Commit 38ca28e2 authored by Johannes Schindelin's avatar Johannes Schindelin more steps what to do after cloning

Signed-off-by: 's avatarJohannes Schindelin <>
parent c730e30c
...@@ -53,3 +53,16 @@ Then: ...@@ -53,3 +53,16 @@ Then:
5. the *scm* information 5. the *scm* information
2. Remove the `````` file and add your own files 2. Remove the `````` file and add your own files
3. Edit ```src/main/resources/plugins.config``` 3. Edit ```src/main/resources/plugins.config```
4. Replace the contents of `````` with information about your project.
If you cloned the ```minimal-ij1-plugin``` repository, you probably want to
publish the result in your own repository:
1. Call ```git status``` to verify .gitignore lists all the files (or file
patterns) that should be ignored
2. Call ```git add .``` and ```git add -u``` to stage the current files for
3. Call ```git commit``` or ```git gui``` to commit the changes
4. [Create a new GitHub repository](
5. ```git remote set-url origin<username>/<projectname>```
6. ```git push origin HEAD```
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