Commit 3e396b5e authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

Clean up debug output

parent 82adb5ff
......@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ int camogm_frame_jpeg(camogm_state *state)
split_cntr = state->rawdev.end_pos - (l + state->rawdev.curr_pos);
split_ptr = state->packetchunks[k].chunk + split_cntr;
fprintf(debug_file, "Splitting chunk #%d: total chunk size = %ld, start address = 0x%p\n",
i, state->packetchunks[k].bytes, state->packetchunks[k].chunk);
D3(fprintf(debug_file, "Splitting chunk #%d: total chunk size = %ld, start address = 0x%p\n",
i, state->packetchunks[k].bytes, state->packetchunks[k].chunk));
// be careful with indexes here
chunks_iovec[i].iov_base = state->packetchunks[k].chunk;
......@@ -154,10 +154,6 @@ int camogm_frame_jpeg(camogm_state *state)
chunks_iovec[++i].iov_base = split_ptr + 1;
chunks_iovec[i].iov_len = state->packetchunks[k].bytes - split_cntr;
l += chunks_iovec[i].iov_len;
fprintf(debug_file, "Lump 1: size = %ld, start address = 0x%p\n", chunks_iovec[i - 1].iov_len, chunks_iovec[i - 1].iov_base);
fprintf(debug_file, "Lump 2: size = %ld, start address = 0x%p\n\n", chunks_iovec[i].iov_len, chunks_iovec[i].iov_base);
} else {
chunks_iovec[i].iov_base = state->packetchunks[k].chunk;
chunks_iovec[i].iov_len = state->packetchunks[k].bytes;
......@@ -403,20 +403,6 @@ static int make_fname(camogm_state *state, char *name)
return 0;
void dump_vfs(struct statvfs *vfs)
fprintf(debug_file, "vfs.f_bsize = %lu\n", vfs->f_bsize);
fprintf(debug_file, "vfs.f_frsize = %lu\n", vfs->f_frsize);
fprintf(debug_file, "vfs.f_blocks = %lu\n", vfs->f_blocks);
fprintf(debug_file, "vfs.f_bfree = %lu\n", vfs->f_bfree);
fprintf(debug_file, "vfs.f_bavail = %lu\n", vfs->f_bavail);
fprintf(debug_file, "vfs.f_files = %lu\n", vfs->f_files);
fprintf(debug_file, "vfs.f_ffree= %lu\n", vfs->f_ffree);
fprintf(debug_file, "vfs.f_favail = %lu\n", vfs->f_favail);
fprintf(debug_file, "vfs.f_fsid = %lu\n", vfs->f_fsid);
fprintf(debug_file, "vfs.f_flag = %lu\n", vfs->f_flag);
fprintf(debug_file, "vfs.f_namemax = %lu\n", vfs->f_namemax);
* @brief Create new file name, check free space on disk and open a file
* @param[in] f_op pointer to a structure holding information about currently opened file
......@@ -440,9 +426,6 @@ static int start_new_file(struct file_opts *f_op)
// statvfs can return irrelevant values in some fields for unsupported file systems,
// thus free_size is checked to be equal to non-zero value
if (free_size > 0 && free_size < FREE_SIZE_LIMIT) {
fprintf(debug_file, "free_size = %llu; vfs.f_bsize = %lu; vfs.f_bfree = %lu; vfs.f_bsize * vfs.f_bfree = %llu\n",
free_size, vfs.f_bsize, vfs.f_bfree, vfs.f_bsize * vfs.f_bfree);
......@@ -624,7 +607,7 @@ int camogm_read(camogm_state *state)
err = errno;
if ((rd > 0) && (dev_curr_pos + rd > state->rawdev.end_pos)) {
// read pointer jumped over the raw storage buffer end, truncate excessive data
D3(fprintf(stderr, "End of raw storage buffer is reached, will start from the beginning\n"));
D3(fprintf(debug_file, "End of raw storage buffer is reached, will start from the beginning\n"));
rd = state->rawdev.end_pos - dev_curr_pos;
zero_cross = 1;
lseek64(state->rawdev.rawdev_fd, state->rawdev.start_pos, SEEK_SET);
......@@ -635,10 +618,10 @@ int camogm_read(camogm_state *state)
} else if (rd < 0) {
// read error or read pointer exceeded raw storage capacity, close files and terminate
process = 0;
D0(fprintf(stderr, "Raw device read was unsuccessful: %s\n", strerror(err)));
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "Raw device read was unsuccessful: %s\n", strerror(err)));
} else if (rd == 0) {
// end of device file reached
