Commit 9833be98 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

working on dual-modal calibration

parent 7b892871
......@@ -6015,7 +6015,7 @@ if (MORE_BUTTONS) {
LASER_POINTERS, // MatchSimulatedPattern.LaserPointer laserPointer, // LaserPointer object that specifies actual laser poiners on the target
DISTORTION_PROCESS_CONFIGURATION.removeOutOfGridPointers, // boolean removeOutOfGridPointers,
(useHintTolerance?hintGridTolerance:0.0), //double hintGridTolerance, // alllowed mismatch (fraction of period) or 0 - orientation only
processAll, //boolean processAll, // if true - process all images, false - only disabeld
processAll, //boolean processAll, // if true - process all images, false - only disabled
......@@ -9546,7 +9546,7 @@ if (MORE_BUTTONS) {
/* ======================================================================== */
if (label.equals("Grid offset")) {
offsetGrids(0, 0, null);
offsetGrids(0, 0, null, null);
/* ======================================================================== */
......@@ -9590,21 +9590,24 @@ if (MORE_BUTTONS) {
boolean use_lma = true;
GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Initial alignment of the secondary camera to the reference one");
gd.addMessage("This command used Fitting Strategy[0] that should be set with all parameters but\n"+
"GXYZ0 and GXYZ1 are set to 'fixed', and GXYZ0 and GXYZ1 are set to 'individual'.\n"+
// gd.addMessage("This command used Fitting Strategy[last] that should be set with all parameters but\n"+
// "GXYZ0 and GXYZ1 are set to 'fixed', and GXYZ0 and GXYZ1 are set to 'individual'.\n"+
// "Each selected set should already have GXYZ set correctly (e.g. by reference cameras)");
gd.addMessage("This command uses Fitting Strategy[last] and set parameters but\n"+
"GXYZ0 and GXYZ1 to 'individual', all others - to 'fixed'.\n"+
"Each selected set should already have GXYZ set correctly (e.g. by reference cameras)");
gd.addNumericField("Image set start", min_set, 0);
gd.addNumericField("Image set last", max_set, 0);
gd.addCheckbox("Adjust EO (reference) sensors", adjust_eo);
gd.addCheckbox("Adjust LWIR (target) sensors", adjust_lwir);
gd.addCheckbox("Use LMA (unchecked - initial approximate grid setum by correlation)", use_lma);
gd.addCheckbox("Use LMA (unchecked - initial approximate grid set by correlation)", use_lma);
if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false;
min_set = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
max_set = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
adjust_eo = gd.getNextBoolean();
adjust_lwir = gd.getNextBoolean();
use_lma = gd.getNextBoolean();
use_lma = gd.getNextBoolean();
if (!dcd.hasSmallSensors()) {
String msg="This system does not have any LWIR or other dependent sub-cameras";
......@@ -9626,10 +9629,14 @@ if (MORE_BUTTONS) {
double [] stats = new double [3];
int [] uvr = LENS_DISTORTIONS. findImageGridOffset(
true, // boolean even, For first time - use parameter and parity of uv_rot
num_img, // image num
-1, // use last series int ser_num, // number of series to reprogram
false, // boolean adjust_attitude, // true for eo, false for lwir (uses exact attitude from eo)
true, // boolean even, For first time - use parameter and parity of uv_rot
stats); // rms, dU, dV
if ((uvr != null) && ((uvr[0] != 0) || (uvr[1] != 0))) {
int [] uv_shift_rot = {uvr[0],uvr[1],0};
// int [] new_uv_shift_rots =
......@@ -9639,6 +9646,8 @@ if (MORE_BUTTONS) {
if (DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) {
System.out.println(num_img+ "("+num_set+"."+nc+"): uv_shift = "+uvr[0]+":"+uvr[1]);
System.out.println(num_img+ "("+num_set+"."+nc+"): errors: rms= "+stats[0]+", dU="+stats[1]+", dV="+stats[2]);
......@@ -9666,7 +9675,7 @@ if (MORE_BUTTONS) {
return true;
public boolean offsetGrids(int ichoice, int inum, int [] uv_shift_rot) {
public boolean offsetGrids(int ichoice, int inum, int [] uv_shift_rot, String msg) {
if (LENS_DISTORTIONS == null) {
System.out.println("LENS_DISTORTIONS is null");
return false;
......@@ -9695,8 +9704,16 @@ if (MORE_BUTTONS) {
String [] choices_nolwir = {"-- please select --","Image number","Image set number"};
String [] choices_lwir = {"-- please select --","Image number","Image set number (all images)", "Image set (EO only)","Image set (LWIR only)"};
String [] choices = has_lwir ? choices_lwir : choices_nolwir;
boolean readjust = true;
GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Manually offset single grid or multiple grids in a set");
