Commit d08d78a6 authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

Add AHCI driver set up functions

Some functions were added to allow camogm get the size and position of
the raw device buffer and pass this inforamtion to AHCI driver via
sysfs. The information retrieved includes the size and starting position
in LBAs.
parent dcb01432
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "camogm_ogm.h"
#include "camogm_jpeg.h"
......@@ -59,6 +60,8 @@
#define ALL_CHN_INACTIVE 0x00
/** @brief This is a basic helper macro for processing all sensor ports at a time */
#define FOR_EACH_PORT(indtype, indvar) for (indtype indvar = 0; indvar < SENSOR_PORTS; indvar++)
/** @brief The path to Elphel AHCI driver sysfs entry. The trailing slash is mandatory. */
#define SYSFS_DRIVER_ENTRY "/sys/devices/soc0/amba@0/80000000.elphel-ahci/"
char trailer[TRAILER_SIZE] = { 0xff, 0xd9 };
......@@ -101,6 +104,11 @@ typedef enum {
} path_type;
enum sysfs_path_type {
int debug_level;
FILE* debug_file;
......@@ -139,7 +147,10 @@ void camogm_set_start_after_timestamp(camogm_state *state, double d);
void camogm_set_max_frames(camogm_state *state, int d);
void camogm_set_frames_per_chunk(camogm_state *state, int d);
uint64_t get_disk_size(const char *name);
static uint64_t get_disk_size(const char *name);
static int get_sysfs_name(const char *dev_name, char *sys_name, size_t str_sz, int type);
static int get_disk_range(const char *name, struct range *rng);
static int set_disk_range(const char *name, const struct range *rng);
int open_files(camogm_state *state);
unsigned long getGPValue(unsigned int port, unsigned long GPNumber);
void setGValue(unsigned int port, unsigned long GNumber, unsigned long value);
......@@ -831,6 +842,18 @@ void camogm_set_prefix(camogm_state *state, const char * p, path_type type)
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "WARNING: raw device write initiated\n"));
state->rawdev_op = 1;
/* debug code follows*/
struct range rng = {
.from = 0,
.to = 0
if (get_disk_range(state->rawdev.rawdev_path, &rng) == 0) {
set_disk_range(SYSFS_DRIVER_ENTRY, &rng);
} else {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "ERROR: unable to get disk size and starting sector\n"));
/* end of debug code */
......@@ -1537,7 +1560,7 @@ int listener_loop(camogm_state *state)
* @param name pointer to disk name string
* @return disk size in bytes if it was read correctly and 0 otherwise
uint64_t get_disk_size(const char *name)
static uint64_t get_disk_size(const char *name)
int fd;
uint64_t dev_sz;
......@@ -1555,6 +1578,159 @@ uint64_t get_disk_size(const char *name)
return dev_sz;
* @brief Make sysfs path from disk name in accordance with the type provided.
* The 'start' file does not exist for full disk path (/dev/sda) and this function
* returns empty string in @e sys_name and non-zero return value.
* @param[in] dev_name pointer to a string containing device name
* @param[out] sys_name pointer to a string where sysfs path will be stored
* @param[in] str_sz the size of @e dname and @e sname strings including the
* terminating null byte
* @param[in] type the type of sysfs path required. Can be one of #sysfs_path_type
* @return The number of characters in resulting path, including the terminating
* null byte, or a negative value in case of an error.
static int get_sysfs_name(const char *dev_name, char *sys_name, size_t str_sz, int type)
int ret = -1;
const char prefix[] = "/sys/block/";
char size_name[] = "size";
char start_name[] = "start";
char device_name[ELPHEL_PATH_MAX] = {0};
char disk_name[ELPHEL_PATH_MAX] = {0};
char part_name[ELPHEL_PATH_MAX] = {0};
char *postfix = NULL;
char *ptr = NULL;
size_t dname_sz = strlen(dev_name) - 1;
strncpy(device_name, dev_name, ELPHEL_PATH_MAX);
// strip trailing slash
if (device_name[dname_sz] == '/') {
device_name[dname_sz] = '\0';
// get partition and disk names
ptr = strrchr(device_name, '/');
if (ptr == NULL) {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "%s: the path specified is invalid\n", __func__));
return ret;
strcpy(part_name, ptr + 1);
strcpy(disk_name, ptr + 1);
if (strlen(disk_name) > 0)
disk_name[strlen(disk_name) - 1] = '\0';
if (type == TYPE_SIZE)
postfix = size_name;
else if (type == TYPE_START)
postfix = start_name;
if (isdigit(device_name[dname_sz])) {
// we've got partition
ret = snprintf(sys_name, str_sz, "%s%s/%s/%s", prefix, disk_name, part_name, postfix);
} else {
// we've got entire disk
ret = snprintf(sys_name, str_sz, "%s%s/%s", prefix, part_name, postfix);
if (type == TYPE_START)
// the 'start' does not exist for full disk, notify caller
// that we've got this situation here
sys_name[0] = '\0';
return ret;
* @brief Get disk start and end sectors. If the name specified is the name of a disk instead of
* the name of a partition on that disk (i.e /dev/sda instead /dev/sda2), then the full size of the
* disk is returned. This function is used with #set_disk_range to allocate raw device buffer on a disk.
