Commit 5d1e56b5 authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

Add 'find_next' command

parent 06b2e543
......@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ void camogm_set_prefix(camogm_state *state, const char * p, path_type type)
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "WARNING: raw device write initiated\n"));
state->rawdev_op = 1;
/* debug code follows */
state->rawdev.end_pos = 128 * 1048576;
state->rawdev.end_pos = (uint64_t)4096 * (uint64_t)1048576;
/* end of debug code */
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ int remove_node(struct disk_idir *idir, struct disk_index *node)
* Remove all entries from disk index directory an free memory
* @brief Remove all entries from disk index directory an free memory
* @param[in] idir pointer to disk index directory
* @return 0 in case the directory was successfully deleted and -1 if the directory was empty
......@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ struct disk_index {
struct disk_idir {
struct disk_index *head;
struct disk_index *tail;
struct disk_index *curr_indx;
size_t size;
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