Commit 7a17cbe2 authored by Luc Deschenaux's avatar Luc Deschenaux

Merge branch 'master' of

parents b8af8a1c d14a3970
......@@ -11,14 +11,18 @@
<relativePath />
<!-- <artifactId>Aberration_Calibration</artifactId> -->
<!-- <name>plugins/Aberration_Calibration.jar</name> -->
<description>A Maven project implementing imagej-elphel plugin</description>
......@@ -74,9 +78,8 @@
<!-- see -->
......@@ -85,6 +88,7 @@
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -12398,7 +12398,7 @@ Which parameters affect which matrices
public int getGoniometerHorizontalIndex(){return 6;}
public int getGoniometerAxialIndex(){return 7;}
public int getSensorWidth() { return this.sensorWidth;}
public int getSensorHeight() { return this.sensorWidth;}
public int getSensorHeight() { return this.sensorHeight;}
public int getSensorWidth(int subCam) { return this.sensorWidth;} // for the future? different sensors
public int getSensorHeight(int subCam) { return this.sensorHeight;}// for the future? different sensors
public double getPixelSize(int subCamNumber){return this.eyesisSubCameras[0][subCamNumber].pixelSize;} // use station 0's pixel size
......@@ -13952,6 +13952,33 @@ Which parameters affect which matrices
public void setIntrincicFromSubcamera(EyesisSubCameraParameters pars){
pars.pixelSize, //um
pars.distortionRadius, // mm
pars.distortionA8, // r^7
pars.distortionA7, // r^6
pars.distortionA6, // r^5
pars.distortionA5, // r^4
pars.distortionA, // r^4
pars.distortionB, // r^3
pars.distortionC, // r^2
// orientation/position parameters
this.yaw, // (keep) angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - clockwise from top
this.pitch, // (keep) angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - up
this.roll, // (keep) angle in degrees rotation around camera optical axis (perpendicular to pattern if yaw==0, pitch==0), positive - clockwise
this.x0, // (keep) lens axis from pattern center, mm (to the right)
this.y0, // (keep) lens axis from pattern center, mm (down)
this.z0, // (keep) lens axis from pattern center, mm (away)
this.distance, // (keep) distance from the lens input pupil to the pattern plane along the camera axis, mm
pars.px0, // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels
pars.py0, // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels
this.flipVertical // (keep) acquired image is mirrored vertically (mirror used)
public void setLensDistortionParameters(LensDistortionParameters ldp
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -5332,6 +5332,7 @@ java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -3566
if (mask[i]<maskCutOff) mask[i]=0.0;
int size = (int) Math.sqrt(psf.length);
int hsize=size/2;
// int nn=0;
double S0=0.0, SR=0.0, ST=0.0,SR2=0.0,ST2=0.0; //,SRT=0.0;
for (int i=0;i<mask.length;i++) if (mask[i]>0.0) {
double x=(i % size) - hsize;
......@@ -5344,13 +5345,62 @@ java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -3566
// SRT+=d*rc*tc;
// nn++;
if (S0==0.0) return null; // make sure it is OK
double [] result={ Math.sqrt(ST2*S0 - ST*ST)/S0, Math.sqrt(SR2*S0 - SR*SR)/S0};
// System.out.println(" mask.length="+mask.length+" nn="+nn+" S0="+S0+" SR="+SR+" ST="+ST+" SR2="+SR2+" ST2="+ST2+
// " result={"+result[0]+","+result[1]+"}");
return result;
public double [] x2y2xySizes(
double [] psf, // PSF function, square array, nominally positive
double cutoffEnergy, // fraction of energy in the pixels to be used
double cutoffLevel, // minimal level as a fraction of maximal
int minArea, // minimal selected area in pixels
double blurSigma, // optionally blur the selection
double maskCutOff,
int debugLevel, // debug level
String title) { // prefix used for debug images
double [] mask=findClusterOnPSF(
for (int i=0;i<mask.length;i++)
if (mask[i]<maskCutOff) mask[i]=0.0;
int size = (int) Math.sqrt(psf.length);
int hsize=size/2;
// int nn=0;
double S0=0.0, SX=0.0, SY=0.0,SX2=0.0,SY2=0.0,SXY=0.0;
for (int i=0;i<mask.length;i++) if (mask[i]>0.0) {
double x=(i % size) - hsize;
double y=(i / size) - hsize;
double d=psf[i]*mask[i];
// nn++;
if (S0==0.0) return null; // make sure it is OK
double [] result={
(SX2*S0 - SX*SX)/S0/S0,
(SY2*S0 - SY*SY)/S0/S0,
(SXY*S0 - SX*SY)/S0/S0}; // this may be negative
// System.out.println(" mask.length="+mask.length+" nn="+nn+" S0="+S0+" SX="+SX+" SY="+SY+" SX2="+SXR2+" SY2="+SY2+" SXY="+SXY+
// " result={"+result[0]+","+result[1]+","+result[2]+"}");
return result;
public double [] findClusterOnPSF(
......@@ -5382,7 +5432,8 @@ java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -3566
if (maxValue<=0.0){
String msg="psf array does not contain any positive values";
// IJ.showMessage("Error",msg);
System.out.println("Error "+msg);
throw new IllegalArgumentException (msg);
ix=Index % size;
......@@ -8506,6 +8557,7 @@ d()/dy=C*x+2*B*y+E=0
throw new IllegalArgumentException (msg);
if (this.PATTERN_GRID.length==0) return null;
double x1=x0,y1=y0;
double x2=x1+size;
double y2=y1+size;
......@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
# If something like ("<arg>") is appended to the class name, the setup() method
# will get that as arg parameter; otherwise arg is simply the empty string.
Process, "Process Pixels", Process_Pixels
#Process, "Process Pixels", Process_Pixels
Process, "Aberration Calibration", Aberration_Calibration
#Plugins, "Aberration Calibration", Aberration_Calibration
#Process, "Aberration Correction", Aberration_Correction
Process, "Eyesis Correction", Eyesis_Correction
#Process, "JP46 Reader camera", JP46_Reader_camera
Process, "JP46 Reader camera", JP46_Reader_camera
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