D3(fprintf(stderr, "End of raw storage device file is reached, will start from the beginning\n"));
D3(fprintf(debug_file, "End of raw storage device file is reached, will start from the beginning\n"));
zero_cross = 1;
lseek64(state->rawdev.rawdev_fd, state->rawdev.start_pos, SEEK_SET);
dev_curr_pos = state->rawdev.start_pos;
......@@ -650,13 +633,8 @@ int camogm_read(camogm_state *state)
file_pos_saved = 0;
do {
// process data in read buffer
fprintf(stderr, "Searching start marker from %p to %p\n", save_from, save_to);
pos_start = find_marker(save_from, save_to - save_from, elphel_st.iov_base, elphel_st.iov_len);
fprintf(stderr, "\tmarker position = %d\n", pos_start);
fprintf(stderr, "Searching stop marker from %p to %p\n", save_from, save_to);
pos_stop = find_marker(save_from, save_to - save_from, elphel_en.iov_base, elphel_en.iov_len);
fprintf(stderr, "\tmarker position = %d\n", pos_stop);
if (pos_start == MATCH_NOT_FOUND && pos_stop == MATCH_NOT_FOUND &&
(f_opts.file_state == WRITE_RUNNING || f_opts.file_state == WRITE_START)) {
......@@ -664,19 +642,19 @@ int camogm_read(camogm_state *state)
f_opts.file_state = WRITE_RUNNING;
file_op = write_buffer(&f_opts, save_from, save_to);
buff_processed = 1;
fprintf(stderr, "State 'writing'\n");
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "State 'writing'\n"));
} else if (pos_start >= 0 /*&& pos_stop == MATCH_NOT_FOUND */ &&
f_opts.file_state == WRITE_STOP) {
// not writing, start marker found - start writing
f_opts.file_state = WRITE_START;
if (file_pos_saved == 0)
state->rawdev.file_start = dev_curr_pos + pos_start;
fprintf(stderr, "File start position: %llu\n", state->rawdev.file_start);
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "New file found. File start position: %llu\n", state->rawdev.file_start));
save_from = save_from + pos_start + elphel_st.iov_len;
file_op = write_buffer(&f_opts, save_from - include_st_marker, save_to);
buff_processed = 1;
f_opts.file_state = WRITE_RUNNING;
fprintf(stderr, "State 'starting file', file_op = %d\n", file_op);
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "State 'starting file', file_op = %d\n", file_op));
} else if (pos_start == MATCH_NOT_FOUND && pos_stop >= 0 &&
(f_opts.file_state == WRITE_RUNNING || f_opts.file_state == WRITE_START)) {
// writing in progress, end marker found - stop writing
......@@ -686,7 +664,7 @@ int camogm_read(camogm_state *state)
buff_processed = 1;
if (zero_cross)
process = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "State 'finishing file'\n");
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "State 'finishing file'\n"));
} else if (pos_start >= 0 && pos_stop >= 0 && pos_start > pos_stop &&
f_opts.file_state == WRITE_RUNNING) {
// writing in progress, start marker following stop marker found - this indicates a new file
......@@ -701,7 +679,7 @@ int camogm_read(camogm_state *state)
buff_processed = 1;
process = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "State 'starting new file'\n");
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "State 'starting new file'\n"));
} else if (pos_start == MATCH_PARTIAL &&
f_opts.file_state == WRITE_STOP) {
// partial start marker found in the end of read buffer - get next chunk of data and try to find marker there
......@@ -715,16 +693,13 @@ int camogm_read(camogm_state *state)
.iov_len = save_to - save_from
ssize_t next_rd = read(state->rawdev.rawdev_fd, next_buff, sizeof(next_buff));
fprintf(stderr, "process MATCH_PARTIAL pos_start: read %d\n", next_rd);
next_chunk.iov_len = next_rd;
dev_curr_pos += next_rd;
result = check_edge_case(&curr_chunk, &next_chunk, &elphel_st, &field_markers);
