Commit 517e104b authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

WIP: write audio samples to file

This commit includes lots of debug output and intended to save
current state for further tests. Minor changes include new time
calculation functions and the start of audio stream is synchronized with
the next nearest video frame (was between frames).
parent c6891c7f
......@@ -540,6 +540,12 @@ int sendImageFrame(camogm_state *state)
int fp;
int port = state->port_num;
// === debug code ===
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
fprintf(debug_file, "start time %ld:%06ld\n", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
// === end of debug ===
// This is probably needed only for Quicktime (not to exceed already allocated frame index)
if (!state->rawdev_op && (state->frameno >= (state->max_frames))) {
D3(fprintf(debug_file, "sendImageFrame:1: state->frameno(0x%x) >= state->max_frames(0x%x)\n", state->frameno, state->max_frames));
......@@ -624,6 +630,10 @@ int sendImageFrame(camogm_state *state)
return -CAMOGM_FRAME_NOT_READY; // the required frame is not ready
// === debug code ===
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
fprintf(debug_file, " time %ld:%06ld ", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
// === end of debug ===
D3(fprintf(debug_file, "_4_"));
if (state->exif) {
......@@ -690,42 +700,31 @@ int sendImageFrame(camogm_state *state)
if (state->audio.ctx_a.begin_of_stream_with_audio) {
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "\n"));
if (state->audio.ctx_a.audio_trigger) {
state->audio.ts_video_start = state->audio.ts_audio;
state->audio.ts_video_start.tv_usec += state->frame_period[port] / 2;
state->audio.ctx_a.audio_trigger = 0;
// calculate how many audio samples we need to skip here
long audio_to_skip = 0;
struct timeval tv = state->audio.ts_video;
// calculate how many audio frames we need to skip to synch with the next video frame
state->audio.ts_video_start = state->audio.ts_audio;
struct timeval tv = state->audio.ts_video; // next frame right after audio started
while (time_comp(&tv, &state->audio.ts_video_start) < 0) {
tv.tv_usec += state->frame_period[port];
tv.tv_sec -= 1;
tv.tv_usec += 1000000;
tv.tv_usec -= state->frame_period[port] / 2;
if (tv.tv_sec != state->audio.ts_audio.tv_sec) {
audio_to_skip = tv.tv_sec - state->audio.ts_audio.tv_sec;
audio_to_skip *= 1000000;
audio_to_skip += tv.tv_usec;
audio_to_skip -= state->audio.ts_audio.tv_usec;
struct timeval skip_audio_time = time_sub(&tv, &state->audio.ts_audio); // audio time we need to skip to the next frame
unsigned long long skip_audio_us = time_to_us(&skip_audio_time);
double s = state->audio.audio_rate;
s /= 1000.0;
s *= audio_to_skip;
s *= skip_audio_us;
s /= 1000.0;
state->audio.ctx_a.audio_skip_samples = (long) s;
state->audio.ctx_a.time_start = tv;
D6(fprintf(debug_file , "audio started at: %ld:%06ld; we need to record it from: %ld:%06ld; audio_to_skip_us == %ld; "
D6(fprintf(debug_file , "audio started at: %ld:%06ld; we need to record it from: %ld:%06ld; audio_to_skip_us == %lld; "
"audio samples to skip == %lld\n",
state->audio.ts_audio.tv_sec, state->audio.ts_audio.tv_usec, tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec, audio_to_skip,
state->audio.ts_audio.tv_sec, state->audio.ts_audio.tv_usec, tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec, skip_audio_us,
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "audio (start): %ld:%06ld; video (current): %ld:%06ld; frame period is: %d us\n",
state->audio.ts_audio.tv_sec, state->audio.ts_audio.tv_usec, state->audio.ts_video.tv_sec, state->audio.ts_video.tv_usec,
if (time_comp(&state->audio.ts_video_start, &state->audio.ts_video) > 0) {
if (time_comp(&state->audio.ctx_a.time_start, &state->audio.ts_video) > 0) {
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "skip this video frame\n"));
sync_ok = 0;
} else {
......@@ -734,6 +733,11 @@ int sendImageFrame(camogm_state *state)
// === debug code ===
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
fprintf(debug_file, " time %ld:%06ld ", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
// === end of debug ===
if (sync_ok) {
switch (state->format) {
case CAMOGM_FORMAT_NONE: rslt = 0; break;
......@@ -746,6 +750,12 @@ int sendImageFrame(camogm_state *state)
// skip only first video frames that are ahead of audio stream
rslt = 0;
// === debug code ===
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
fprintf(debug_file, " time %ld:%06ld ", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
// === end of debug ===
if (rslt) {
D3(fprintf(debug_file, "sendImageFrame:12: camogm_frame_***() returned %d\n", rslt));
return rslt;
......@@ -1434,7 +1444,14 @@ char * getLineFromPipe(FILE* npipe)
if (!cmdbufp) cmdbuf[cmdbufp] = 0; //null-terminate first access (probably not needed for the static buffer
nlp = strpbrk(cmdbuf, ";\n");
if (!nlp) { //no complete string, try to read more
// === debug code (around fread) ===
struct timeval tv1, tv2;
gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL);
fl = fread(&cmdbuf[cmdbufp], 1, sizeof(cmdbuf) - cmdbufp - 1, npipe);
gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL);
fprintf(debug_file, "pipe read time: start %ld:%06ld, end %ld:%06ld\n", tv1.tv_sec, tv1.tv_usec, tv2.tv_sec, tv2.tv_usec);
// === end of debug ===
cmdbuf[cmdbufp + fl] = 0;
// is there any complete string in a buffer after reading?
