Commit 14ed8e38 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov


parent 57fb1ef9
......@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ public class GPUTileProcessor {
public static int TASK_TEXTURE_W_BIT = 3; // Texture with West neighbor
// public static int TASK_TEXTURE_BIT = 3; // bit to request texture calculation int task field of struct tp_task
public static int LIST_TEXTURE_BIT = 7; // bit to request texture calculation
public static int TEXT_NTILE_SHIFT = 8; // split from CORR_NTILE_SHIFT
public static int LIST_TEXTURE_BIT = 8; // 7; // bit to request texture calculation
public static int TEXT_NTILE_SHIFT = 9; // 8; // split from CORR_NTILE_SHIFT
// public static int CORR_OUT_RAD = 4; // output radius of the correlations (implemented)
public static double FAT_ZERO_WEIGHT = 0.0001; // add to port weights to avoid nan
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