fprintf(stderr, "process MATCH_PARTIAL: check edge case, result = %d\n", result);
if (result == MATCH_FOUND && f_opts.file_state == WRITE_STOP) {
fprintf(stderr, "process MATCH_PARTIAL: match found\n");
f_opts.file_state = WRITE_START;
state->rawdev.file_start = dev_curr_pos + pos_start;
fprintf(stderr, "File start position: %llu\n", state->rawdev.file_start);
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "File start position: %llu\n", state->rawdev.file_start));
if (include_markers) {
unsigned char *from = field_markers.first_buff.iov_base;
unsigned char *to = from + field_markers.first_buff.iov_len;
......@@ -736,11 +711,10 @@ int camogm_read(camogm_state *state)
save_from = next_chunk.iov_base + field_markers.second_buff.iov_len;
save_to = next_chunk.iov_base + next_chunk.iov_len;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "process MATCH_PARTIAL: match not found\n");
save_from = next_chunk.iov_base;
save_to = next_chunk.iov_base + next_chunk.iov_len;
fprintf(stderr, "State 'check elphel_st cross boundary'; result = %d\n", result);
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "State 'check elphel_st cross boundary'; result = %d\n", result));
} else if (pos_stop == MATCH_PARTIAL &&
f_opts.file_state != WRITE_STOP) {
// partial end marker found in the end of read buffer - get next chunk of data and try to find marker there
......@@ -754,13 +728,10 @@ int camogm_read(camogm_state *state)
.iov_len = save_to - save_from
ssize_t next_rd = read(state->rawdev.rawdev_fd, next_buff, sizeof(next_buff));
fprintf(stderr, "process MATCH_PARTIAL pos_stop: read %ld\n", next_rd);
next_chunk.iov_len = next_rd;
dev_curr_pos += next_rd;
result = check_edge_case(&curr_chunk, &next_chunk, &elphel_en, &field_markers);
fprintf(stderr, "process MATCH_PARTIAL: check edge case, result = %d\n", result);
if (result == MATCH_FOUND) {
fprintf(stderr, "process MATCH_PARTIAL: match found\n");
f_opts.file_state = WRITE_STOP;
file_op = write_buffer(&f_opts, save_from, save_to);
if (include_markers) {
......@@ -774,21 +745,19 @@ int camogm_read(camogm_state *state)
save_from = next_chunk.iov_base + field_markers.second_buff.iov_len;
save_to = next_chunk.iov_base + next_chunk.iov_len;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "process MATCH_PARTIAL: match not found\n");
file_op = write_buffer(&f_opts, save_from, save_to);
save_from = next_chunk.iov_base;
save_to = next_chunk.iov_base + next_chunk.iov_len;
fprintf(stderr, "State 'check elphel_en' cross boundary:; result = %d\n", result);
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "State 'check elphel_en' cross boundary:; result = %d\n", result));
} else {
// no markers found and new file has not bee started yet - skip data
fprintf(stderr, "Undefined state: pos_start = %d, pos_stop = %d, file_state = %d\n",
pos_start, pos_stop, f_opts.file_state);
D6(fprintf(debug_file, "Undefined state: pos_start = %d, pos_stop = %d, file_state = %d\n",
pos_start, pos_stop, f_opts.file_state));
buff_processed = 1;
if (zero_cross)
process = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "buff_processed = %d, file_op = %d\n", buff_processed, file_op);
} while (buff_processed == 0 && file_op == FILE_OK);
if (file_op != FILE_OK) {
process = 0;
......@@ -797,7 +766,7 @@ int camogm_read(camogm_state *state)
fprintf(stderr, "\n%d files read from %s\n", f_opts.file_cntr, state->rawdev.rawdev_path);
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "\n%d files read from %s\n", f_opts.file_cntr, state->rawdev.rawdev_path));
if (close(state->rawdev.rawdev_fd) != 0) {
perror("Unable to close raw device: ");
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