nlp = strpbrk(&cmdbuf[cmdbufp], ";\n"); // there were no new lines before cmdbufp
......@@ -1743,10 +1760,40 @@ int listener_loop(camogm_state *state)
if (cmd < 0) D0(fprintf(debug_file, "Unrecognized command\n"));
} else if (state->prog_state == STATE_RUNNING) { // no commands in queue, started
switch ((rslt = -sendImageFrame(state))) {
case 0:
if (state->format == CAMOGM_FORMAT_MOV) {
case 0: {
// === debug ===
double fps = 1000000 / state->frame_period[state->port_num];
double avg_rate = 0;
double ratio = 0;
struct timeval tv;
int samples;
if (state->frameno != 0) {
avg_rate = ((double)(state->audio.audio_samples + state->audio.avail_samples) / (double)state->frameno) * fps;
ratio = (double)state->audio.audio_rate / avg_rate;
samples = ((double)state->frameno / fps) * state->audio.audio_rate;
fprintf(debug_file, "frames recorded: %d, average sampling rate: %f, ratio: %f, expected sample count: %d\n",
state->frameno, avg_rate, ratio, samples);
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
fprintf(debug_file, "system time %ld:%06ld\n", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
// === end of debug ===
// skip audio processing while sync video frame is not found
if (state->format == CAMOGM_FORMAT_MOV && !state->audio.ctx_a.begin_of_stream_with_audio) {
// === debug code ===
float fps = 1000000 / state->frame_period[state->port_num];
int samples;
samples = ((float)state->frameno / fps) * state->audio.audio_rate;
float r = (float)state->audio.audio_samples / (float)samples;
fprintf(debug_file, "(recorded samples / expected samples) = %f\n", r);
long calc_diff = samples - state->audio.calc_frames;
fprintf(debug_file, "calc_frames_diff = %ld\n", calc_diff);
// === end of debug ===
state->audio.frame_period = state->frame_period[state->port_num];
break; // frame sent OK, nothing to do (TODO: check file length/duration)
case CAMOGM_FRAME_NOT_READY: // just wait for the frame to appear at the current pointer
// we'll wait for a frame, not to waste resources. But if the compressor is stopped this program will not respond to any commands
......@@ -1756,7 +1803,15 @@ int listener_loop(camogm_state *state)
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "%s:line %d got broken frame (%d) before waiting for ready\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fp0));
} else {
// === debug code (around lseek) ===
struct timeval tv1, tv2;
gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL);
fp1 = lseek(state->fd_circ[curr_port], LSEEK_CIRC_WAIT, SEEK_END);
gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL);
fprintf(debug_file,"time in sleep: start %ld:%06ld, end %ld:%06ld\n", tv1.tv_sec, tv1.tv_usec, tv2.tv_sec, tv2.tv_usec);
// === end of debug ===
if (fp1 < 0) {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "%s:line %d got broken frame (%d) while waiting for ready. Before that fp0=0x%x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fp1, fp0));
......@@ -2038,6 +2093,13 @@ unsigned int select_port(camogm_state *state)
if (state->prog_state == STATE_STARTING || state->prog_state == STATE_RUNNING)
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "Selecting sensor port, buffer free size: "));
for (int i = 0; i < SENSOR_PORTS; i++) {
// === debug code ===
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
fprintf(debug_file, " time: %ld:%06ld ", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
// === end of debug ===
if (is_chn_active(state, i)) {
file_pos = lseek(state->fd_circ[i], 0, SEEK_CUR);
if (file_pos != -1) {
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -35,16 +35,15 @@
#define AUDIO_RATE_MIN 11025
#define AUDIO_RATE_MAX 44100
#define AUDIO_BPS 2 ///< bytes per sample for a single channel (can be 1 or 2)
struct context_audio {
char *sbuffer; ///< buffer for audio samples
long sbuffer_len; ///< the length of samples buffer in samples
long sample_time; ///< duration of one audio sample in ms
long long audio_count; ///< total number of audio samples
long sample_time; ///< duration of one chunk of audio data, in ms
long long audio_count; ///< total number of audio frames
struct timeval time_start; ///< start time, set only when stream starts and updated with each new file
struct timeval time_last; ///< time of last audio sample
struct timeval time_last; ///< calculated time of last audio sample (this value is not taken from ALSA)
long rem_samples; ///< remaining samples
int begin_of_stream_with_audio; ///<
......@@ -55,8 +54,8 @@ struct context_audio {
struct audio {
int audio_enable; ///< flag indicating if audio is enabled
int audio_rate; ///< sample rate
int audio_enable; ///< flag indicating that audio is enabled
int audio_rate; ///< sample rate, in Hz
int audio_channels; ///< number of channels
int audio_volume; ///< volume set in range [0..0xFFFF]
