Commit 08bb8d2d authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

fixing changing of number of stations

parent 00d8802c
......@@ -755,8 +755,9 @@ import java.util.Properties;
throw new IllegalArgumentException (msg);
if (this.stationZCorr==null) return this.gridGeometry[v1][u1];
if (station>this.stationZCorr[v1][u1].length) station = this.stationZCorr[v1][u1].length-1;
double [] result=this.gridGeometry[v1][u1].clone();
result[2]+=this.stationZCorr[v1][u1][station]; // if pattern did not have multi-station?
return result;
public double[] getXYZMAverage(int u, int v){ // u=0,v=0 - center!
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