Commit 857dfbb8 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Dealing with low-textured areas with dual quad camera

parent 83946ca3
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This diff is collapsed.
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import Jama.Matrix;
** Correlation2dLMA - Fit multi - baseline correaltion pairs to the model
......@@ -52,6 +47,12 @@ import Jama.Matrix;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import Jama.Matrix;
public class Correlations2dLMA {
final static int X0_INDEX = 0;
......@@ -519,17 +520,11 @@ public class Correlations2dLMA {
if (debug_level > 0) {
System.out.println("LMA: full RMS="+last_rms[0]+" ("+initial_rms[0]+"), pure RMS="+last_rms[1]+" ("+initial_rms[1]+") + lambda="+lambda);
// System.out.println("LMA: full RMS="+good_or_bad_rms[0]+" ("+initial_rms[0]+"), pure RMS="+good_or_bad_rms[1]+" ("+initial_rms[1]+") + lambda="+lambda);
return rslt[0];
double [] last_rms = null; // {rms, rms_pure}, matching this.vector
double [] initial_rms = null; // {rms, rms_pure}, first-calcualted rms
// returns {success, done}
public boolean [] lmaStep(
......@@ -723,48 +718,4 @@ public class Correlations2dLMA {
return fx;
// public double [] getValues(xyvwh) {
// double [] values= new double [samples.size()];
// for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) values[i] = samples.get(i).v;
// return values;
// }
if (debugLevel>-1) {
jtj.print(18, 6);
Matrix jtj_inv = jtj.inverse();
Matrix jty = jt.times(y_minus_fx_weighted);
Matrix mrslt = jtj_inv.times(jty);
double [] drslt = mrslt.getColumnPackedCopy();
* Fitting parabola for multiple grids
* Difference between ortho and diagonals - just point coordinates and extra overall scale (weight account for number averaged)
* Each group of compatible is already averaged, so each group has a single individual variable - scale.
* Parabolas (1 for each group) are Ag * (1 - ((x-x0)/Wx) ^ 2 - (y/Wy)^2), where As is a per-group scale
* Wy = Wm * scale +Wyd
* Wx = Wm * scale +Wyd + Wxy
* Wm is a correlation measurement parameter, it does not depend on x/y and on particular pair, it depends on the LPF, so the
* total contribution is proportional to the baseline reduction (scale)
* Wyd is widening caused the image itself - probably noise and other factors of poor correlation contrast. When multiple
* orthogonal directions are combined it influences equally all directions (x,y) so Wx includes that term also
* Wxy widens maximum in disparity direction, it is caused by multiple overlapping maximums for different disparities and for
* strong enough matches can indicate miz of disparities in the same tile
* Fitting of a single scale groups (1 or 2) has to have Wm constant.
......@@ -117,8 +117,12 @@ public class ImageDtt {
static int BI_ASTR_DIAGM_INDEX = 21; //21 - strength for main diagonal pair of the aux camera
static int BI_ASTR_DIAGO_INDEX = 22; //22 - strength for main diagonal pair of the aux camera
static int BI_STR_CROSS_INDEX = 23; //23 - strength between the main the aux camera
static int BI_STR_ALL_INDEX = 24; //23 - average strength (product of strengths to 1/3 power), TODO: strength at cross disparity
static int BI_TARGET_INDEX = 25; //24 - target disparity
static int BI_STR_ALL_INDEX = 24; //24 - average strength (product of strengths to 1/3 power), TODO: strength at cross disparity
static int BI_TARGET_INDEX = 25; //25 - target disparity
static int BI_DBG1_INDEX = 26; //26 - debug layer 1
static int BI_DBG2_INDEX = 27; //27 - debug layer 2
static int BI_DBG3_INDEX = 28; //28 - debug layer 2
static int BI_DBG4_INDEX = 29; //29 - debug layer 2
static String [] BIDISPARITY_TITLES = {
......@@ -126,7 +130,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
"strength", "str_hor", "str_vert", "str_diagm", "str_diago",
"astrength", "astr_hor", "astr_vert", "astr_diagm", "astr_diago",
"bi-strength", "all-strength", "target"};
"bi-strength", "all-strength", "target", "dbg1", "dbg2", "dbg3", "dbg4"};
......@@ -7175,6 +7179,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
* Calculate disparity and strength for a inter-camera phase correlation of a pair of quad-cameras
* @param clt_parameters various configuration parameters
* @param fatzero - phase correlation fat zero (higher - ~LPF)
* @param corr2d Instance of the 2d correlator class
* @param clt_data_tile_main aberration-corrected FD CLT data for one tile of the main quad camera [sub-camera][color][quadrant][index]
* @param clt_data_tile_aux aberration-corrected FD CLT data for one tile of the auxiliary quad camera [sub-camera][color][quadrant][index]
......@@ -7190,6 +7195,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
public double [] tileInterCamCorrs(
final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
final double fatzero, // May use correlation fat zero from 2 different parameters - fat_zero and rig.ml_fatzero
final Correlation2d corr2d,
final double [][][][] clt_data_tile_main,
final double [][][][] clt_data_tile_aux,
......@@ -7207,7 +7213,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
clt_data_tile_aux, // double [][][][] clt_data_tile_aux,
filter, // double [] lpf,
col_weights, // double [] col_weights,
clt_parameters.fat_zero); // double fat_zero)
fatzero); // double fat_zero)
double [] stripe_inter = corr2d. scaleRotateInterpoateSingleCorrelation(
