Commit 21a44a87 authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

Comment out some code to start jpeg recording

parent 31d89b53
......@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@
/* end of debug code */
#define TRAILER_SIZE 0x02
......@@ -289,7 +290,7 @@ int camogm_init(camogm_state *state, unsigned int port)
state->serialno = ipser[0];
state->last = 0;
debug_file = stderr;
strcpy(state->debug_name, "stderr");
camogm_set_timescale(state, 1.0);
camogm_set_frames_skip(state, 0); //! don't skip
......@@ -311,6 +312,7 @@ int camogm_init(camogm_state *state, unsigned int port)
camogm_kml_set_period(state, 2); // 2 sec
camogm_kml_set_near(state, 40.0); // 40 m (distance to PhotoOverlay)
state->kml_path[0] = '\0';
state->port_num = port;
return 0;
......@@ -1114,7 +1116,10 @@ int parse_cmd(camogm_state *state, FILE* npipe)
D2(fprintf(debug_file, "Got command: '%s'\n", cmd));
/// Acknowledge received command by copying frame number to per-daemon parameter
GLOBALPARS(state->port_num, G_DAEMON_ERR + lastDaemonBit[state->port_num]) = GLOBALPARS(state->port_num, G_THIS_FRAME);
// GLOBALPARS(state->port_num, G_DAEMON_ERR + lastDaemonBit[state->port_num]) = GLOBALPARS(state->port_num, G_THIS_FRAME);
setGValue(state->port, G_DAEMON_ERR + lastDaemonBit[state->port_nun], getGValue(state->port_num, G_THIS_FRAME));
#endif /* DISABLE_CODE */
// printf ("cmd[0]=%d:%s\n",(int) cmd[0],cmd);
args = strpbrk(cmd, "= \t");
//! is it just a single word command or does it have parameters?
......@@ -1343,11 +1348,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
create_pipe_names(argv[1], pipe_names);
//! open Exif header file
state->fd_exif = open(exifFileNames[port], O_RDONLY);
if (state->fd_exif < 0) { // check control OK
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "Error opening %s\n", exifFileNames[port]));
return -1;
#endif /* DESABLE_CODE */
//! open JPEG header file
state->fd_head = open(headFileNames[port], O_RDWR);
......@@ -1382,6 +1389,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//! Now open/mmap file to read sensor/compressor parameters (currently - just free memory in circbuf and compressor state)
//! open circbuf and mmap it (once at startup)
state->fd_fparmsall = open(ctlFileNames[port], O_RDWR);
if (state->fd_fparmsall < 0) { // check control OK
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "%s:%d:%s: Error opening %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ctlFileNames[port]));
......@@ -1400,6 +1408,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
framePars[port] = frameParsAll[port]->framePars;
globalPars[port] = frameParsAll[port]->globalPars;
#endif /* DESABLE_CODE */
//!create a named pipe
//!always delete the pipe if it existed, start a fresh one
......@@ -1543,9 +1552,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned long getGPValue(unsigned int port, unsigned long GPNumber)
return (GPNumber >= FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS) ?
GLOBALPARS(port, GPNumber) :
framePars[port][GLOBALPARS(port, G_THIS_FRAME) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK].pars[GPNumber];
#endif /* DESABLE_CODE */
return 0;
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