<DGAINB>""Digital gain" for the blue color channel - 17 bit unsigned value. Default value is 0x8000 fro 1.0, so up to 4X gain boost is available before saturation"</DGAINB>
<CORING_PAGE>"Number of coring LUT page number. Current software programs only page 0 (of 8) using CORING_INDEX parameter."</CORING_PAGE>
<TILES>Number of 16x16 (20x20) tiles in a compressed frame (readonly)</TILES>
<SENSOR_PHASE>"Sensor port signals phase coarse: [1:0] - data 90 degree shift, [6,3:2] - HACT 90 degree (two periods), [5:4] - VACT 90 degree shift. Typical values for different cable lengths: 0x00, 0x15, 0x2a, 0x7f. Turn off autoexposure and white balance before adjusting. </SENSOR_PHASE>
<TEMPERATURE_PERIOD>"Period of sensor temperature measurements, ms"</TEMPERATURE_PERIOD>
<AUTOEXP_ON>"1 - autoexposure enabled when, 0 - autoexpousre disabled. Autoexposure can still be off if the bit responsible for autoexposure daemon in DAEMON_EN is turned off - in the latter case the whole autoexposure daemon will be disabled, including white balancing and hdr mode also."</AUTOEXP_ON>
<HISTWND_RWIDTH>"Histogram (used for autoexposure, white balancing and just histograms display) window width, relative to the window (WOI) width. It is defined as a fraction of 65536(0x10000), so 0x8000 is 50%"</HISTWND_RWIDTH>