Commit 59128ef9 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Added code to compare to FPGA

parent 77f4edc9
......@@ -51,6 +51,13 @@ public class DttRad2 {
int [] unfold_index = null; // index for each element of idct(2nx2n)
double [][] unfold_k = null; // First index - mode: 0 - CC 1: SC, 2: CS, 3: SS. Other indices matching unfold_index items. Each is a product of 2 window coefficients and sign
public int [][] getFoldIndex(){
return fold_index;
public int [] getUnfoldIndex(){
return unfold_index;
public DttRad2 (int maxN){ // n - maximal
setup_arrays(maxN); // always setup arrays for fast calculations
......@@ -175,6 +182,18 @@ public class DttRad2 {
fi[1][0],fi[1][1],fi[1][2],fi[1][3], hwindow[fi[0][1]], hwindow[fi[1][1]]));
for (int i = 0; i < n*n; i++){
System.out.println(String.format("%3x: %6x %6x %6x %6x",i,fold_index[i][0],fold_index[i][1],fold_index[i][2],fold_index[i][3]));
// System.out.println(String.format(" : %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f", fold_k[0][i][0], fold_k[0][i][1], fold_k[0][i][2], fold_k[0][i][3]));
// System.out.println(String.format(" : %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f", fold_k[1][i][0], fold_k[1][i][1], fold_k[1][i][2], fold_k[1][i][3]));
// System.out.println(String.format(" : %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f", fold_k[2][i][0], fold_k[2][i][1], fold_k[2][i][2], fold_k[2][i][3]));
// System.out.println(String.format(" : %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f %8.5f", fold_k[3][i][0], fold_k[3][i][1], fold_k[3][i][2], fold_k[3][i][3]));
System.out.println(String.format(" : %2d %2d %2d %2d", (fold_k[0][i][0]<0)?-1:1, (fold_k[0][i][1]<0)?-1:1, (fold_k[0][i][2]<0)?-1:1, (fold_k[0][i][3]<0)?-1:1));
System.out.println(String.format(" : %2d %2d %2d %2d", (fold_k[1][i][0]<0)?-1:1, (fold_k[1][i][1]<0)?-1:1, (fold_k[1][i][2]<0)?-1:1, (fold_k[1][i][3]<0)?-1:1));
System.out.println(String.format(" : %2d %2d %2d %2d", (fold_k[2][i][0]<0)?-1:1, (fold_k[2][i][1]<0)?-1:1, (fold_k[2][i][2]<0)?-1:1, (fold_k[2][i][3]<0)?-1:1));
System.out.println(String.format(" : %2d %2d %2d %2d", (fold_k[3][i][0]<0)?-1:1, (fold_k[3][i][1]<0)?-1:1, (fold_k[3][i][2]<0)?-1:1, (fold_k[3][i][3]<0)?-1:1));
......@@ -239,18 +258,19 @@ public class DttRad2 {
public double [][][] get_shifted_fold_2d(
int n,
double shift_hor,
double shift_vert)
double shift_vert,
int debugLevel)
{ // n - DCT and window size
int n2 = 2* n;
double [][][] fold_sk = new double[4][n*n][4];
int [] vert_ind = new int[2];
double [][] vert_k = new double[2][2];
int [] hor_ind = new int[2];
double [][] hor_k = new double[2][2];
double ahc = Math.cos(Math.PI/16*shift_hor);
double ahs = Math.sin(Math.PI/16*shift_hor);
double avc = Math.cos(Math.PI/16*shift_vert);
double avs = Math.sin(Math.PI/16*shift_vert);
double ahc = Math.cos(Math.PI/n2*shift_hor);
double ahs = Math.sin(Math.PI/n2*shift_hor);
double avc = Math.cos(Math.PI/n2*shift_vert);
double avs = Math.sin(Math.PI/n2*shift_vert);
int [][] fi;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
......@@ -288,6 +308,79 @@ public class DttRad2 {
return fold_sk;
// Generate (slightly - up to +/- 0.5) shifted window for standard sin window (derivative uses same table)
// only for mode=1 (sin window)
public double [][][] get_shifted_fold_2d_direct(
int n,
double shift_hor,
double shift_vert,
int debugLevel) // fpga scale (1 << 17 -1)
{ // n - DCT and window size
int n2 = 2 * n;
double [][][] fold_sk = new double[4][n*n][4];
int [] vert_ind = new int[2];
double [][] vert_k = new double[2][2];
int [] hor_ind = new int[2];
double [][] hor_k = new double[2][2];
// double ahc = Math.cos(Math.PI/n2*shift_hor);
// double ahs = Math.sin(Math.PI/n2*shift_hor);
// double avc = Math.cos(Math.PI/n2*shift_vert);
// double avs = Math.sin(Math.PI/n2*shift_vert);
double [] wnd_hor = new double[n2];
double [] wnd_vert = new double[n2];
double f = Math.PI/n2;
for (int i = 0; i < n2; i++ ){
wnd_hor[i] = Math.sin(f * (i+ 0.5 +shift_hor));
wnd_vert[i] = Math.sin(f * (i+ 0.5 +shift_vert));
if (debugLevel > 0){
System.out.println("Window (index,hor,vert) ");
for (int i = 0; i <16; i++) System.out.print(String.format("%5x ", i)); System.out.println();
for (int i = 0; i <16; i++) System.out.print(String.format("%5x ", (int) Math.round(debugLevel * wnd_hor[i]))); System.out.println();
