Commit 091f52ba authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Fixing corrupted images after restart

parent fe15d689
......@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ int camogm_start(camogm_state *state, bool restart)
// Check/set circbuf read pointer
D3(fprintf(debug_file, "1: state->cirbuf_rp=0x%x\n", state->cirbuf_rp[chn]));
D3(fprintf(debug_file, "1a: compressed frame number = %li\n", lseek(state->fd_circ[chn], LSEEK_CIRC_GETFRAME, SEEK_END)));
D3(fprintf(debug_file, "1a: compressed frame number = %li\n", lseek(state->fd_circ[chn], LSEEK_CIRC_GETFRAME, SEEK_END)));
// D3(fprintf(debug_file, "1a: compressed frame number = %li\n", lseek(state->fd_circ[chn], LSEEK_CIRC_GETFRAME, SEEK_END)));
if ( (restart) || // restart - always flush buffer (will loose frames, but not continue broken frames)
(state->cirbuf_rp[chn] < 0) ||
......@@ -638,8 +638,7 @@ int camogm_start(camogm_state *state, bool restart)
state->prog_state = STATE_RUNNING;
D1(fprintf(debug_file, "Started OK\n"));
D1(fprintf(debug_file, "Started OK @ %07d\n",get_fpga_usec(state->fd_fparmsall[0], 0))); // D6(fprintf(debug_file, " ==> %d @ %07d\n",rslt,get_fpga_usec(state->fd_fparmsall[0], 0)));
return 0;
......@@ -820,7 +819,7 @@ int sendImageFrame(camogm_state *state)
state->packetchunks[state->chunk_index ].bytes = state->head_size[port] - 2;
state->packetchunks[state->chunk_index++].chunk = &(state->jpegHeader[port][2]); // [3] rest of jpeg header
} else {
} else { // Tiff always has Exif Data
D4(fprintf(debug_file, "_8_"));
state->packetchunks[state->chunk_index ].bytes = state->head_size[port];
state->packetchunks[state->chunk_index++].chunk = state->jpegHeader[port]; // [1] all of jpeg marker
......@@ -1970,7 +1969,10 @@ int listener_loop(camogm_state *state)
if ((curr_port >= 0) && (curr_port < SENSOR_PORTS)) {
} else {
D0(fprintf(debug_file, "%s:line %d - *** Tried to write statistics for negative port %d, ERR= %d !!! ***\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, curr_port, rslt));
for (i = 0; i < SENSOR_PORTS; i++){
// D0(fprintf(debug_file, "%s:line %d - *** Tried to write statistics for negative port %d, ERR= %d !!! ***\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, curr_port, rslt));
......@@ -1985,9 +1987,11 @@ int listener_loop(camogm_state *state)
__FILE__, __LINE__, rslt, state->writer_params.next_segment_pos, get_fpga_usec(state->fd_fparmsall[0], 0)));
D2(syslog (LOG_INFO, "%s:%d: Error (code = %d), params->next_segment_pos=%llu @ %07d", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, rslt, state->writer_params.next_segment_pos, get_fpga_usec(state->fd_fparmsall[0], 0)));
D2(fprintf(debug_file, "chunk_page_prep=%d\n", state->writer_params.chunk_page_prep);\
for (i=0; i < SEGMENTS_PAGES; i++){fprintf(debug_file, "port:%d remainder:%d\n", \
} else if (state->prog_state == STATE_STARTING) { // no commands in queue,starting (but not started yet)
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include <malloc.h> // debugging
#define NUM_WRITER_THREADS 1+0 // 2
#define NUM_NEED_EMPTY (NUM_WRITER_THREADS + 1) // run main thread to prepage more pages if >= empty
#define NUM_NEED_NEMPTY (NUM_WRITER_THREADS + 0) // wake up main thread if there are at least this number of empty pages
#define NUM_FREE_MANY (NUM_WRITER_THREADS + 1) // Set many if get_num_empty() < NUM_FREE_MANY
......@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@
/** @brief Number of chunk pages to overlap preparation with SSD raw write */
#define FILE_CHUNKS_PAGES 4 // 2
#define JPEG_MARKER_LEN 2 ///< The size in bytes of JPEG marker
#define JPEG_TRAILER_LEN 2 ///< The size in bytes of JPEG trailer
#define CIRCBUF_ALIGNMENT_SIZE 32 ///< Align of CIRCBUF entries
......@@ -122,17 +122,17 @@ size_t remap_vectors(camogm_state *state) // , struct iovec *chunks)
int i, data_index, data_pre, num_glue_pages, trim_segment, circbuff_offs;
int gap_size;
unsigned char * aligned_data;
struct iovec glue_vec;
struct iovec * glue_vec_p; // = &glue_vec;
glue_vec.iov_base = params->glue_carry_vec.iov_base;
glue_vec.iov_len = params->glue_carry_vec.iov_len;
struct iovec glue_vec_tmp; // temprary save pointer for swapping
struct iovec * glue_vec_p;
glue_vec_tmp.iov_base = params->glue_carry_vec.iov_base; // Save previous params->glue_carry_vec to local glue_vec
glue_vec_tmp.iov_len = params->glue_carry_vec.iov_len;
D7(fprintf(debug_file, "_13c01_:remap_vectors @ %07d\n",get_fpga_usec(state->fd_fparmsall[0], 0)));
params->glue_carry_vec.iov_base = params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_base;
params->glue_carry_vec.iov_len = 0; // params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_len;
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_base = glue_vec.iov_base;
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_len = glue_vec.iov_len;
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_FIRST].iov_len = 0; // check iov_len first before using iov_base
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_SECOND].iov_len = 0; // check iov_len first before using iov_base
params->glue_carry_vec.iov_base = params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_base; // point params->glue_carry_vec.iov_base to now unneeded buffer (not to get it lost)
params->glue_carry_vec.iov_len = 0; // params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_len; // reset length to 0