inter_cam_corr, // double [] corr,
......@@ -7334,6 +7340,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
* Calculate correlation/strength, start with center of mass (CM) for all available pairs, proceed with LMA
* if strength is sufficient. Calculate 4 directional correlation/strengths if requested and strong enough
* @param clt_parameters various configuration parameters
* @param fatzero phaase correlation fat zero (higher ~LPF)
* @param get4dirs request 4 directional correlations (horizontal, vertical main diagonal, other diagonal)
* @param corr2d Instance of the 2d correlator class
* @param clt_data aberration-corrected FD CLT data [camera][color][quadrant][index]
......@@ -7349,6 +7356,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
public double [] tileCorrs(
final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
final double fatzero, // May use correlation fat zero from 2 different parameters - fat_zero and rig.ml_fatzero
final boolean get4dirs, // calculate disparity/strength for each of the 4 directions
final Correlation2d corr2d,
final double [][][][] clt_data,
......@@ -7373,7 +7381,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
all_pairs, // int pairs_mask,
filter, // double [] lpf,
col_weights, // double [] col_weights,
clt_parameters.fat_zero); // double fat_zero)
fatzero); // double fat_zero)
// calculate interpolated "strips" to match different scales and orientations (ortho/diagonal) on the
// fine (0.5 pix) grid. ortho for scale == 1 provide even/even samples (1/4 of all), diagonal ones -
......@@ -7696,6 +7704,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
public double [][][][][][][] clt_bi_quad(
final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
final double fatzero, // May use correlation fat zero from 2 different parameters - fat_zero and rig.ml_fatzero
final int [][] tile_op, // [tilesY][tilesX] - what to do - 0 - nothing for this tile
final double [][] disparity_array, // [tilesY][tilesX] - individual per-tile expected disparity
final double [][][] image_data_main, // first index - number of image in a quad
......@@ -7833,7 +7842,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
System.out.println("max_corr_radius= "+clt_parameters.max_corr_radius);
System.out.println("max_search_radius= "+max_search_radius);
System.out.println("corr_fat_zero= "+clt_parameters.fat_zero);
System.out.println("corr_fat_zero= "+fatzero);
System.out.println("disparity_array[0][0]= "+disparity_array[0][0]);
......@@ -8112,6 +8121,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
double [] tile_corrs_main = tileCorrs(
clt_parameters, // final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
fatzero, // final double fatzero, // May use correlation fat zero from 2 different parameters - fat_zero and rig.ml_fatzero
true, // final boolean get4dirs, // calculate disparity/strength for each of the 4 directions
corr2d, // final Correlation2d corr2d,
clt_data_main, // final double [][][][] clt_data,
......@@ -8125,6 +8135,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
double [] tile_corrs_aux = tileCorrs(
clt_parameters, // final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
fatzero, // final double fatzero, // May use correlation fat zero from 2 different parameters - fat_zero and rig.ml_fatzero
true, // final boolean get4dirs, // calculate disparity/strength for each of the 4 directions
corr2d, // final Correlation2d corr2d,
clt_data_aux, // final double [][][][] clt_data,
......@@ -8162,6 +8173,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
double [] inter_corrs_dxy = tileInterCamCorrs(
clt_parameters, // final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
fatzero, // final double fatzero, // May use correlation fat zero from 2 different parameters - fat_zero and rig.ml_fatzero
corr2d, // final Correlation2d corr2d,
clt_data_main, // double [][][][] clt_data_tile_main,
clt_data_aux, // double [][][][] clt_data_tile_aux,
......@@ -8240,6 +8252,8 @@ public class ImageDtt {
if (ml_data_dbg1 != null) {
clt_parameters, // final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
fatzero, // final double fatzero, // May use correlation fat zero from 2 different parameters - fat_zero and rig.ml_fatzero
corr2d, // final Correlation2d corr2d,
clt_data_main, // double [][][][] clt_data_tile_main,
clt_data_main, // double [][][][] clt_data_tile_aux,
......@@ -8335,6 +8349,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
public void clt_bi_macro(
final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
final double fatzero, // May use correlation fat zero from 2 different parameters - fat_zero and rig.ml_fatzero
final int macro_scale,
final int [][] tile_op, // [tilesY][tilesX] - what to do - 0 - nothing for this tile
final double [][] disparity_array, // [tilesY][tilesX] - individual per-tile expected disparity
......@@ -8616,6 +8631,7 @@ public class ImageDtt {
double [] inter_corrs_dxy = tileInterCamCorrs(
clt_parameters, // final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters,
fatzero, // final double fatzero, // May use correlation fat zero from 2 different parameters - fat_zero and rig.ml_fatzero
corr2d, // final Correlation2d corr2d,
clt_data_main, // double [][][][] clt_data_tile_main,
clt_data_aux, // double [][][][] clt_data_tile_aux,
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