Commit 14e9c7f5 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

missed from the previous commit

parent 46612695
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void convert_direct( // called with a single block, single
float ** gpu_kernel_offsets, // [NUM_CAMS],
float ** gpu_kernels, // [NUM_CAMS],
float ** gpu_images, // [NUM_CAMS],
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
size_t dstride, // in floats (pixels)
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void correlate2D(
float scale1, // scale for B
float scale2, // scale for G
float fat_zero, // here - absolute
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks, // array of per-tile tasks (now bits 4..9 - correlation pairs)
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
int tilesx, // number of tile rows
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void corr2D_combine(
extern "C" __global__ void textures_nonoverlap(
int num_cams, // number of cameras
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list
// int num_tilesx, // number of tiles in a row
......@@ -141,6 +141,10 @@ __global__ void imclt_rbg_all(
int woi_theight,
const size_t dstride); // in floats (pixels)
extern "C" __global__ void erase8x8(
float * gpu_top_left,
const size_t dstride);
extern "C" __global__ void imclt_rbg(
float * gpu_rbg, // WIDTH, 3 * HEIGHT
......@@ -156,7 +160,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void imclt_rbg(
extern "C" __global__ void generate_RBGA(
int num_cams, // number of cameras used
// Parameters to generate texture tasks
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list
// declare arrays in device code?
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