* @param[in] name pointer to disk name string
* @param[out] rng pointer to the structure containing disk size
* @return 0 if disk size was retrieved successfully and -1 in case of an error
static int get_disk_range(const char *name, struct range *rng)
int ret = 0;
int fd;
uint64_t val;
char data[SMALL_BUFF_LEN] = {0};
char sysfs_name[ELPHEL_PATH_MAX] = {0};
// read start LBA
if (get_sysfs_name(name, sysfs_name, ELPHEL_PATH_MAX, TYPE_START) > 0) {
if (strlen(sysfs_name) > 0) {
fd = open(sysfs_name, O_RDONLY);
if (fd >= 0) {
read(fd, data, SMALL_BUFF_LEN);
if ((val = strtoull(data, NULL, 10)) != 0)
rng->from = val;
ret = -1;
} else {
rng->from = 0;
// read disk size in LBA
if (get_sysfs_name(name, sysfs_name, ELPHEL_PATH_MAX, TYPE_SIZE) > 0) {
fd = open(sysfs_name, O_RDONLY);
if (fd >= 0) {
read(fd, data, SMALL_BUFF_LEN);
if ((val = strtoull(data, NULL, 10)) != 0)
rng->to = rng->from + val;
ret = -1;
// sanity check
if (rng->from >= rng->to)
ret = -1;
return ret;
* @brief Pass raw device buffer start and end LBAs to driver via its files in
* sysfs. This function is used with #get_disk_range to allocate raw device buffer on a disk.
* @param[in] name path to sysfs disk driver entry
* @param[in] rng pointer to structure containing disk size
* @return 0 if the values from @e rng were set successfully and -1 in case of an error
static int set_disk_range(const char *name, const struct range *rng)
int fd;
int ret = 0;
const char lba_start[] = "lba_start";
const char lba_end[] = "lba_end";
char path[ELPHEL_PATH_MAX] = {0};
char buff[SMALL_BUFF_LEN] = {0};
int len;
snprintf(path, ELPHEL_PATH_MAX, "%s%s", name, lba_start);
fd = open(path, O_WRONLY);
if (fd < 0)
return -1;
len = snprintf(buff, SMALL_BUFF_LEN, "%llu", rng->from);
write(fd, buff, len + 1);
snprintf(path, ELPHEL_PATH_MAX, "%s%s", name, lba_end);
fd = open(path, O_WRONLY);
if (fd < 0)
return -1;
len = snprintf(buff, SMALL_BUFF_LEN, "%llu", rng->to);
write(fd, buff, len + 1);
return ret;
* @brief Select a sensor channel with minimum free space left in the buffer. The channel will
* be selected from the list of active channels.
