Commit 6e8225bb authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Fixing stopRequested

parent 71a02244
......@@ -4525,8 +4525,8 @@ public boolean LevenbergMarquardt(
// this.seriesNumber++;
break; // while (true), proceed to the next series
this.stopRequested.set(saveStopRequested); // restore caller stop request
} // while true - same series
this.stopRequested.set(saveStopRequested); // restore caller stop request
// if (wasLastSeries) break;
// } // while (this.fittingStrategy.isSeriesValid(this.seriesNumber)){ // TODO: Add "stop" tag to series
if (fieldFitting.fieldStrategies.isLast(this.currentStrategyStep)) break;
......@@ -4536,6 +4536,7 @@ public boolean LevenbergMarquardt(
if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("stepLevenbergMarquardtAction() "+msg);
this.stopRequested.set(saveStopRequested); // restore caller stop request
} // for all series
String msg="RMS="+this.currentRMS+" ("+this.firstRMS+") "+
", pure RMS="+this.currentRMSPure+" ("+this.firstRMSPure+") "+
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