0){
printf("clt_src = 0x%lx\n",clt_src);
printf("clt_dst = 0x%lx\n",clt_dst);
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