Commit f8a732f9 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Differentiated messages for warnings/errors when versions mismatch

parent 43dc67fb
......@@ -420,10 +420,16 @@ USAGE;
foreach ( $GLOBALS ['ports'] as $port ) {
$old_version = $old_versions[get_port_index($port)];
if ($GLOBALS['version'] != $old_version) { // issue warning if mismatch, but may continue
$severity = ($GLOBALS['version'] != $GLOBALS['configs'][$port]['version'])?"ERROR":"WARNING";
$warn = <<<WARN
Warning! Version numbers of this script and the config file for port $port mismatch:
$severity! Version numbers of this script and the config file for port $port mismatch:
Script ({$_SERVER['argv'][0]}):{$GLOBALS['version']}.
Config file ({$GLOBALS ['configPaths'][$port]}): {$old_version}
if ($severity=="WARNING") {
$warn .= "\nUpdating as '--ignore-revision' is set.";
} else {
$warn .= <<<WARN
This may (or may not) cause errors. You have several options:
1 - re-run this script with '--ignore-revision' - the file will have
new revision number written
......@@ -433,9 +439,9 @@ You may also provide the same parameters in the HTTP GET request, i.e.:
echo $warn;
fwrite ( $GLOBALS['logFile'], $warn );
if ($GLOBALS['version'] != $GLOBALS['configs'][$port]['version']){
exit ( 1 ); // / abort
......@@ -483,6 +489,9 @@ function update_minor_version($port, $silent = 0) {
$GLOBALS ['configs'] [$port] ['version'] = $GLOBALS ['version'];
$GLOBALS['configs'][$port]['version'] = $GLOBALS['version'];
saveRotateConfig ($port, $GLOBALS['numBackups'] );
} else {
log_msg ( "+++ ERROR: Can not auto-update version for port $port as MAJOR revision differs: " .
$GLOBALS ['configs'] [$port] ['version'] . " to " . $GLOBALS ['version'] );
......@@ -1493,7 +1502,7 @@ function rotateConfig($sensor_port,$numBackups) {
for($i = $numBackups - 1; $i > 0; $i --)
if (file_exists ( backupName ($sensor_port, $i - 1 ) ))
rename ( backupName ($sensor_port, $i - 1 ), backupName ($sensor_port, $i ) );
log_msg("cheking path ".$GLOBALS['configPaths'][$sensor_port].": ".file_exists ( $GLOBALS['configPaths'][$sensor_port]));
log_msg("checking path ".$GLOBALS['configPaths'][$sensor_port].": ".file_exists ( $GLOBALS['configPaths'][$sensor_port]));
if (($numBackups > 0) && (file_exists ( $GLOBALS['configPaths'][$sensor_port])))
rename ( $GLOBALS['configPaths'][$sensor_port], backupName ($sensor_port, 0 ) );
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