Commit 3b485572 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

started read cameras with timeout

parent 2d439266
......@@ -9661,7 +9661,7 @@ if (MORE_BUTTONS) {
LENS_DISTORTIONS.stopEachSeries= false; // will not ask for confirmation after done
Distortions distortions_dbg = LENS_DISTORTIONS;
LENS_DISTORTIONS.LevenbergMarquardt( // Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
false, // skip dialog
false, // new: dry_run use it here?
......@@ -51,6 +51,22 @@ public class ImagejJp4TiffMulti {
final boolean scale,
final String std) throws IOException, FormatException // std - include non-elphel properties with prefix std
return getMultiImages(
0.0, // final double timeout_sec,
public ImagePlus [] getMultiImages(
final String [] urls,
final ImagePlus [] imps,
final double timeout_sec,
final boolean scale,
final String std) throws IOException, FormatException // std - include non-elphel properties with prefix std
// final ImagePlus [] imps = new ImagePlus [urls.length];
LOGGER.error("Please ignore 'File has length 0 and may be corrupt' - caused by bioformat reading memory file");
final Thread[] threads = newThreadArray(MAX_THREADS);
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