Commit 904ad2bc authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

implemented/debugged photometric sensors matching

parent 5a125530
......@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ public class IntersceneMatchParameters {
String [] stereo_choices = new String [stereo_views.length + 1];
stereo_choices[0] = "--none--";
for (int i = 0; i < stereo_views.length; i++) {
stereo_choices[i+1] = doublesToString(stereo_views[i])+" mm";
stereo_choices[i+1] = doublesToString(stereo_views[i],"%.0f")+" mm";
gd. addChoice("Remove stereo-view (base, up, back)", stereo_choices, stereo_choices[0],
"Remove selected stereo-view, consisting of streo-base, viewpoint above camera, viewpoint behing camera - all in mm");
......@@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ public class IntersceneMatchParameters {
properties.setProperty(prefix+"stereo_views_num", this.stereo_views.length+""); // int
for (int i = 0; i < this.stereo_views.length; i++) {
properties.setProperty(prefix+"stereo_views_"+i, doublesToString(this.stereo_views[i])); // String
properties.setProperty(prefix+"stereo_views_"+i, doublesToString(this.stereo_views[i],"%.0f")); // String
properties.setProperty(prefix+"generate_stereo_var_"+i, this.generate_stereo_var[i]+""); // boolean
......@@ -1785,12 +1785,16 @@ public class IntersceneMatchParameters {
return doublesToString(data, null);
public static String doublesToString(double [] data, String fmt) {
if ((fmt == null) || (fmt.trim().length()==0)) {
fmt = "%.0f";
// if ((fmt == null) || (fmt.trim().length()==0)) {
// fmt = "%.0f";
// }
String s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (fmt==null) {
s += data[i]; // unformatted
} else {
if (i < (data.length - 1)) {
s+= ", ";
......@@ -2169,6 +2169,175 @@ public class QuadCLT extends QuadCLTCPU {
IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory3="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")");
public static boolean calibratePhotometric(
CLTParameters clt_parameters,
final QuadCLT ref_scene, // now - may be null - for testing if scene is rotated ref
final double min_strength,
final double max_diff, // 30.0
final int num_refines, // 2
final double [][] combo_dsn_final, // double [][] combo_dsn_final, // dls,
int threadsMax,
final boolean debug)
// filter disparity by LMA only, same bg and fg
double [] disparity_ref= combo_dsn_final[OpticalFlow.COMBO_DSN_INDX_DISP].clone();
for (int i = 00; i < disparity_ref.length; i++) {
if (combo_dsn_final[OpticalFlow.COMBO_DSN_INDX_STRENGTH][i] < min_strength) {
disparity_ref[i] = Double.NaN;
} else if (combo_dsn_final[OpticalFlow.COMBO_DSN_INDX_DISP_BG_ALL][i] !=
combo_dsn_final[OpticalFlow.COMBO_DSN_INDX_DISP][i]) {
disparity_ref[i] = Double.NaN;
ImagePlus img_ref = renderGPUFromDSI(
-1, // final int sensor_mask,
false, // final boolean merge_channels,
null, // final Rectangle full_woi_in, // show larger than sensor WOI in tiles (or null)
clt_parameters, // CLTParameters clt_parameters,
disparity_ref, // double [] disparity_ref,
OpticalFlow.ZERO3, // final double [] scene_xyz, // camera center in world coordinates
OpticalFlow.ZERO3, // final double [] scene_atr, // camera orientation relative to world frame
ref_scene, // final QuadCLT scene,
ref_scene, // final QuadCLT ref_scene, // now - may be null - for testing if scene is rotated ref
false, // final boolean toRGB,
true, // final boolean show_nan,
"PHOTOMETRIC", // String suffix,
threadsMax, // int threadsMax,
-2); // final int debugLevel);;
ImageStack imageStack = img_ref.getStack();
int num_sens=imageStack.getSize();
float [] fpixels;
double [][] dpixels = new double [num_sens][];
for (int n = 00; n < num_sens; n++) {
fpixels = (float[]) imageStack.getPixels(n + 1);
dpixels[n] = new double [fpixels.length];
for (int i = 0; i < fpixels.length; i++) {
dpixels[n][i] = fpixels[i];
// double [][] dpix_orig = new double[num_sens][];
// for (int n = 0; n < num_sens; n++) {
// dpix_orig[n] = dpixels[n].clone();
