Commit 82b27573 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Generating individual texture files

parent 8dad66d7
......@@ -2730,7 +2730,7 @@ public class EyesisCorrections {
if (hasAlphaHighByte && ((jpegQuality <= 0) || png)){
if (png){
if (debugLevel > 0) System.out.println("Saving RGBA result to "+path+".png");
(new EyesisTiff()).savePNG_ARGB32(
path +".png",
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ the type of pixel data in this file getPixelType()
public void savePNG_ARGB32(
public static void savePNG_ARGB32(
ImagePlus imp,
String path
......@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ the type of pixel data in this file getPixelType()
public void savePNG_ARGB32(
public static void savePNG_ARGB32(
ImagePlus imp,
String path,
int debug_level
......@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ the type of pixel data in this file getPixelType()
int width = imp.getWidth();
int height = imp.getHeight();
int [] pixels = (int []) imp.getProcessor().getPixels();
if (debug_level > 0) {
if (debug_level > 1) {
System.out.println("savePNG_ARGB32("+path+"): width="+width+", height="+height+" length="+pixels.length);
......@@ -550,6 +550,7 @@ public class TexturedModel {
long startStepTime=System.nanoTime();
final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX();
final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY();
final int transform_size = tp.getTileSize();
final double tex_disp_adiffo = clt_parameters.tex_disp_adiffo; // 0.35; // 0.3; disparity absolute tolerance to connect in ortho directions
final double tex_disp_rdiffo = clt_parameters.tex_disp_rdiffo; // 0.12; // 0.1; disparity relative tolerance to connect in ortho directions
final double tex_disp_adiffd = clt_parameters.tex_disp_adiffd; // 0.6; // 0.4; disparity absolute tolerance to connect in diagonal directions
......@@ -637,19 +638,36 @@ public class TexturedModel {
renormalize, // final boolean renormalize, // false - use normalizations from previous scenes to keep consistent colors
debugLevel); // final int debug_level)
boolean save_full_textures = true;
boolean save_full_textures = false; // true;
EyesisCorrectionParameters.CorrectionParameters correctionsParameters = ref_scene.correctionsParameters;
String x3d_dir= correctionsParameters.selectX3dDirectory(
//TODO: Which one to use - name or this.image_name ?
correctionsParameters.getModelName(ref_scene.getImageName()), // quad timestamp. Will be ignored if correctionsParameters.use_x3d_subdirs is false
true, // smart,
true); //newAllowed, // save
if (save_full_textures) {
EyesisCorrectionParameters.CorrectionParameters correctionsParameters = ref_scene.correctionsParameters;
for (int nslice = 0; nslice < combined_textures.length; nslice++) {
String path= correctionsParameters.selectX3dDirectory(
//TODO: Which one to use - name or this.image_name ?
correctionsParameters.getModelName(ref_scene.getImageName()), // quad timestamp. Will be ignored if correctionsParameters.use_x3d_subdirs is false
true, // smart,
true); //newAllowed, // save
combined_textures[nslice], // imp_texture_cluster,
false, // (nslice < 4), // clt_parameters.show_textures,
-1, // jpegQuality){// <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG
1); //
boolean save_individual_textures = true;
if (save_individual_textures) {
ImagePlus [] imp_textures = splitCombinedTextures(
tileClusters, // TileCluster [] tileClusters, //should have name <timestamp>-*
transform_size, // int transform_size,
combined_textures); // ImagePlus [] combo_textures )
for (int i = 0; i < imp_textures.length; i++) if (imp_textures[i] != null) { // should not be
imp_textures[i], // imp_texture_cluster,
false, // (nslice < 4), // clt_parameters.show_textures,
-1, // jpegQuality){// <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG
......@@ -1278,9 +1296,8 @@ public class TexturedModel {
double [] minmax = parameter_scene.getColdHot(); // used in linearStackToColor
ImagePlus [] imp_tex = new ImagePlus[num_slices];
EyesisCorrectionParameters.CorrectionParameters correctionsParameters = ref_scene.correctionsParameters;
for (int nslice = 0; nslice < num_slices; nslice++) {
String title=String.format("%s-texture-%02d",ref_scene.getImageName(), nslice);
String title=String.format("%s-combo%03d-texture",ref_scene.getImageName(), nslice);
imp_tex[nslice] = QuadCLTCPU.linearStackToColorLWIR(
clt_parameters, // CLTParameters clt_parameters,
tex_palette, // int lwir_palette, // <0 - do not convert
......@@ -1300,6 +1317,44 @@ public class TexturedModel {
return imp_tex; // ImagePlus[] ? with alpha, to be split into png and saved with alpha.
public static ImagePlus [] splitCombinedTextures(
TileCluster [] tileClusters, //should have name <timestamp>-*
int transform_size,
ImagePlus [] combo_textures ) {
int max_cluster = -1;
for (int nscene=0; nscene < tileClusters.length; nscene++) {
for (int indx: tileClusters[nscene].getSubIndices()) {
if (indx > max_cluster) max_cluster= indx;
ImagePlus [] tex_clusters = new ImagePlus[max_cluster + 1];
for (int nscene=0; nscene < tileClusters.length; nscene++) {
String basename = combo_textures[nscene].getTitle();
basename = basename.substring(0,basename.indexOf('-'));
ImageStack combo_stack = combo_textures[nscene].getStack();
int nSlices = combo_stack.getSize();
int [] indices = tileClusters[nscene].getSubIndices();
Rectangle [] bounds = tileClusters[nscene].getSubBounds();
// try to deal with a single-slice stack?
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
Rectangle roi = bounds[i];
ImageStack sub_stack = combo_stack.crop(
roi.x * transform_size,
roi.y * transform_size,
0, // z - start slice
roi.width * transform_size,
roi.height* transform_size,
int cluster_index = indices[i];
String title=String.format("%s-img%04d-texture",basename, cluster_index);
tex_clusters[cluster_index] = new ImagePlus(title, sub_stack);
// tex_clusters[cluster_index].getProcessor().resetMinAndMax(); // probably not needed for png
return tex_clusters;
// modifying so mono has 2 layers (Y + alpha) from IDC6585: public double [][] combineRBGATiles(
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