......@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@
#include "camogm_jpeg.h"
/** The position of size field in copy buffer */
#define VECTOR_SZ_POS 0
/** The position of vector pointer field in copy buffer */
#define POINTER_POS 1
int camogm_init_jpeg(camogm_state *state)
return 0;
......@@ -129,87 +134,104 @@ int camogm_frame_jpeg(camogm_state *state)
} else {
D3(fprintf(debug_file, "\n%s: current pointers start_pos = %llu, end_pos = %llu, curr_pos = %llu, data in buffer %d\n", __func__,
state->rawdev.start_pos, state->rawdev.end_pos, state->rawdev.curr_pos_w, l));
split_index = -1;
for (int i = 0, total_len = 0; i < state->chunk_index - 1; i++) {
total_len += state->packetchunks[i + 1].bytes;
if (total_len + state->rawdev.curr_pos_w > state->rawdev.end_pos) {
split_index = i;
D3(fprintf(debug_file, "\n>>> raw storage roll over detected\n"));
k = 0;
l = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < chunks_used; i++) {
if (i == split_index) {
// one of the chunks rolls over the end of the raw storage, split it into two segments and
// use additional chunk in chunks_iovec for this additional segment
split_cntr = state->rawdev.end_pos - (l + state->rawdev.curr_pos_w);
split_ptr = state->packetchunks[k].chunk + split_cntr;
D3(fprintf(debug_file, "Splitting chunk #%d: total chunk size = %ld, start address = 0x%p\n",
i, state->packetchunks[k].bytes, state->packetchunks[k].chunk));
// be careful with indexes here
chunks_iovec[i].iov_base = state->packetchunks[k].chunk;
chunks_iovec[i].iov_len = split_cntr;
l += chunks_iovec[i].iov_len;
chunks_iovec[++i].iov_base = split_ptr + 1;
chunks_iovec[i].iov_len = state->packetchunks[k].bytes - split_cntr;
l += chunks_iovec[i].iov_len;
} else {
chunks_iovec[i].iov_base = state->packetchunks[k].chunk;
chunks_iovec[i].iov_len = state->packetchunks[k].bytes;
l += chunks_iovec[i].iov_len;
// D3(fprintf(debug_file, "\n%s: current pointers start_pos = %llu, end_pos = %llu, curr_pos = %llu, data in buffer %d\n", __func__,
// state->rawdev.start_pos, state->rawdev.end_pos, state->rawdev.curr_pos_w, l));
// split_index = -1;
// for (int i = 0, total_len = 0; i < state->chunk_index - 1; i++) {
// total_len += state->packetchunks[i + 1].bytes;
// if (total_len + state->rawdev.curr_pos_w > state->rawdev.end_pos) {
// split_index = i;
// chunks_used++;
// D3(fprintf(debug_file, "\n>>> raw storage roll over detected\n"));
// break;
// }
// }
// k = 0;
// l = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < chunks_used; i++) {
// ++k;
// if (i == split_index) {
// // one of the chunks rolls over the end of the raw storage, split it into two segments and
// // use additional chunk in chunks_iovec for this additional segment
// split_cntr = state->rawdev.end_pos - (l + state->rawdev.curr_pos_w);
// split_ptr = state->packetchunks[k].chunk + split_cntr;
// D3(fprintf(debug_file, "Splitting chunk #%d: total chunk size = %ld, start address = 0x%p\n",
// i, state->packetchunks[k].bytes, state->packetchunks[k].chunk));
// // be careful with indexes here
// chunks_iovec[i].iov_base = state->packetchunks[k].chunk;
// chunks_iovec[i].iov_len = split_cntr;
// l += chunks_iovec[i].iov_len;
// chunks_iovec[++i].iov_base = split_ptr + 1;
// chunks_iovec[i].iov_len = state->packetchunks[k].bytes - split_cntr;
// l += chunks_iovec[i].iov_len;
// } else {
// chunks_iovec[i].iov_base = state->packetchunks[k].chunk;
// chunks_iovec[i].iov_len = state->packetchunks[k].bytes;
// l += chunks_iovec[i].iov_len;
// }
// }
// if (split_index < 0) {
// iovlen = writev(state->rawdev.rawdev_fd, chunks_iovec, chunks_used);
// } else {
// iovlen = writev(state->rawdev.rawdev_fd, chunks_iovec, split_index + 1);
// fprintf(debug_file, "write first part: split_index = %d, %d bytes written\n", split_index, iovlen);
// if (lseek64(state->rawdev.rawdev_fd, state->rawdev.start_pos, SEEK_SET) != state->rawdev.start_pos) {
// perror(__func__);
// D0(fprintf(debug_file, "error positioning file pointer to the beginning of raw device\n"));
// }
// state->rawdev.overrun++;
// iovlen += writev(state->rawdev.rawdev_fd, &chunks_iovec[split_index + 1], chunks_used - split_index);
// fprintf(debug_file, "write second part: split_index + 1 = %d, chunks_used - split_index = %d, %d bytes written in total\n",