if (msg != null) {
if (auto) {
gd.addMessage("In 'auto' mode this command uses Fitting Strategy[last] and set parameters but\n"+
"GXYZ0, GXYZ1, goniometerHorizontal, and goniometerAxial to 'individual', all others - to 'fixed'.\n"+
"Each selected set should already have GXYZ set correctly (e.g. by reference cameras)");
gd. addChoice("Next number is: ",
......@@ -9705,6 +9722,10 @@ if (MORE_BUTTONS) {
if (has_lwir) {
gd.addCheckbox ("Auto from EO grid (calculatre from EO even if the requested image is LWIR)", false); //true
if (!auto) {
gd.addCheckbox("Run LMA to re-adjust goniometerHorizontal and goniometerAxial", readjust);
readjust = gd.getNextBoolean();
gd.addNumericField("Grid offset U", uv_shift_rot[0], 0);
gd.addNumericField("Grid offset V", uv_shift_rot[1], 0);
gd.addNumericField("Grid offset Rot", uv_shift_rot[2], 0);
......@@ -9712,17 +9733,24 @@ if (MORE_BUTTONS) {
if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false;
ichoice = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
inum = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
boolean was_auto = auto;
auto = gd.getNextBoolean();
boolean auto_from_EO=false;
if (has_lwir) {
auto_from_EO = gd.getNextBoolean();
readjust = false;
if (!was_auto) {
readjust = gd.getNextBoolean();
uv_shift_rot[0] = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
uv_shift_rot[1] = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
uv_shift_rot[2] = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
if (ichoice == 0) {
return offsetGrids(ichoice, inum, uv_shift_rot);
return offsetGrids(ichoice, inum, uv_shift_rot, msg);
int ichoicemod = ichoice;
if (auto && auto_from_EO) {
......@@ -9766,20 +9794,23 @@ if (MORE_BUTTONS) {
// find first enabled image
for (int n:img_nums) {
if (n >= 0) {
double [] stats = new double[3]; // rms and 2 errors, null OK
int [] auto_uvr = LENS_DISTORTIONS.findImageGridOffset( // null for now
true, // boolean even,
PATTERN_PARAMETERS); // PatternParameters patternParameters)
// int [] auto_uvr = dcd. suggestOffset (
// n, // int num_img,
// true, // boolean non_estimated,
// true, // boolean even,
// PATTERN_PARAMETERS); // PatternParameters patternParameters)
return offsetGrids(ichoice, inum, auto_uvr);
n, // image number to use for fitting (only one)
-1, // use last series int ser_num, // number of series to reprogram
true, // boolean adjust_attitude, // true for eo, false for lwir (uses exact attitude from eo)
true, // boolean even, For first time - use parameter and parity of uv_rot
if (auto_uvr != null) {
String stats_msg = String.format("Fitting errors: LMA RMS = %7.4f, dU = %6.3f, dV = %6.3f", stats[0], stats[1], stats[2]);
return offsetGrids(ichoice, inum, auto_uvr, stats_msg);
} else {
System.out.println("**** LMA FAILED - trying next image");
return offsetGrids(ichoice, inum, null, "All images failed LMA !");
int [][] new_uv_shift_rots = new int [img_nums.length][];
......@@ -9798,6 +9829,20 @@ if (MORE_BUTTONS) {
if (readjust) {
for (int n:img_nums) {
if (n >= 0) {
if (LENS_DISTORTIONS.adjustAttitudeAfterOffset(
n, // int num_img,
-1, // int ser_num, // number of series to reprogram
break; // only one image
} else {
System.out.println("***** LMA FAILED - trying next image");
return true;
......@@ -9821,8 +9866,10 @@ if (MORE_BUTTONS) {
if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false;
numStations= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
String [] grid_extensions={".tif",".tiff"};
String [] src_extensions={".tif",".tiff"};
// String [] grid_extensions={".tif",".tiff"};
// String [] src_extensions={".tif",".tiff"};
String [] grid_extensions={".tiff"};
String [] src_extensions={".tiff"};
MultipleExtensionsFileFilter gridFilter =
new MultipleExtensionsFileFilter("grid",grid_extensions,"Calibrated grid files");
MultipleExtensionsFileFilter sourceFilter =
......@@ -9859,6 +9906,13 @@ if (MORE_BUTTONS) {
int num_match = files[nFile].list(gridFilter).length;
if (num_match >= min_files) {
} else {
// System.out.println("nFile="+nFile+" files[nFile]="+files[nFile]+": num_match="+num_match);
// String[] matched=files[nFile].list(gridFilter);
// for (String s:matched) {
// System.out.println(s);
// }
// System.out.println("");
......@@ -2470,10 +2470,23 @@ I* - special case when the subcamera is being adjusted/replaced. How to deal wit
if (useImages) {
fromToImages[0]= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
