"Inter-camera correlation data has only one layer (and one correlation pair). It is used to generate ground truth data. Usable disparity range (measured in the main camera pixels) is ~1/5 of teh main camera");
"Inter-camera correlation data has only one layer (and one correlation pair). It is used to generate ground truth data. Usable disparity range (measured in the main camera pixels) is ~1/5 of teh main camera");
gd.addCheckbox("Keep individual top, bottom, right, and left pairs",this.ml_keep_tbrl,
"Each of these two layers per camera are calculated from a pair of top/bottom and left/right pairs. Can possibly be used instead of originals to reduce amount of input data");
"Each of these two layers per camera are calculated from a pair of top/bottom and left/right pairs. Can possibly be used instead of originals to reduce amount of input data");