......@@ -76,11 +75,21 @@ struct audio {
struct timeval ts_audio; ///< time stamp when audio stream started
struct timeval ts_video; ///< time stamp of each new frame
struct timeval ts_video_start; ///< time stamp of starting video frame
int frame_period; ///< video frame period, used to calculate time stamps for audio samples
int frame_period; ///< video frame period, in microseconds
snd_pcm_format_t audio_format; ///< format of audio samples as defined in 'enum snd_pcm_format_t'
void (*get_fpga_time)(const struct audio *audio, struct timeval *tv);//< callback function which can get FPGA time
int (*write_samples)(struct audio *audio, void *buff, long len, long slen); ///< callback function which actually write data to file, this must be set
///< in the camogm_init_* function when appropriate format is selected
// === debug ===
struct timeval sf_timediff; // system to fpga time difference at the beginning of the stream
struct timeval m_len;
struct timeval sys_fpga_timediff;
int avail_samples;
long calc_frames; // calculated number of frames by current video frame
struct timeval prev_ts_video;
long long skip_samples;
// === end of debug ===
void audio_init(struct audio *audio, bool restart);
......@@ -26,7 +26,11 @@
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <assert.h>
// for debug only
#include <math.h>
#include "camogm_mov.h"
#include "thelper.h"
/** @brief QuickTime header length (w/o index tables) enough to accommodate static data */
......@@ -236,11 +240,11 @@ static int camogm_audio_mov(struct audio *audio, void *buff, long len, long slen
ssize_t wr_len;
camogm_state *state = container_of(audio, camogm_state, audio);
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "write audio sample, len = %d, slen = %d\n", len, slen));
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "write audio sample, len = %ld, slen = %ld\n", len, slen));
wr_len = write(state->ivf, buff, len);
if (wr_len < len) {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "audio samples write error: %s; returned %d, expected %d\n", strerror(errno), wr_len, len));
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "audio samples write error: %s; returned %d, expected %ld\n", strerror(errno), wr_len, len));
state->ivf = -1;
......@@ -295,6 +299,9 @@ int camogm_end_mov(camogm_state *state)
NULL, // array of frame lengths to build an index
// === debug code ===
fprintf(debug_file, "total # of video frames: %d, total # of audio samples: %ld\n", state->frameno, state->audio.audio_samples);
// === end of debug ===
state->ivf = -1;
// free memory used for index
......@@ -633,6 +640,11 @@ int quicktime_template_parser( camogm_state *state,
iFileLen = strlen(iFile);
lseek(ofd, 0, SEEK_SET);
// === debug ===
struct timeval m_len = state->audio.m_len; // duration of movie
fprintf(debug_file, "frameno: %d, duration: %ld:%06ld, audio_samples: %ld\n", state->frameno, m_len.tv_sec, m_len.tv_usec, state->audio.audio_samples);
// === ebd of debug ===
audio_timescale = state->audio.audio_rate;
audio_rate = audio_timescale; // QuickTime defines sample rate as unsigned 16.16 fixed-point number
audio_rate <<= 16;
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
00000000 # Selection Time
00000000 # Selection Duration
00000000 # Current Time
00000002 # Next Track ID
00000003 # Next Track ID
} # 'mvhd
......@@ -283,6 +283,11 @@
} # 'stbl
} # 'minf
} #'mdia
{'tref # Track reference atom, identifies this track as related to video track
00000001 # ID of the related video track
} # 'sync
} # 'tref
} #'trak
# {'udta
......@@ -70,3 +70,17 @@ struct timeval time_sub(const struct timeval *tv1, const struct timeval *tv2)
return ret_val;
* Add one time value to another and return the sum
struct timeval time_add(const struct timeval *tv1, const struct timeval *tv2)
struct timeval ret_val = *tv1;
ret_val.tv_sec += tv2->tv_sec;
ret_val.tv_usec += tv2->tv_usec;
return ret_val;
......@@ -27,5 +27,36 @@
void time_normalize(struct timeval *tv);
int time_comp(struct timeval *t1, struct timeval *t2);
struct timeval time_sub(const struct timeval *tv1, const struct timeval *tv2);
struct timeval time_add(const struct timeval *tv1, const struct timeval *tv2);
* Convert time represented by timeval structure to time in microseconds
* @param tv time value to convert
* @return time in microseconds
inline unsigned long long time_to_us(const struct timeval *tv)
unsigned long long t;
t = tv->tv_sec * 1000000;
t += tv->tv_usec;
return t;
* Convert time in microseconds to time represented by timeval structure
* @param us time in microseconds
* @return time in timeval structure
inline struct timeval us_to_time(unsigned long us)
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = us / 1000000;
tv.tv_usec = us % 1000000;
return tv;
#endif /* _THELPER_H */
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