Commit 08f442cd authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

committing w/o breaking - 11

parent f2d830e8
......@@ -2705,7 +2705,6 @@ public class EyesisAberrations {
if (globalDebugLevel>1){
System.out.println("getPSFKernels(), simArray is "+((simArray==null)?"":"not ")+"null");
if (imp==null) return null; // Maybe convert to double pixel array once to make it faster?
if (fht_instance==null) fht_instance=new DoubleFHT(); // move upstream to reduce number of initializations
String title=imp.getTitle()+"X"+x0+"Y"+y0;
......@@ -2744,9 +2743,6 @@ public class EyesisAberrations {
colorComponents.equalizeGreens); // does it work the same?
//int greensToProcess=4;
int i,j,l;
double [][] simul_pixels;
......@@ -2756,6 +2752,10 @@ public class EyesisAberrations {
double [][] dbgSimPix=null;
double [] localBarray;
double min_half_period = (is_lwir? patternDetectParameters.minGridPeriodLwir: patternDetectParameters.minGridPeriod)/2;
double max_half_period = (is_lwir? patternDetectParameters.maxGridPeriodLwir:patternDetectParameters.maxGridPeriod)/2;
if ((simArray==null) || (psfParameters.approximateGrid)){ // just for testing(never here?)
/* Calculate pattern parameters, including distortion */
......@@ -2763,8 +2763,8 @@ public class EyesisAberrations {
double[][] distortedPattern= matchSimulatedPattern.findPatternDistorted(
input_bayer_or_mono, // pixel array to process (no windowing!)
min_half_period, // patternDetectParameters.minGridPeriod/2,
max_half_period, // patternDetectParameters.maxGridPeriod/2,
true, //(greensToProcess==4), // boolean greens, // this is a pattern for combined greens (diagonal), adjust results accordingly
title); // title prefix to use for debug images
......@@ -2835,6 +2835,16 @@ public class EyesisAberrations {
false);//boolean mono
if (is_mono) {
simul_pixels= new double[1][];
simul_pixels[0]= simulationPattern.extractSimulMono ( // TODO: can use twice smaller barray
1, // subdivide output pixels - now 4
fft_size*subpixel, // number of Bayer cells in width of the square selection (half number of pixels)
0, // selection center, X (in pixels)
} else {
simul_pixels= simulationPattern.extractSimulPatterns (
localBarray, // this version is thread safe
......@@ -2842,6 +2852,7 @@ public class EyesisAberrations {
fft_size*subpixel, // number of Bayer cells in width of the square selection (half number of pixels)
0.0, // selection center, X (in pixels)
0.0); // selection center, y (in pixels)
if (subpixel>1) {
if (colorComponents.colorsToCorrect[5]) simul_pixels=combineCheckerGreens (simul_pixels, // pixel arrays after oversampleFFTInput() or extractSimulPatterns())
subpixel); // same as used in oversampleFFTInput() - oversampling ratio
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