// }
int width = img_ref.getWidth();
int height = img_ref.getHeight();
int len = width* height;
double [] avg_pix = new double [len];
double [] offsets = new double[dpixels.length];
double [] scales = new double[dpixels.length];
double s0 = 0.0;
double sx= 0.0;
double sx2 = 0.0;
double [] sy = new double[num_sens];
double [] sxy = new double[num_sens];
boolean [] good_pix = new boolean[len];
Arrays.fill(good_pix, true);
for (int nref = 0; nref < num_refines; nref++) {
Arrays.fill(avg_pix, 0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
for (int n = 0; n < num_sens; n++) {
good_pix[i] &= !Double.isNaN(dpixels[n][i]);
avg_pix[i] /= dpixels.length;
s0 = 0.0;
sx= 0.0;
sx2 = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) if (good_pix[i]) { // !Double.isNaN(avg_pix[i])){
s0 += 1.0;
sx += avg_pix[i];
sx2 += avg_pix[i] * avg_pix[i];
for (int n = 0; n < num_sens; n++) {
sy[n] += dpixels[n][i];
sxy[n] += dpixels[n][i] * avg_pix[i];
for (int n = 0; n < num_sens; n++) {
double d = s0 * sx2 + sx * sy[n];
scales[n] = (sxy[n] * s0 + sy[n] * sy[n]) / d;
offsets[n] = (sy[n] * sx2 -sxy[n]*sx) / d;
if (debug) {
System.out.println("calibratePhotometric() nref="+nref);
for (int n = 0; n < num_sens; n++) {
System.out.println(String.format("%2d: %8.4f %8.6f", n,offsets[n],scales[n]));
double [][] diffs = new double [num_sens][len];
for (int n = 0; n < num_sens; n++) {
Arrays.fill(diffs[n], Double.NaN);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) if (good_pix[i]) { // if (!Double.isNaN(avg_pix[i])){
for (int n = 0; n < num_sens; n++) {
diffs[n][i] = dpixels[n][i] - (scales[n] * avg_pix[i] + offsets[n]);
(new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays( // out of boundary 15
// dpix_orig[n] = dpixels[n].clone();
double [][] corrected = new double [num_sens][len];
for (int n = 0; n < num_sens; n++) {
Arrays.fill(corrected[n], Double.NaN);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) if (!Double.isNaN(dpixels[n][i])){
corrected[n][i] = (dpixels[n][i] - offsets[n])/scales[n];
(new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays( // out of boundary 15
if (nref < (num_refines-1)) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) if (good_pix[i]) { // !Double.isNaN(avg_pix[i])){
for (int n = 0; n < num_sens; n++) {
double diff = Math.abs(dpixels[n][i] - (scales[n] * avg_pix[i] + offsets[n]));
if (diff > max_diff) {
// dpixels[n][i] = Double.NaN;
good_pix[i] = false;
double [] offsets_old = ref_scene.getLwirOffsets();
double [] scales_old = ref_scene.getLwirScales();
double [] offsets_new = new double[num_sens];
double [] scales_new = new double[num_sens];
for (int n = 0; n < num_sens; n++) {
scales_new[n] = scales_old[n]/scales[n];
// offsets_new[n] = offsets_old[n] - offsets[n] / scales_old[n];
offsets_new[n] = offsets_old[n] + offsets[n] / scales_old[n];
System.out.println("calibratePhotometric() Updated calibration:");
for (int n = 0; n < num_sens; n++) {
System.out.println(String.format("%2d: %8.4f %8.6f", n,offsets_new[n],scales_new[n]));
ref_scene.setLwirScales (scales_new);
return true;
public static ImagePlus renderGPUFromDSI(
final int sensor_mask,
final boolean merge_channels,
......@@ -2182,10 +2351,11 @@ public class QuadCLT extends QuadCLTCPU {
final QuadCLT scene,
final QuadCLT ref_scene, // now - may be null - for testing if scene is rotated ref
final boolean toRGB,
final boolean show_nan,
String suffix,
int threadsMax,
final int debugLevel){
boolean show_nan = toRGB? clt_parameters.imp.show_color_nan : clt_parameters.imp.show_mono_nan;
// boolean show_nan = toRGB? clt_parameters.imp.show_color_nan : clt_parameters.imp.show_mono_nan;
double [][] pXpYD =OpticalFlow.transformToScenePxPyD( // now should work with offset ref_scene
full_woi_in, // final Rectangle [] extra_woi, // show larger than sensor WOI (or null)
disparity_ref, // final double [] disparity_ref, // invalid tiles - NaN in disparity
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