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_base = glue_vec_tmp.iov_base; // Set current SEGMENT_GLUE from previous params->glue_carry_vec
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_len = glue_vec_tmp.iov_len; // icluding length
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_FIRST].iov_len = 0; // check iov_len first before using iov_base // reset SEGMENT_FIRST to zero/null
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_SECOND].iov_len = 0; // check iov_len first before using iov_base //
// calculate total header size
head_bytes = 0;
for (i = 0; i < state->chunk_data_index; i++){
......@@ -150,9 +150,9 @@ size_t remap_vectors(camogm_state *state) // , struct iovec *chunks)
glue_vec_p = &params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE];
D7(fprintf(debug_file, "_13c03_:remap_vectors, circbuff_offs=0x%x aligned_data=%p data_pre=0x%x @ %07d\n", circbuff_offs, aligned_data, data_pre, get_fpga_usec(state->fd_fparmsall[0], 0)));
D7(fprintf(debug_file, "_13c04_:remap_vectors, state->packetchunks[state->chunk_data_index].bytes=%ld @ %07d\n", state->packetchunks[state->chunk_data_index].bytes, get_fpga_usec(state->fd_fparmsall[0], 0)));
if (state->packetchunks[state->chunk_data_index].bytes < data_pre) {
if (state->packetchunks[state->chunk_data_index].bytes < data_pre) { // unlikely - short frame
// Too short frame data - special treatment with zero data, moving some to carry, and possibly outputing some from the GLUE
// there is definitely no second data - otherwise the first segment would end at page boundary
// there is definitely no second data - otherwise the first segment would end at page boundary as the buffer itself is page-aligned
// copy everything to params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE], trim to pages, pass residual to
// params->glue_carry_vec
// copy header data, no gap
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ size_t remap_vectors(camogm_state *state) // , struct iovec *chunks)
} else {
head_bytes += data_pre;
tail_bytes = glue_vec_p->iov_len;
tail_bytes = glue_vec_p->iov_len; //length of previous params->glue_carry_vec
num_glue_pages = PAGE_PHYS_NUMBER(tail_bytes + head_bytes);
gap_size = num_glue_pages * PAGE_PHYS - tail_bytes - head_bytes;
D7(fprintf(debug_file, "_13c06_:remap_vectors, head_bytes=%ld, tail_bytes=%ld, num_glue_pages=%d, gap_size=%d @ %07d\n", head_bytes, tail_bytes, num_glue_pages, gap_size, get_fpga_usec(state->fd_fparmsall[0], 0)));
......@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ int init_align_buffers(camogm_state *state)
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_len = 0;
params->glue_carry_vec.iov_base = params->glue_buffs[SEGMENTS_PAGES];
params->glue_carry_vec.iov_len = 0; // nothing there fro the first frame (TODO: need same for start write?)
params->glue_carry_vec.iov_len = 0; // nothing there for the first frame (TODO: need same for start write?)
return 0;
......@@ -700,6 +700,7 @@ int camogm_start_jpeg(camogm_state *state)
params->stat_update = get_fpga_time64(state->fd_fparmsall[0], 0);
D1(fprintf(debug_file, "Started %d writer threads\n", NUM_WRITER_THREADS));
// check if immediately exited because of open error? if (params->exit_write_threads) - now and while waiting for free buffer ?
reset_segments (state, true, params->chunk_page_prep); // reset carry buffer (no end of the previous non-existing frame)
return 0;
......@@ -956,6 +957,7 @@ int camogm_end_jpeg(camogm_state *state)
struct writer_params *params = &state->writer_params;
int seg_page = params->chunk_page_prep;
uint64_t disk_size = (params->lba_end - params->lba_start) * PHY_BLOCK_SIZE;
struct iovec glue_vec_tmp; // temprary save pointer for swapping
if (state->rawdev_op) {
bytes = params->glue_carry_vec.iov_len; // is not modified by writer threads
if (bytes > 0) {
......@@ -1023,8 +1025,19 @@ int camogm_end_jpeg(camogm_state *state)
// prepare last segment, increment segment page
// How it was - pointer params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_base was lost.
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_base = params->glue_carry_vec.iov_base;
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_len = params->glue_carry_vec.iov_len;
glue_vec_tmp.iov_base = params->glue_carry_vec.iov_base; // Save previous params->glue_carry_vec to local glue_vec
glue_vec_tmp.iov_len = params->glue_carry_vec.iov_len;
params->glue_carry_vec.iov_base = params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_base; // point params->glue_carry_vec.iov_base to now unneeded buffer (not to get it lost)
params->glue_carry_vec.iov_len = 0; // params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_len; // reset length to 0
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_base = glue_vec_tmp.iov_base; // Set current SEGMENT_GLUE from previous params->glue_carry_vec
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_GLUE].iov_len = glue_vec_tmp.iov_len; // icluding length
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_FIRST].iov_len = 0; // check iov_len first before using iov_base
params->data_segments[seg_page][SEGMENT_SECOND].iov_len = 0; // check iov_len first before using iov_base
params->segment_pos[seg_page] = params->next_segment_pos;
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