Commit ab5770e7 authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

Start camogm in fast recording mode by default

parent 6376e6fb
......@@ -71,7 +71,9 @@ $cmd = $_GET['cmd'];
$debug = $_GET['debug'];
$debuglev = $_GET['debuglev'];
$cmd_pipe = "/var/state/camogm_cmd";
$cmd_state = "/var/state/camogm.state";
$cmd_port = "3456";
$default_state = "/home/root/camogm.disk";
$start_str = "camogm -n " . $cmd_pipe . " -p " . $cmd_port;
if ($cmd == "run_camogm")
......@@ -86,25 +88,40 @@ if ($cmd == "run_camogm")
$p = (array_filter($arr, "low_daemon"));
$check = implode("<br />",$p);
$state_file = get_state_path();
$start_str = $start_str . " -s " . $state_file;
if (strstr($check, $start_str))
$camogm_running = true;
$camogm_running = false;
if(!$camogm_running) {
exec("rm /var/state/camogm.state");
exec("rm " . $cmd_pipe);
exec("rm " . $cmd_state);
if (!$debug) exec($start_str.' > /dev/null 2>&1 &'); // "> /dev/null 2>&1 &" makes sure it is really really run as a background job that does not wait for input
else exec($start_str.$debug.' 2>&1 &');
for($i=0;$i<5;$i++) {
if (is_file("/var/state/camogm.state")) break;
if (file_exists($cmd_pipe))
if ($debug) {
$fcmd = fopen($cmd_pipe, "w");
// set fast recording mode if there is at least one suitable partition or revert to legacy 'mov' mode
$partitions = get_raw_dev();
if (!empty($partitions)) {
$cmd_str = 'format=jpeg;' . 'rawdev_path=' . key($partitions) . ';';
} else {
$cmd_str = 'format=mov;save_gp=1;';
......@@ -689,6 +706,34 @@ function get_raw_dev()
return $raw_devices;
/** Check if camera was booted from NAND or SD card and modify the path where camogm will save
* disk write pointer. */
function get_state_path()
global $default_state;
$prefix = '/tmp/';
if (file_exists($prefix)) {
$ret = $prefix . $default_state;
} else {
$ret = $default_state;
return $ret;
/** Write command to camogm command pipe */
function write_cmd_pipe($cmd_str)
global $cmd_pipe;
$fcmd = fopen($cmd_pipe, 'w');
if ($fcmd !== false) {
fprintf($fcmd, $cmd_str);
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ function init() {
function reload() {
// this will set fast recording mode or revert to 'mov' format mode if no suitable partitions available
makeRequest('camogm_interface.php', '?cmd=run_camogm');
setTimeout('makeRequest("camogm_interface.php", "?cmd=setmov")', 500); // set MOV as default container format
function mount_hdd(callback) {
......@@ -561,8 +561,8 @@ function help(caller) {
alert("The higher the debug-level the more information is written to the debug file (it may slow down camogm and cause it to drop frames even if it could handle it with no/lower debug-level output).")
case 'fast_rec':
alert("Enable or disable fast recoding feature. The disk drive should have at least one partition without file system or" +
"any data on it to enable this feature.");
alert("Enable or disable fast recoding feature. The disk drive should have at least one partition without file system or " +
"any data on it to enable this feature. All subsequent data will be recorded to this partition with faster speed.");
function format_changed(parent) {
......@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@
echo "<input type=\"radio\" id=\"radioJpg\" style=\"top:3px; position:relative;\" name=\"container\" value=\"jpg\" onChange=\"format_changed(this);\"> JPEG Sequence<br />";
if ($xml_rawdev_path != "") {
$fastrec_checked = "checked=\"checked\"";
$fastrec_checked = "checked";
} else {
$fastrec_checked = "";
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