fromToImages[1]= (int) gd.getNextNumber();
for (int i =0; i<this.distortionCalibrationData.getNumImages();i++)
if ((allImages || this.distortionCalibrationData.gIP[i].enabled) && (i>=fromToImages[0]) && (i<=fromToImages[1])){
for (int i =0; i<this.distortionCalibrationData.getNumImages();i++) {
// if ((allImages || this.distortionCalibrationData.gIP[i].enabled) && (i>=fromToImages[0]) && (i<=fromToImages[1])){
// this.selectedImages[numSeries][i]=gd.getNextBoolean();
// }
if ((i>=fromToImages[0]) && (i<=fromToImages[1])){
if (allImages || this.distortionCalibrationData.gIP[i].enabled) {
} else {
this.selectedImages[numSeries][i]=false; // unselect stray non-shown images
if (allImages) enableDisableSelected=gd.getNextBoolean();
this.masterImages[numSeries]=(int) gd.getNextNumber();
if (this.masterImages[numSeries]<0)this.masterImages[numSeries]=0;
......@@ -7074,6 +7074,10 @@ public class MatchSimulatedPattern {
} else {
if (this.debugLevel>0) {
System.out.println("coeff == null");
return coeff;
......@@ -7589,7 +7593,7 @@ y=xy0[1] + dU*deltaUV[0]*(xy1[1]-xy0[1])+dV*deltaUV[1]*(xy2[1]-xy0[1])
double [][] pointersXYUV,
boolean removeOutOfGridPointers, //
double [][][] hintGrid, // predicted grid array (or null)
double hintGridTolerance, // alllowed mismatch (fraction of period) or 0 - orientation only
double hintGridTolerance, // allowed mismatch (fraction of period) or 0 - orientation only
int global_debug_level, // DEBUG_LEVEL
boolean noMessageBoxes
......@@ -7602,7 +7606,7 @@ y=xy0[1] + dU*deltaUV[0]*(xy1[1]-xy0[1])+dV*deltaUV[1]*(xy2[1]-xy0[1])
int acalibrated=0;
double [][] gridMatchCoeff=null;
double searchAround=20.0; // how far to look for the grid node
double searchAround=50; // 20.0; // how far to look for the grid node
int gridRotation=-1; //undefined
int [] iGridTranslateUV=null; // translate UV grid by these integer numbers
if (hintGrid!=null){
......@@ -7612,7 +7616,7 @@ y=xy0[1] + dU*deltaUV[0]*(xy1[1]-xy0[1])+dV*deltaUV[1]*(xy2[1]-xy0[1])
int [][] iGridMatchCoeff=gridMatrixApproximate(gridMatchCoeff);
if (global_debug_level>1){
if (global_debug_level > 0){
System.out.println("gridMatchCoeff[0]={"+IJ.d2s(gridMatchCoeff[0][0],5)+", "+IJ.d2s(gridMatchCoeff[0][1],5)+", "+IJ.d2s(gridMatchCoeff[0][2],5)+"}");
System.out.println("gridMatchCoeff[1]={"+IJ.d2s(gridMatchCoeff[1][0],5)+", "+IJ.d2s(gridMatchCoeff[1][1],5)+", "+IJ.d2s(gridMatchCoeff[1][2],5)+"}");
......@@ -7624,12 +7628,13 @@ y=xy0[1] + dU*deltaUV[0]*(xy1[1]-xy0[1])+dV*deltaUV[1]*(xy2[1]-xy0[1])
// hintGridTolerance==0 - do not try to determine shift from the hint (not reliable yet)
if (hintGridTolerance>0) {
if (worstGridMatchTranslate(gridMatchCoeff)<=hintGridTolerance){ // convert to pixels from halfperiods (or just chnage definition of hintGridTolerance)
if (global_debug_level>1) System.out.println("worstGridMatchTranslate(gridMatchCoeff)= "+worstGridMatchTranslate(gridMatchCoeff)+", hintGridTolerance="+hintGridTolerance);
if (global_debug_level>0) System.out.println("worstGridMatchTranslate(gridMatchCoeff)= "+worstGridMatchTranslate(gridMatchCoeff)+", hintGridTolerance="+hintGridTolerance);
iGridTranslateUV=new int[2];
} else {
if (global_debug_level>1) System.out.println("*** Warning: combineGridCalibration() failed, worstGridMatchTranslate(gridMatchCoeff)= "+worstGridMatchTranslate(gridMatchCoeff)+", hintGridTolerance="+hintGridTolerance);
if (global_debug_level>0) System.out.println("*** Warning: combineGridCalibration() failed, worstGridMatchTranslate(gridMatchCoeff)= "+
worstGridMatchTranslate(gridMatchCoeff)+", hintGridTolerance="+hintGridTolerance);
return -1;
......@@ -8720,7 +8725,7 @@ y=xy0[1] + dU*deltaUV[0]*(xy1[1]-xy0[1])+dV*deltaUV[1]*(xy2[1]-xy0[1])
if (debugLevel>1){
if (debugLevel > 0){ // 1) {
System.out.println("Laser spot #"+i+", distance from predicted ="+ IJ.d2s(dist,3)+" ("+IJ.d2s(200*dist,3)+
"% of cell radius), du="+IJ.d2s(distUV[0],3)+", dv="+IJ.d2s(distUV[1],3));
......@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ import;
corn[2] = getXYZM(iu, iv + 1, verbose, station);
corn[3] = getXYZM(iu + 1, iv + 1, verbose, station);
if ((corn[0] == null) || (corn[1] == null) || (corn[2] == null) || (corn[3] == null)) {
System.out.println("Optical axis outside of te grid: TODO: modify getXYZM() to handle!");
System.out.println("Optical axis outside of the grid: TODO: modify getXYZM() to handle!");
return null;
double [] rslt_xyz = new double[3];
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