// split_index + 1, chunks_used - split_index, iovlen);
// }
// if (iovlen < l) {
// j = errno;
// perror(__func__);
// D0(fprintf(debug_file, "writev error %d (returned %d, expected %d)\n", j, iovlen, l));
// }
// state->rawdev.curr_pos_w += l;
// if (state->rawdev.curr_pos_w > state->rawdev.end_pos)
// state->rawdev.curr_pos_w = state->rawdev.curr_pos_w - state->rawdev.end_pos + state->rawdev.start_pos;
// D6(fprintf(debug_file, "%d bytes written, curr_pos = %llu\n", l, state->rawdev.curr_pos_w));
uint8_t buff[128] = {0};
uint32_t *buff_p = (uint32_t *)buff;
uint8_t *pos;
int fd = open("/sys/devices/soc0/amba@0/80000000.elphel-ahci/write", O_WRONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
perror("ERROR: can not open test_write file\n");
if (split_index < 0) {
iovlen = writev(state->rawdev.rawdev_fd, chunks_iovec, chunks_used);
} else {
iovlen = writev(state->rawdev.rawdev_fd, chunks_iovec, split_index + 1);
fprintf(debug_file, "write first part: split_index = %d, %d bytes written\n", split_index, iovlen);
if (lseek64(state->rawdev.rawdev_fd, state->rawdev.start_pos, SEEK_SET) != state->rawdev.start_pos) {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "error positioning file pointer to the beginning of raw device\n"));
iovlen += writev(state->rawdev.rawdev_fd, &chunks_iovec[split_index + 1], chunks_used - split_index);
fprintf(debug_file, "write second part: split_index + 1 = %d, chunks_used - split_index = %d, %d bytes written in total\n",
split_index + 1, chunks_used - split_index, iovlen);
buff_p[VECTOR_SZ_POS] = state->chunk_index - 1;
fprintf(debug_file, "dump iovect array\n");
for (int i = 0; i < state->chunk_index - 1; i++) {
fprintf(debug_file, "ptr: %p, length: %ld\n", state->packetchunks[i + 1].chunk, state->packetchunks[i + 1].bytes);
if (iovlen < l) {
j = errno;
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "writev error %d (returned %d, expected %d)\n", j, iovlen, l));
buff_p[POINTER_POS] = (uint32_t) &state->packetchunks[1];
if (write(fd, buff, 8) < 0) {
perror("Can not pass IO vector to driver:");
state->rawdev.curr_pos_w += l;
if (state->rawdev.curr_pos_w > state->rawdev.end_pos)
state->rawdev.curr_pos_w = state->rawdev.curr_pos_w - state->rawdev.end_pos + state->rawdev.start_pos;
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "%d bytes written, curr_pos = %llu\n", l, state->rawdev.curr_pos_w));
end_time = lseek(state->fd_circ[0], LSEEK_CIRC_UTIME, SEEK_END);
// fprintf(debug_file, "JPEG write time = %u us\n", end_time - start_time);
fprintf(debug_file, "%u,", end_time - start_time);
// fprintf(debug_file, "Free space in buffers: ");
for (int i = 0; i < SENSOR_PORTS; i++) {
int buff_size, jpeg_pos;
jpeg_pos = lseek(state->fd_circ[i], 0 , SEEK_CUR);
free_space = lseek(state->fd_circ[i], LSEEK_CIRC_FREE, SEEK_END);
buff_size = lseek(state->fd_circ[i], 0, SEEK_END);
lseek(state->fd_circ[i], jpeg_pos, SEEK_SET);
// for (int i = 0; i < SENSOR_PORTS; i++) {
// int buff_size, jpeg_pos;
// jpeg_pos = lseek(state->fd_circ[i], 0 , SEEK_CUR);
// free_space = lseek(state->fd_circ[i], LSEEK_CIRC_FREE, SEEK_END);
// buff_size = lseek(state->fd_circ[i], 0, SEEK_END);
// lseek(state->fd_circ[i], jpeg_pos, SEEK_SET);
// fprintf(debug_file, "chn %d = %ld ",
fprintf(debug_file, "%ld,",
// i,
(int)(100 * (float)free_space / (float)buff_size));
fprintf(debug_file, "\b\n");
// (int)(100 * (float)free_space / (float)buff_size));
// }
// fprintf(debug_file, "\b\n");
return 0;
......@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@
#define CMD_DELIMITER "/?"
/** @brief The length of a buffer for command string */
#define CMD_BUFF_LEN 1024
/** @brief The length of a buffer for string formatting */
#define SMALL_BUFF_LEN 32
/** @brief 64 bit mask to align offsets to 4 kb page boundary */
#define PAGE_BOUNDARY_MASK 0xffffffffffffe000
/** @brief The size of read buffer in bytes. The data will be read from disk in blocks of this size */
......@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
#include "camogm.h"
/** @brief The length of a buffer for string formatting */
#define SMALL_BUFF_LEN 32
* @struct range
* @brief Container for offsets in raw device buffer
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