Commit 52e7ddde authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

reparing grid updtae, fixed typo

parent a1118d6f
......@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ public static MatchSimulatedPattern.DistortionParameters DISTORTION =new MatchSi
// TODO: adjust to a reasonable number
1.0, //this.correlationMinAbsoluteInitialContrast, // minimal contrast for the pattern of the center (initial point)
0.8, // scaleFirstPassContrast, // Decrease contrast of cells that are too close to the border to be processed in rifinement pass
0.8, // scaleFirstPassContrast, // Decrease contrast of cells that are too close to the border to be processed in refinement pass
0.1, // contrastSelectSigma, // Gaussian sigma to select correlation centers (fraction of UV period), 0.1
0.5, //contrastAverageSigma, // Gaussian sigma to average correlation variations (as contrast reference) 0.5
......@@ -19725,7 +19725,7 @@ use the result to create a rejectiobn mask - if the energy was high, (multiplica
gd.addNumericField("Correlation minimal contrast (absolute)", distortionParameters.correlationMinAbsoluteContrast, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Correlation minimal contrast for initial search (absolute)", distortionParameters.correlationMinAbsoluteInitialContrast, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Decrease contrast of cells that are too close to the border to be processed in rifinement pass", distortionParameters.scaleFirstPassContrast, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Decrease contrast of cells that are too close to the border to be processed in refinement pass", distortionParameters.scaleFirstPassContrast, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Gaussian sigma to select correlation centers (fraction of UV period), 0.1", distortionParameters.contrastSelectSigma, 3);
gd.addNumericField("Gaussian sigma to average correlation variations (as contrast reference), 0.5", distortionParameters.contrastAverageSigma, 3);
......@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ public class LensAdjustment {
int numAbsolutePoints=0;
if (updating) {
// add new nodes if the appeared after shift of the pattern
if (debug_level>1) { // calculate/print number of defined nodes in the grid
System.out.println("updateFocusGrid(), number of defined grid cells (before distortions()) = "+matchSimulatedPattern.numDefinedCells());
if (debug_level>0) { // calculate/print number of defined nodes in the grid
System.out.println("updateFocusGrid(), number of already defined grid cells (before distortions()) = "+matchSimulatedPattern.numDefinedCells());
null, // is not used in update mode
......@@ -3312,11 +3312,11 @@ public class MatchSimulatedPattern {
// double [][][] nodes=null;
Queue<GridNode> nodeQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<GridNode>();
boolean fromVeryBeginning=true;
for (int i=3;i<triedIndices.length;i++) if (triedIndices[i]){ // do not count first three
if (!updating) {
for (int i=3;i<triedIndices.length;i++) if (triedIndices[i]){ // do not count first three NPE
double [] point = new double[2];
int tryHor=0,tryVert=0;
// distortionParameters.searchOverlap=goniometerParameters.searchOverlap;
......@@ -10299,7 +10299,7 @@ error=Sum(W(x,y)*(F^2 + 2*F*(A*x^2+B*y^2+C*x*y+D*x+E*y-Z(x,y)) +(...) )
double correlationMinAbsoluteContrast, // minimal contrast for the pattern to pass, does not compensate for low ligt
double correlationMinAbsoluteInitialContrast, // minimal contrast for the pattern of the center (initial point)
double scaleFirstPassContrast, // Decrease contrast of cells that are too close to the border to be processed in rifinement pass
double scaleFirstPassContrast, // Decrease contrast of cells that are too close to the border to be processed in refinement pass
double contrastSelectSigma, // Gaussian sigma to select correlation centers (fraction of UV period), 0.1
double contrastAverageSigma, // Gaussian sigma to average correlation variations (as contrast reference) 0.5
int minimalPatternCluster, // minimal pattern cluster size (0 - disable retries)
......@@ -10360,7 +10360,7 @@ error=Sum(W(x,y)*(F^2 + 2*F*(A*x^2+B*y^2+C*x*y+D*x+E*y-Z(x,y)) +(...) )
this.correlationMinAbsoluteContrast=correlationMinAbsoluteContrast; // minimal contrast for the pattern to pass, does not compensate for low ligt
this.correlationMinAbsoluteInitialContrast=correlationMinAbsoluteInitialContrast; // minimal contrast for the pattern of the center (initial point)
this.scaleFirstPassContrast=scaleFirstPassContrast; // Decrease contrast of cells that are too close to the border to be processed in rifinement pass
this.scaleFirstPassContrast=scaleFirstPassContrast; // Decrease contrast of cells that are too close to the border to be processed in refinement pass
this.contrastSelectSigma=contrastSelectSigma; // Gaussian sigma to select correlation centers (fraction of UV period), 0.1
this.contrastAverageSigma=contrastAverageSigma; // Gaussian sigma to average correlation variations (as contrast reference) 0.5
this.minimalPatternCluster=minimalPatternCluster; // minimal pattern cluster size (0 - disable retries)
......@@ -10423,7 +10423,7 @@ error=Sum(W(x,y)*(F^2 + 2*F*(A*x^2+B*y^2+C*x*y+D*x+E*y-Z(x,y)) +(...) )
this.correlationMinAbsoluteContrast, // minimal contrast for the pattern to pass, does not compensate for low ligt
this.correlationMinAbsoluteInitialContrast, // minimal contrast for the pattern of the center (initial point)
this.scaleFirstPassContrast, // Decrease contrast of cells that are too close to the border to be processed in rifinement pass
this.scaleFirstPassContrast, // Decrease contrast of cells that are too close to the border to be processed in refinement pass
this.contrastSelectSigma, // Gaussian sigma to select correlation centers (fraction of UV period), 0.1
this.contrastAverageSigma, // Gaussian sigma to average correlation variations (as contrast reference) 0.5
this.minimalPatternCluster, // minimal pattern cluster size (0 - disable retries)
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