for (int i = 0; i <16; i++) System.out.print(String.format("%5x ", (int) Math.round(debugLevel * wnd_vert[i]))); System.out.println();
int [][] fi;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
fi = get_fold_indices(i,n);
vert_ind[0] = fi[0][0];
vert_ind[1] = fi[1][0];
// double vw0 = avc*hwindow[fi[0][1]] + avs*hwindow[fi[0][4]]*fi[0][5];
// double vw1 = avc*hwindow[fi[1][1]] + avs*hwindow[fi[1][4]]*fi[1][5];
double vw0 = wnd_vert[vert_ind[0]];
double vw1 = wnd_vert[vert_ind[1]];
vert_k[0][0] = fi[0][2] * vw0; // use cosine sign
vert_k[0][1] = fi[1][2] * vw1; // use cosine sign
vert_k[1][0] = fi[0][3] * vw0; // use sine sign
vert_k[1][1] = fi[1][3] * vw1; // use sine sign
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++ ){
fi = get_fold_indices(j,n);
hor_ind[0] = fi[0][0];
hor_ind[1] = fi[1][0];
// double hw0 = ahc*hwindow[fi[0][1]] + ahs*hwindow[fi[0][4]]*fi[0][5];
// double hw1 = ahc*hwindow[fi[1][1]] + ahs*hwindow[fi[1][4]]*fi[1][5];
double hw0 = wnd_hor[hor_ind[0]];
double hw1 = wnd_hor[hor_ind[1]];
hor_k[0][0] = fi[0][2] * hw0; // use cosine sign
hor_k[0][1] = fi[1][2] * hw1; // use cosine sign
hor_k[1][0] = fi[0][3] * hw0; // use sine sign
hor_k[1][1] = fi[1][3] * hw1; // use sine sign
int indx = n*i + j;
for (int mode = 0; mode<4; mode++){
for (int k = 0; k<4;k++) {
fold_sk[mode][indx][k] = vert_k[(mode>>1) &1][(k>>1) & 1] * hor_k[mode &1][k & 1];
return fold_sk;
// return index and two signs (c,s) for 1-d imdct. x is index (0..2*n-1) of the imdct array, value is sign * (idct_index+1),
// where idct_index (0..n-1) is index in the dct-iv array
......@@ -359,6 +452,51 @@ public class DttRad2 {
return y;
public double [] dttt_iv(double [] x, int mode, int n, double scale, int mask){ // mode 0 - dct,dct 1:dst,dct, 2: dct, dst, 3: dst,dst
double [] y = new double [n*n];
double [] line = new double[n];
// first (horizontal) pass
System.out.println("dttt_iv, mode="+mode);
System.out.println("horizontal pass "+(((mode & 1)!=0)? "dst_iv":"dct_iv"));
for (int i = 0; i<n; i++){
System.arraycopy(x, n*i, line, 0, n);
line = ((mode & 1)!=0)? dst_iv(line):dct_iv(line);
System.out.print(String.format("%02x: ", i));
for (int j=0; j < n;j++) {
int di = ((int) Math.round(x[n*i+j]*scale)) & mask;
System.out.print(String.format("%07x ", di));
System.out.print(" ");
for (int j=0; j < n;j++) {
int di = ((int) Math.round(line[j] * scale)) & mask;
System.out.print(String.format("%07x ", di));
for (int j=0; j < n;j++) y[j*n+i] =line[j]; // transpose
// second (vertical) pass
System.out.println("vertical pass "+(((mode & 2)!=0)? "dst_iv":"dct_iv")+" (after transpose)");
for (int i = 0; i<n; i++){
System.arraycopy(y, n*i, line, 0, n);
line = ((mode & 2)!=0)? dst_iv(line):dct_iv(line);
System.out.print(String.format("%02x: ", i));
for (int j=0; j < n;j++) {
int di = ((int) Math.round(y[n*i+j]*scale*0.5)) & mask;
System.out.print(String.format("%07x ", di));
System.out.print(" ");
for (int j=0; j < n;j++) {
int di = ((int) Math.round(line[j] * scale)) & mask;
System.out.print(String.format("%07x ", di));
System.arraycopy(line, 0, y, n*i, n);
return y;
public double [] dttt_ii(double [] x){
return dttt_ii(x, 1 << (ilog2(x.length)/2));
......@@ -468,7 +606,8 @@ public class DttRad2 {
public void set_window(int mode){
set_window(mode, N);
public void set_window(int mode, int len){
public void set_window(int mode, int len){ // using mode==1
// for N=8: sin (pi/32), sin (3*pi/32), sin (5*pi/32), sin (7*pi/32), sin (9*pi/32), sin (11*pi/32), sin (13*pi/32), sin (15*pi/32)
hwindow = new double[len];
double f = Math.PI/(2.0*len);
double sqrt1_2=Math.sqrt(0.5);
......@@ -532,6 +671,28 @@ public class DttRad2 {
return y;
public double [] fold_tile_debug(
double [] x,
int n,
int mode, //////
double [][][] fold_k
) { // x should be 2n*2n
System.out.println("fold_tile_debug, mode = "+mode);
double [] y = new double [n*n];
for (int i = 0; i<y.length;i++) {
y[i] = 0;
System.out.print(String.format("%2d: ",i));
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
y[i] += x[fold_index[i][k]] * fold_k[mode][i][k];
System.out.print(String.format("(%f * %f) ", x[fold_index[i][k]], fold_k[mode][i][k]));
if (k < 3) System.out.print("+ ");
System.out.println(String.format("= %f", y[i]));
return y;
public double [] unfold_tile(
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