gd.addNumericField("Satisfactory RMSE, final",max_rms_refine,3,7,"scaled pix","Maximal RMSE to consider match, in scaled pixels, during refine.");
/// gd.addNumericField("Satisfactory RMSE, final", max_rms_refine,3,7,"scaled pix", "Maximal RMSE to consider match, in scaled pixels, during refine.");
gd.addCheckbox("Filter pairs",flt_list,"Filter available pairs.");
gd.addCheckbox("Keep undefined pairs only",flt_undef_only,"Keep only undefined pairs (affines== null).");
gd.addNumericField("Minimal scene overlap (0..1)",flt_min_overlap,3,7,"","Minimal overlap of the scenes to keep (0-no overlap, 1.0 - smaller scene is inside the parger one.");
gd.addNumericField("Maximal scene overlap (0..1)",flt_max_overlap,3,7,"","Maximal overlap of the scenes to keep (0-no overlap, 1.0 - smaller scene is inside the parger one.");
gd.addNumericField("Minimal RMSE",flt_min_rms,3,7,"","Minimal LMA RMSE of the scene pair.");
gd.addNumericField("Maximal RMSE",flt_max_rms,3,7,"","Maximal LMA RMSE of the scene pair.");
/// gd.addCheckbox ("NaN RMS (failed match)", flt_nan_rms, "Keep only failed matches with RMSE=NaN.");
gd.addCheckbox("Filter by zoom level",flt_filt_zoom,"Filter by the zoom level used for matching.");
gd.addNumericField("Minimal zoom",flt_min_zoom,0,3,"","Minimal zoom level used for matching.");
gd.addNumericField("Maximal zoom",flt_max_zoom,0,3,"","Maximal zoom level used for matching.");
gd.addCheckbox("Moves only",move_only,"Moves only, no affine transform.");
gd.addCheckbox("Moves only",move_only,"Moves only, no affine transform.");
gd.addCheckbox("Ignore existing affines",ignore_affines,"Start from unity matrices, ignore saved affines.");
gd.addCheckbox("Ignore existing affines",ignore_affines,"Start from unity matrices, ignore saved affines.");